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Ahead is the long-awaited night of the year and it's time to think about how you congratulate your family, friends and relatives for the New Year 2020 - we have collected for you the most interesting ideas and funny greetings for children and adults.
If you are looking for a gift idea, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the materials in the corresponding section of our website. And in this article we will talk about organizing New Year's greetings and how to give a lot of bright emotions without a lot of investment.
Gift cake
A creative gift box in the form of a piece of cake can be an original way to please all those present at the festival with small New Year presents.
Such packaging can be made according to a template from cardboard and wrapping paper. And as a filler can be:
- a variety of sweets;
- small souvenirs;
- notes with wishes or predictions for the coming year.
If you wish, you can make each present a personalized one, or give guests the right to choose their own “piece of cake”, which can turn into a fascinating quest “who gets what”.
Video congratulation
Such an exclusive video will surely appeal to everyone who comes to share the joy of the New Year’s night with you, but it will take a little time to create it, have a camera, as well as information about people who are invited to the holiday.
The subject of the video can be completely different. Here are just a few interesting ideas:
- The brightest and best moments of the past year.
- Personal wishes from Santa Claus.
- Mystery game (guess who Santa Claus is talking about).
For children, you can create a real video greeting from Santa Claus through a special online service. Of course, first you will need to write a letter to the good wizard along with the baby and ask the child to draw a picture. By uploading a baby’s photo, his letter and drawing to the site, you will quickly (but not for free) create a unique gift that will surely deliver a crunch of vivid impressions and become an original addition to your family collection of children's videos.
Watch an example of such an unusual video made for 2019:
Of course, someone may find the rather hackneyed subjects of quests seem to be, but every year in this direction more and more new opportunities appear that make hunting for gifts even more fun.
It is worth noting that a fun and unusual quest to find presents can be easily organized in a small apartment and in the office. If you want to get out of the house at least for a while, use objects located close to the place of celebration. The complexity and subject of the quest depends on the age of the participants.
Diversity in the search process itself can bring modern technology. Use the matrix codes and features of the World Wide Web, encrypting messages in the texts of web pages or pictures posted on the Internet.
Pajama Masquerade
To organize such a party, each of the guests will need their own kingurumi pajamas. Buying one today is not a problem. But when choosing, do not forget that the rat will be the symbol of 2020 and it would be nice to include such a suit in an impromptu zoo world.
Even the fact of changing clothes will cheer everyone up, but for even greater effect it’s worth preparing funny New Year’s contests and funny greetings for the New Year 2020, taking into account the characteristics of all the characters present (tigers, owls, unicorns, mice, etc.)
It is possible and in advance to ask each guest to think over an unusual congratulation from the character.
Impromptu performance
Another interesting option is a fairy tale performance. The organizers are preparing a scenario where each character has his own words and actions. The performers of the roles are determined among the guests blindly, which in itself causes an incredible storm of emotions.
Of course, to achieve the maximum effect, you need not only the original props. Each participant should bring a note of creativity to his role and give everything 100%. After the premiere, you can organize the Oscars "for the best female role", "for the best joke", "for the best reincarnation", etc.
Address greetings by profession
When writing a script for the New Year 2020, prepare for each guest funny greetings taking into account his profession. We bring to your attention short congratulations in verses for a teacher, doctor, lawyer, fitness trainer, builder, driver, sailor and seller.
To view the full size, click on the image. You can also save any picture you like on a PC or smartphone for future use when creating an author’s script for a New Year’s holiday or corporate party.
Alteration Songs
You can also congratulate friends, relatives or colleagues with the New Year 2020 by performing an original song for them remaking them on the motive of one of everyone’s favorite hits of past years.
More poems and songs, original greetings and fresh ideas for interesting non-trivial of gifts for the New Year 2020 you will find on the pages of our site!
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