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Despite the promises of the Russian government to transfer to the contract army, the general military duty has not yet been canceled. Young people and their parents are concerned about the age of conscription in 2020, and are there any amendments to the law that are planned.
Age of draftees
The main provisions that determine the performance of the service are contained in the law "On Military Duty and Military Service" N 53-FZ. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 22 of the law, the age for the draft of Russians for military service in 2020 does not change: male citizens from 18 to 27 years old enter the army. Age is counted from the date of birth, that is, upon reaching the full 18 years and until the age of 27 years. After a day when a man turns 27, they cannot call him. But if the appeal catches him a week before his birthday, you will have to serve a full term on a common basis.
In 2020, young people from 1993 to 2002 were born.
In case of hostilities
In the case of mobilization, the age framework expands - the obligation to defend the homeland affects almost the entire male half of the population, capable of fighting. Mobilization human resources are divided into categories depending on age, rank and physical condition. How many years they call upon the introduction of martial law depends on the category assigned. First of all, the first category of stock is mobilized, then the second, and only in extreme cases, the third.
Stock Categories
- The first category includes persons liable for military service from 18 to 35 years old who have served in the armed forces, including women who are members of the army. The officers are longer - up to 45-60 years, depending on the rank (the higher the rank, the longer the commitment period). This is a priority part of the stock, most in demand for real combat operations.
- The second category includes ordinary 35-45 years old and officers under 60 years old. Also, this group includes those recognized as “limited fit” for health reasons (“B” or “G”). Men under the age of 35 who have not completed the army most often fall into this group.
- The third category of reserve includes citizens who have served in the rank of ordinary, aged 45 to 50 years, officers up to 60 years. Also included here are women of 45-50 years old who are part of military service. This group is subject to mobilization only in a critical situation, if the war drags on for several years.
For contractors
In 2010, male and female citizens can sign a contract and become a professional military. 19-35 years oldincluding foreigners.
Important: young men subject to conscription, in accordance with the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief from 2017, can choose a contract form, but will have to serve two years instead of one (the duration of the initial contract is at least 2 years).
If the “conscript”, having chosen the contract, terminates it and leaves the ranks of the Armed Forces, he has an obligation to serve the rest of the term on conscription, which is considered as follows: two days in the army under the contract are equal to one day of military service.
Selection conditions for contractors:
- education is not lower than secondary (11 grades or technical school),
- professional suitability (determined by special tests),
- medical examination report on the state of health “A” (valid) or “B” (with minor restrictions),
- physical training (standards are given),
- lack of criminal record.
Who is exempted from service
Law No. 53-FZ establishes the grounds for exemption from military service. According to Article 23, men over 18 are not subject to draft in the following cases:
- The conclusion of the medical board on the health status of categories "B", "G" and "D". When assigning the letter "D" a citizen receives full release, he will not be called up even in case of war.
- A father or brother died while serving in the army or at a military training camp (due to injuries or illnesses received in the service).
- A degree is awarded.
- There is an unexpunged criminal record, a criminal investigation is underway, or is currently serving a sentence.
However, when a man, under the above circumstances, himself wants to repay the debt to his homeland, he can do it if there is no limitation of fitness for health.
Reasons for deferment
Deferral from the performance of military duty in 2020 may be granted in the following cases:
- the need to care for a close relative, if there are no other relatives,
- father brings up a child without a mother,
- the conscript is the father of two or more children,
- has a baby and a pregnant wife,
- is the father of a disabled child under 3 years old,
- when serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergencies, the bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service, customs authorities, troops of the National Guard,
- upon election to the post of deputy to the authorities,
- when studying full-time in universities and technical schools (only the first higher education)
- upon assignment of the category of validity “G” a temporary exemption is granted (for 1 year).
Last news
Rumors regularly appear in the press about the extension of the draft age to 29-30 years. Indeed, such proposals were made by deputies of the State Council. In their reasoning, they were based on the fact that young people would not want to "hide" from the military registration and enlistment office for so long. However, no such amendments have been made. Moreover, the President of the Russian Federation gave an instruction on a gradual reduction in the number of “conscripts” by attracting more people on a contract basis. Ultimately, the Russian army will have to consist of 90% of the professional military and 10% of recruits. Although the current situation is far from expected, there is progress in this direction - over the past 5 years there have been more than 200,000 contractors.
Also, rumors about increasing the service life are not true. According to army officials, "mowing" from the army became less common. This is due, first of all, to a reduction in the term to 1 year. Officials suggest that civic consciousness and patriotism among young people are growing. Since 2016, the public movement "Unarmia" has been operating in Russia, which includes teenage children to participate in the cultural life of the region and prepare for further service. The number of recruits with higher education has increased by 20%, even special "scientific" companies are being created.
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