When to wait for the full moon and new moon in February 2020? You will find the answer to this question by reading this article. You will also learn the meaning of the oldest calendar that the Egyptians invented about 6,000 years ago.
Known since ancient times, the Lunar calendar allows you to predict large and significant events, choosing the most favorable days for this. Information about the influence of the moon on humans is useful when planning vacations and business trips, on which the success of financial investments will depend. Are large-scale household and household chores planned, for example, repairs or relocation? The lunar calendar will help you with this!
The table below presents data for each lunar day of February 2020, taking into account the days of the week, the influence of the zodiac sign and moon phase. Information will allow you to evaluate the possibilities and warnings for a specific date. The table also gives the answer when to wait for the new moon and full moon in February 2020.
Lunar calendar for february 2020
The main phases of the moon
A new moon is a condition in which the moon is not visible. According to the astrological chart, the Earth’s satellite is in conjunction with the Sun.
The first quarter is a condition in which sunlight only hits half the moon. The Earth satellite and the Sun form a right quadrature.
The full moon is the period when the moon is 100% visible. Astrologically, this means that the Moon is in opposition to the celestial body.
The third quarter is the period when light again falls on only half of the moon. Together with the Sun, the Earth’s satellite forms the left quadrature.
When will the full moon and new moon be in February 2020? According to the table compiled on the basis of the lunar calendar, the full moon is expected on February 9, and the new moon on February 23.
Want to know which days are the most favorable in February? Then see the following table.
Now you have useful information on what date to expect the full moon and new moon in February 2020. The full moon and the new moon are the 2 main critical points in the lunar cycle. According to astrologers, these are not the best days for society. During these periods, the risk of accidents increases, and diseases worsen, any undertakings undergo a temporary crisis. The lunar calendar will help you plan your affairs and important events!
See video about the effect of the moon on man:
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