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The greatest telepath and soothsayer of his time, Wolf Messing left many predictions for the coming year 2020. In connection with the aggravated situation in the financial market and the world arena, such information is of interest not only to politicians and businessmen who care about financial well-being and career, but also to ordinary people who dream of stability and prosperity of their country.
Clairvoyance of Messing - gift or quackery
For the first time, Wolf Messing's amazing abilities appeared in early childhood. He could memorize large texts from the Talmud without much effort. His father dreamed that the offspring would become a rabbi, but the boy did not like this idea, and he secretly fled to Berlin. The future famous telepath crossed to Germany by train, where he first hypnotized a person. It turned out to be the controller checking the tickets. Wolf handed him a simple piece of paper, which he took for a ticket.
In the German capital, a teenager was starving and once even fell into a lethargic dream. This phenomenon became interested in the German professor Abel. It helps the young man to develop a special gift: become immune to pain, hypnotize people, send them mental commands, read thoughts.
In Berlin, the young clairvoyant met Freud and Einstein, who subsequently always helped and supported him. For some time he worked in a circus, successfully proving his psychic abilities. The telepath was spotted at the state level when he predicted the death of the Fuhrer in 1937. He was thrown into a punishment cell, from where he got out without problems with the help of his gift. A reward was established for the head of the soothsayer in the Third Reich, and he had to flee to the Soviet Union. The prophecies of Wolf Grigorievich were interested not only in Stalin and representatives of the authorities, but also ordinary residents of the USSR. He spent a lot of time traveling around the country, giving lectures and helping military personnel at the front.
What awaits Russia in 2020
The visions of the great predictor and telepath did not pass over the country that became his homeland. Wolf Messing's predictions for 2020 for Russia indicate that the country expects a lot of changes and trials. These are not only economic reforms, but also natural disasters, for example, fires and river spills. By the end of the year, the situation should stabilize. Messing argued that the standard of living of Russians will gradually improve. This applies to education, the armed forces, medicine, culture.
As for military conflicts, the soothsayer saw that Russia would become a peacemaker. What and so we see on the example of Syria. She is already actively fighting international terrorism and is a leader in the international arena. The clairvoyant made many statements about the tendency of Russians to coups d'etat and the expansion of territorial borders. One can already say for sure that this is happening, since the borders of the Russian Federation have expanded to the Crimea and the Black Sea. Literally, Wolf Messing's prophecies for 2020 indicate that a new leader will appear in Russia, who will further lead the country in the right direction.
At the beginning of the coming year, the economic situation in the country will not be easy. It will require new reforms and the right decisions at the government level.The Prophet believed that Russia would be able to cope with the situation without much loss. Great prospects await those who will invest in innovative technologies and modernization of production, and those who are guided by old approaches and principles will fail. Messing saw that Russia has “frantic power” - the richest natural resources, but warned that this fact alone cannot be relied on. To prevent a crisis, we should develop our own agro-technical complex and industry, taking an example from the developed leading countries of Europe.
In his predictions, Wolf Messing mentioned that the US and China should be wary. The first country will openly conflict with Russia, the second - secretly. China in the future will grow to the level of a powerful superpower, will try to become a leader among other countries, pursue a policy with some aggressive coloring. According to the seer, the United States will gradually begin to give up positions, although the dislike of Americans for the Russian Federation and all Russian will never fade.
More than once Messing was asked about the third world war. This topic is of concern to many, since there are many hot spots on the world map. Economic crises, political conflicts, as well as growing nationalism in the former USSR countries, especially the Baltic region and Ukraine, sometimes lead to terrible thoughts and panic. In the predictions of the hypnotist Wolf Messing for 2020 for Russia and the world, there is nothing about large-scale military conflicts. He predicted that in order to create universal harmony and maintain peace on earth, it is necessary for all peoples to hear each other and unite, to solve issues not by force of arms, but by the power of diplomacy.
Predictions of the prophet for the whole world
The great seer Wolf Messing pointed out not only certain particular events in the future, but also left global prophecies for all mankind. He claimed that the world expects 2 falls and dawn. The world order established in the 20th century will not be undermined by the Third World War, but revolutionary movements are expected in many countries. Dictators and overweight politicians will be overthrown. Reformers of a new kind will come in their place.
Also, the mystic pointed out that in the XXI - this is the century of several local military conflicts. They will arise, like flashes here and there because of national strife and sharing of the natural wealth of our planet. After a series of conflicts, finally, 100 years of peace and order will come. It will be replaced again by international political unrest, caused by the discontent of the people to the ruling elite. As a result, true patriotic leaders will be chosen in many countries.
What has already come true
A telepath, a doctor and a hypnotist ... this is how contemporaries spoke of Wolf Messing. He was not afraid of neither death, nor loneliness, nor power. Many of his prophecies have already been translated into real life:
- The beginning of World War II. No one could have foreseen such a turn of events at that time, since the well-known Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact was concluded between Germany and the USSR.
- The end of World War II. Messing saw this event and even predicted the date - May 8. He claimed that Russian tanks would enter the German capital and take it, although he was mistaken for 1 day. The Generalissimo of the USSR himself notified him of this error by sending a telegram.
- The death of Stalin. According to Messing's prophecy, the leader of all nations will die on a Jewish holiday, if he does not stop persecuting representatives of this nation. And so it happened. Joseph Vissarionovich died on March 5. And in a few days all the Jews of the world celebrate Purim, a holiday symbolizing the nation’s struggle for survival.
The great forecaster saw the date of his own death - November 8, 1974, as well as the date of death of the wife of Aida Mikhailovna. Doctors tried to save her, but Messing already knew that the Aesculapius would not succeed.During World War II, crowds of people came to meet with Messing, wanting to learn about the fate of their husbands and sons, but he refused such inhumane prophecies.
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