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Any housewife will be able to prepare simple salads for the New Year 2020. Among the variety of recipes, you can choose a light snack option or a hearty dish that even the stronger sex can eat. Choose your favorite recipe, experiment and surprise guests. Minimum time spent and a delicious dish on the table.
With ham and pickled mushrooms
To prepare this hearty snack, it will take a little time and the following set of products:
- 200 g chicken fillet;
- 2-3 eggs;
- 200 g of ham;
- 1 salad onion;
- 200 g of pickled mushrooms (preferably honey mushrooms, but champignons are also suitable);
- mayonnaise;
- a bunch of green salad;
- one tomato.
Salad preparation can be divided into several main stages:
- First, cook the fillets and eggs until cooked.
- Peel the onion and cut it into half rings.
- If you use honey mushrooms, then just drain the liquid from them. It is desirable to cut the champignons into pieces.
- Cooled chicken, eggs and ham cut into small cubes.
- Mix the prepared ingredients in a bowl and season with mayonnaise. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, you can replace the mayonnaise with low-fat yogurt.
- It remains only to serve beautifully. Put lettuce on a plate. Lay out circles of tomatoes on them around the perimeter, and inside, put the cooked salad and immediately serve it on the table.
With squid and cheese
Among the simple salad recipes that can be prepared for the New Year 2020, a snack with calamari and cheese deserves attention. Preparing a meal is easy. First, prepare the necessary ingredients:
- 3-4 eggs;
- 200 g of boiled chicken;
- 150-200 g of hard cheese;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 200 g of boiled squid.
Advice! For dressing, you can use mayonnaise, yogurt or sour cream.
The taste of the finished dish depends on the squid. It is important to boil them correctly so that they do not become rubber. To do this, dip the squid in boiling water and cook for 1-2 minutes. After it should be cleaned of films and chords, cut into strips.
Cut the boiled eggs into a quarter rings, and disassemble the fillet with your hands into fibers. Grate cheese on a coarse grater. Mix all the products, add the garlic passed through the press and season. Serve immediately.
With avocado and shrimp
It takes no more than 15 minutes to cook this appetizer. It will be a delicious treat for guests, but at the same time there will be enough time to make a beautiful hairstyle and makeup.
The following ingredients should be taken:
- 500 g of shrimp;
- 2 avocados;
- 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice;
- 12 cherry tomatoes;
- 1-2 table. tablespoons of olive oil;
- 200 g spinach.
Preparing a salad like this:
- Boil and peel the shrimp. Be sure to remove the esophagus, as it gives seafood unpleasant bitterness. To do this, gently pick it up with a toothpick and pull it out.
- Peel and slice avocados. Sprinkle with lemon juice so that it does not get dark.
- Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves. Advice! If there is no cherry, you can use ordinary tomatoes. Peel and peel them and cut into small slices.
- Rinse and dry the spinach leaves on a sieve or paper towel.
- Mix and season with olive oil.
To enhance the taste of the dish, you can sprinkle sesame seeds on top.
With oranges and chicken
This dish is very tasty, quickly cooked and can be served in an original way. Surprise guests will definitely succeed. The following products need to be prepared:
- 3 oranges;
- 200 g chicken;
- 1-2 fresh cucumbers;
- mayonnaise.
It is better to boil chicken fillet in advance, since for cooking it is necessary to take cooled meat. Cut it into cubes.
Carefully cut the oranges into halves, and then cut the flesh so that they get “bowls” from the peel. Cut the flesh of orange and cucumbers into cubes. Mix, salt and season with mayonnaise.
Arrange the salad in orange bowls and serve.
With salmon and olives
Fish lovers will definitely appreciate the appetizer, which is prepared very quickly, but has a rich taste. To prepare it you need to take:
- 200 g salted salmon (other salted fish is also suitable);
- 100 g of olives;
- 1-2 tomatoes;
- a bunch of corn salad;
- 2 bell peppers.
Cut the tomatoes into slices, bell pepper into cubes or straws, and fish into small strips. Olives can be left whole, but it is better to cut into halves. Rinse the salad. Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl.
A specially prepared sauce is good for refueling. Need to 2 table. tablespoons of olive oil add 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of mustard and balsamic vinegar. The ratio of ingredients can be changed depending on taste preferences. It remains only to fill and serve.
With tuna and mozzarella
A delicious and low-calorie salad is sure to be appreciated by women who follow the figure. It takes only a few minutes to prepare. Prepare the following ingredients:
- a can of canned tuna;
- 2-3 tomatoes;
- 1 pack of mozzarella piccolo;
- some iceberg lettuce;
- a handful of olives;
- 1 salad onion;
- dry oregano;
- olive oil for dressing.
Remove the tuna from the jar and divide it with a fork into several pieces. Rinse and tear the lettuce leaves with your hands. Put on a plate. Cut the tomatoes into small slices, and the onion into thin half rings. Cut mozzarella into halves. Add to lettuce leaves.
Also send fish and olives to the salad bowl. It is advisable to use small pitted olives. Season with olive oil. Sprinkle a little dry oregano on top to give the dish a spicy touch.
With smoked chicken and pineapple
If you want to surprise your guests, prepare an appetizer with a classic combination of flavors. Prepare quickly, but the result will definitely please. You will need available products:
- 300 g smoked chicken (you can use the brisket or ham);
- a can of canned pineapple;
- a can of corn;
- mayonnaise;
- 1 onion (it is better to use salad onions).
Cut the chicken into medium-sized cubes. Add chopped pineapple and corn to it. Chop the onion finely and send to the rest of the ingredients. Stir with seasoning with mayonnaise.
Advice! If you wish, you can sprinkle the salad on top with grated hard cheese to give it a new touch.
With chicken and pomegranate
The quick and easy salads that can be prepared on the festive table for the New Year 2020 include cold chicken and pomegranate appetizers. The combination of products may seem unusual, but will satisfy even a sophisticated gourmet.
The following ingredients should be taken:
- one pomegranate;
- one bunch of parsley;
- 2 chicken legs;
- 2 onions;
- 1 tbsp. l lemon juice;
- some vegetable oil.
You must complete the following steps:
- Boil the legs. When cooled, remove the skin and bones, and tear the meat with your hands on the fibers.
- Disassemble the pomegranate into grains. Chop the parsley.
- Fry onion half rings in vegetable oil.
- Mix prepared ingredients in a bowl, season with lemon juice.
Advice! Instead of fried onions, you can take a bunch of green onions. In this case, you can use vegetable oil for refueling.
With beans and cheese
And although simple and affordable products are necessary for this snack, it has excellent taste and will be appropriate on any holiday table. For cooking you will need:
- one chicken;
- a can of canned beans;
- 2 bell peppers;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 100 g of cheese;
- 2-3 eggs;
- some vegetable oil.
Chicken meat should be prepared first. Cut the fillet into small strips, and then fry with the addition of vegetable oil. Chicken slices should acquire a delicious crust. While the meat is cooling, take care of other products. Separate the beans from the liquid. A colander is good for these purposes. Cut the boiled and cooled eggs into cubes. Chopped bell peppers, cut into strips, and chop the garlic. He will add a spicy touch to the dish, but if guests do not like garlic, you can do without it.
Cut the cheese into strips. If you want to save time, then use a coarse grater. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl. Shuffle. Use low-fat mayonnaise or sour cream for seasoning.
With crab sticks and apple
An appetizer prepared with crab sticks and apples has an incredibly delicate taste. The ingredients practically do not need special preparation or heat treatment, so the dish can be prepared in 10-15 minutes.
It is necessary to take:
- 4-5 eggs;
- 300 g smoked cheese;
- 300 g of crab sticks;
- 1 green apple
- mayonnaise, yogurt or sour cream.
The first step is to boil the eggs. To clean them well and cool faster, put them in cold water. Grate eggs and sausage cheese.
Peel the apple and peel. Rub well on a coarse grater. Similarly, you need to do with crab sticks. It is advisable not to completely defrost them, then they will be easier to rub. It remains only to refuel.
Serve immediately, as the apple will drain the juice.
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