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The moon is a celestial luminary that is capable of exerting a strong influence on the human body (its natural rhythms, psyche, subconscious mind), plants and phenomena in nature.
The lunar calendar is the oldest on Earth. The Egyptians worked on its compilation 6 thousand years ago. And the solar calendar habitual for us appeared much later.
What can you expect from a new moon and a full moon?
The “extreme” phases and days of the lunar calendar are considered not the most enjoyable in life. At this time, it is not recommended to start new business and conduct important transactions.
The most favorable time is the period of the growing moon, especially after the new moon. Just now, you can start new classes and hold significant events. But ending plans is best in the waning phase.
Knowing the date of the new moon and full moon in January 2020 will allow you to carefully plan your activities, if possible, save personal time and get the most out of it.
The perfect lunar cycle includes 30 lunar days. Often you can see an incomplete lunar month lasting 29 lunar days. We present you the Lunar calendar 2020 according to our site. Here are all phases of the moon, its presence in the signs of the zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days in various spheres of life.
Thus, the lunar calendar presented below will allow you to navigate in the phases of the moon, without resorting to astronomical observations and laborious calculations. Knowing the dates of the full moon and new moon in January 2020 will make it possible to draw up plans for life more expediently and fruitfully.
Lunar calendar for January 2020
New moon and full moon in January 2020
When will the full moon and new moon be in January 2020? In accordance with the table of the lunar calendar, the New Moon falls on January 25, and the Full Moon on January 10.
And now we will designate the most favorable days this month, according to astrologers.
Now you know what number of full moon and new moon in January 2020 to expect. These are the crucial days of the lunar cycle, when the activity and condition of the human body are particularly susceptible to cosmic forces. We hope that the information provided will help you use the good days to good use.
See video about the effect of the moon on man:
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