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People are rushing to study the signs for the New Year 2020 with one goal - to improve their lives in the coming year. It is believed that on New Year's Eve magic is performed and the most secret dreams come true, and fate tells about the future, but with special signs.
It is difficult to say whether signs come true or not. There is a version that they "work" only for those people who believe in them. It is explained simply - a person tunes in to something good, thinks positively, and therefore attracts positive energy to himself. According to a similar principle, the signs of the bad also work.
How to attract money and good luck in the New Year
People say: “As you celebrate the New Year, so spend it!”. Some people take these words literally, although this is not entirely true. It is believed that any actions will be displayed in the future. If you celebrate the holiday with a good mood and positive, then things will be easy and easy next year.
For the New Year 2020 to bring good luck and financial prosperity, pay attention to the following signs:
- Put the coins in a red bag, and then place it on the lower shelf in the refrigerator to attract money to the house.
- So that there are no problems in money matters, be sure to put in your pocket a crumpled bill (you can have several), preferably of a large denomination.
- Wash the coin thoroughly in advance. To the chiming clock, drop her into a champagne glass. Drink a drink, and transfer the coin to your pocket. After the celebration, put it in your wallet, but do not spend it, but carry it with you as a talisman for good luck in financial affairs.
- On New Year's Eve, burn 7 green candles in the house. Green color attracts monetary energy.
- Before the New Year and January 1, do not lend money so as not to become a beggar. Existing debts should be repaid by December 31.
- After the chiming clock, the doors of the house or apartment should be opened for a few minutes in order to bring good luck and prosperity.
- To always keep money in the house, when laying the table on the corners under the tablecloth, put a coin.
Some signs should be paid attention to when preparing for the holiday. For example, in order for the house to be filled with positive energy, and good luck come to the owners, it is necessary to do a spring cleaning and be sure to throw away all the old, broken and unnecessary things. You cannot throw garbage on December 31 and January 1, so it’s better to clean the house in advance.
Signs for the meeting of the year of the Metal Rat
Since 2020 will be the year of the Metal Rat, you should pay attention to the following New Year signs:
- To celebrate New Year should be in a big company, because the mistress of the year loves society. You can have a party with friends in the apartment or in the country. A rented country house or cottage is also well suited, but it is better to refuse an expensive restaurant. The rat always uses its resources rationally.
- On the table there must be treats with products beloved by the Rat - cheese, seeds, nuts. Cookies, pies, pastries and other pastries will be appropriate.
- In order for the next year to be full and rich, there should be a variety of dishes on the table. It is desirable that there are at least 7 different dishes, but you should not spend money on expensive and exquisite products, as the hostess of the year does not like excessive spending.
- Be sure to cover the table with a white tablecloth so that the New Year brings happiness and luck in different endeavors.
- To celebrate the New Year, you need to choose an outfit in white or silver colors.It is also allowed to combine primary colors with black or gray shades. In the same colors should be selected and accessories.
- For New Year's Eve, it is advisable to prepare a new outfit. If this is not possible, buy at least some separate item, for example, a blouse or a jacket. In no case do not wear other people's clothes, so as not to bring disaster on yourself.
- To get the favor of the White Rat, use metal products such as candlesticks, stars, etc. to decorate the house. If there are no such decorations, improvise, use foil and other similar materials.
Important! In order for the dream to come true in the coming year, you need to write it on a leaf, set fire, and pour the ashes into a glass of champagne. After all a drink. It is advisable to do it all under the chiming clock.
Other signs
The meeting of the New Year 2020 is closely connected with other signs that have been forming over the years. Please note the following:
- Avoid quarrels on New Year's Eve. Otherwise, the whole year will go awry.
- So that all troubles and sorrows leave your home, in the last seconds of the year, clean the tangerine and put its skin under the Christmas tree. After the holidays, throw it away with the tree so that misfortunes do not return.
- In order for family relationships to become stronger, and relatives more often get together, the legs of the festive table should be tied with a ribbon or rope.
- It is advisable not to wash the dishes on January 1, so as not to wash away all happiness.
- If the cracker shoots at the chiming clock, good luck awaits next year.
- Do not serve lobsters, crayfish and shrimp, as things can get worse.
- The one who got the last liquor from the bottle should make a wish. It will come true within a year.
- To attract success and prosperity, it is necessary to sincerely help people who need it on New Year's Eve.
- Roll up a few large denominations with a tube. Tie it with red thread and hang it on the Christmas tree, but so that they are not visible. You can cover it with rain or other decorations.
- Do not serve holiday dishes on broken dishes. Plates and bowls should not have chips, cracks or other damage.
Interesting! According to one of the signs, the greatest happiness and luck awaits those people who oversleep the coming of the New Year.
New Year omens are available in every country in the world. In China, in order to scare away evil spirits, fireworks are launched, noisy holidays and high-profile parties are organized. In Japan, they laugh out loud in the first minutes of the year to bring good luck to the house, while Italians always put on red linen and throw old things out of windows.
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