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The great healer Matrona of Moscow possessed a strong gift of foresight. However, she did not write books or keep diaries. All the sayings of the saint are witnessed by eyewitnesses who were fortunate enough to meet her. The words that mother dedicated to her descendants are thoroughly saturated with faith, but not everyone understands. Matron's prophecies for 2020 are a guide not only for deeply believing laity, but also for pragmatic world politicians, experts and analysts.
What awaits Russia in 2020
The seer's sayings were never straightforward. Ornate legends, at first glance not related to the world of people, through the years became clear and amazingly accurate. The prophetic gift came from Matron in early childhood. So as a teenager, she predicted the great revolution and the death of the Romanov family. According to the stories, the girl asked her mother for the feathers from the hens. Of all she chose the largest and motley, and completely torn him to the ground. At the same time, the girl said: “This is how they will rob our king-priest.” After 25 years, the girl's prophecy was destined to come true.
After a few more accurate predictions came true about the development of events on Russian soil, no one had any doubts about their veracity. The great healer knew ahead of what Russia was waiting for in 2020. Allegorical phrases Matrons try to interpret to this day. Sometimes it seems that some of them have already come true, or maybe they have yet to come true. So, the literal saying: “There will be no war, without war everything will die, there will be many victims, all the dead on the earth you will lie. In the evening everything will be on the earth, and in the morning you will rise - everything will go to the earth. Without war, war is on! ”Can be attributed to various events. Someone claims that by this the seer meant the disasters that occurred at the end of the 20th century (Chernobyl, floods, earthquakes). Others say that Matrona of Moscow had in mind the period 2010–2020. At this time, as you know, a large number of people in Russia really die without cancer from cancer.
The seer did not make an exact breakdown by years, but in the course of events, it is clear that in 2019 Russia will experience internal unrest and discontent. But by 2020, everything will calm down, the year will be a period of moral rebirth. Perhaps it was a question of dissatisfaction with the pension reform.
Russia has two ways
Mother warned that Russia could disappear from the face of the earth if its population believes the liars. If the Russians cease to sincerely believe in the Lord and pursue material wealth, then this is a hello to a deplorable outcome. So she described this time: “A people under hypnosis, not their own, a terrible force lives in the air, penetrates everywhere, before swamps and dense forests were the habitat of this force, since people went to temples, wore a cross and houses were protected by images, lamps and sanctification, and demons flew past such houses, and now people are inhabited by demons because of unbelief and rejection of God. " Matronushka predicted that in these troubled times, the rulers of the state would take away all the wealth of the country in their pockets. The population will have a choice: a cross or bread.
It is possible that on the contrary in 2020 the gloomy period will end and positive changes will occur. Literally, Blessed Mother said: “The people are blind, live in mud and lies, but when his eyes open, then he will rise and begin to commit atrocities and no one will stop him.Citizens will not be able to get rid of the darkness for a long time and will leave for a long time, but everything will end in the end well - a great, protracted victory. ” But such an option is possible if the Russians will sincerely believe in the Lord, the blessed Matron noted.
What will happen to the world in 2020
According to the visions of the seer, the enlightenment of Europeans will begin from 2020-2025. Countries will refuse to accept the United States as a world leader and dictator. The European Union will break up, and a stronger coalition led by Russia will be formed in its place. It will include all countries of the former Union and gradually all Europeans. After the fall of the global economy, it will slowly recover. But the center of economic affairs will shift to Russian soil.
The fact that from 2020 for Russia the era of revival and formation will begin to speak not only. The same opinion was shared by Wang and Nostradamus. By 2030-2040, the Russian state will become an industrial world center. In space, military and agrarian spheres of Russia there will be no equal.
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