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We all want to believe that in the near future the world will become kinder, the war will end, people will not need anything, but the prophecies about Russia and the world for 2019-2020 do not yet inspire hope for a turning point. Nevertheless, it is worth listening to those who possessed the gift of clairvoyance and whose predictions have already come true.
Wang about 2020
The soothsayer passed away almost a quarter century ago, and her predictions are annually tried to decipher by descendants. She never spoke directly, but only in hints, often shocking visitors. The memories of the pilgrims open today from an interesting perspective: Wangi's words come true, and almost authentically.
2019-2020 is a turning point for all of humanity. We are waiting for new discoveries in the field of energy, which will help stop the oil and gas wars. At the beginning of 2019, these forecasts still seem unrealistic, but there are two years ahead, and scientists do not stop their research for a minute. Perhaps soon humanity will receive an affordable source of energy equal to the energy of the Sun.
According to the fortune teller, financial upheavals will finally end. The ruble, euro, dollar or Chinese yuan - everything will sink into oblivion. Real money will crowd out numbers. Already in 2018, each issue of financial news highlighted the situation in the cryptocurrency market, and this is direct evidence that it is precisely numbers, not banknotes, that will become a bargaining chip in world settlements.
Until now, the interpreters of the words of the Bulgarian soothsayer can not reveal the true meaning of the words that in 2020 there will be peace on the whole planet. This prophecy is associated with a redistribution of political roles. It is expected that it is on the threshold of the third decade of the 21st century that a person appears who is able to lead the world community.
2020 will bring the Earth not only peace. A series of major earthquakes will occur in Asia, glaciers in the Arctic will melt faster, and Africa will be overtaken by a wave of diseases that will kill many people.
Wang gave optimistic forecasts for Russia. The era of instability will end, peace will come. The country will unite even more, which will strengthen its position in the world political arena. Normalization of relations with the closest neighbors is outlined, which inspires hope for the completion of the conflict with Ukraine.
The rapid development of science will continue. It is in Russia that a person will appear who invents a medicine that can defeat cancer. The level of education will increase. Confirmation of this is the implementation of the Decade of Childhood program, adopted back in 2018.
Pavel Globa
His prophecies of both Russia and the world in 2020 are based on astrology. According to Globa, entering the era of Aquarius, the planet will be on the verge of great cataclysms. There will be no balance in nature, we are waiting for a climatic swing in the form of jumps from large water to drought.
Against the backdrop of recent years of political instability, everyone is waiting for a solution to the issue of lifting the sanctions and the general warming of relations between the countries. Unfortunately, 2019 and 2020 will not change anything, but after some changes can be expected, and the connection of Jupiter with Saturn will help. The global political market changes every 20 years. Prior to this, the reallocation of roles on it happened just in 2000.
The prophecies for 2020 are quite positive for Russia. Stars will be favorable to our country. You can often hear the opinion that by 2020 our leader will change, but the planets say different.Globa also speaks positively about the future of Russia: financial stability will come, and the village will help the state out of the crisis. The heyday of agriculture - that is what awaits us in the next two years.
Maria Duval
The words of this astrologer in many respects confirm her colleagues, especially regarding the development of Russia. It is our country that Duval sees as the only state that with dignity will emerge from the global financial and political crisis in 2020. Russia will rise from its knees and begin to dictate its conditions. Typically, ordinary citizens do not feel such changes, but not in 2020. We will live better: according to the astrologer's prophecies, the wealth of people in our country will reach the European level. Duval also confirms Wangi's words about a breakthrough in medicine. She says that scientists from Russia and Ukraine will take an active part in creating the “medicine of life”. The new drug will help extend human life to 140 years. But the words about peace on Earth are alarming: in the struggle for leadership, Russia will have to prove its advantage over the countries of the East. In the second half of 2019, the risk of terrorist attacks will increase.
Prophecies of Abel
The Russian Orthodox monk Abel predicted a number of significant events for the world and Russia. The accuracy of his words is so high that there is no reason not to trust Abel. Most of the monk's prophecies, unfortunately, are lost, but one thing is certain that he does not see the year 2020, which will stop the existence of being. The year will not be easy for the whole world. There will be natural disasters that will result in deprivation for people. According to him, Russia expects stability, which will lead the country to a strong leader. It is not known whether the president will change, since Abel's prophecies are veiled. But the fact that at the head of the state there will be a person who is happy for the future of the country will be for sure. So far, his predictions about the fate of sovereigns have come true.
Valeria Koltsova
The seer sees 2020 as overcoming financial difficulties. The global crisis will reach its climax and end in the collapse of the dollar. At the same time, the Russian ruble will grow stronger and declare its rights to the title of world currency. Valeria Koltsova speaks disappointingly about the fate of the United States. States will experience the influence of a powerful tsunami, as a result of which a number of territories will become unsuitable for life.
Europe also should not expect stability, because in the countries of the Old World the regression of the economy will continue. Russia will succeed not only in avoiding problems in the political arena, but also in resisting nature. The territory of our country will be untouched by both melting glaciers and drought coming from the east.
Edgar Cayce
The American medium and astrologer also say that natural disasters await the Earth. In 2020, one should expect a volcanic eruption in the United States, which will affect not only a single territory, but the entire planet. Casey argues that the eruption will provoke not only climate change, but also a great flood, with the result that part of the United States will go under water. Clairvoyant even with his own hand drew a map of the flooding, which he saw at one of the seances. In this whole situation, Casey notes the great role of Russia: people will be able to escape only in Siberia, where volcano smoke and large water cannot reach.
The words of mediums inspire hope in people for changes in life, although they should not be completely trusted, because most visionaries spoke so veiled about the future that only experienced specialists can understand them.
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