girl looks at the moon

Full moon and new moon in april 2020

For its cycle of 28 days, the moon of the Earth passes through 4 main phases. The greatest influence on people, animals, plants, and the ebb-tides of the waters are the full moon and the new moon. The second month of spring is a period of apparent awakening of all the forces of nature. It is full of surprises, so it is advisable to find out in advance what date the full moon is in April 2020. Knowing this will help to prepare mentally, think over and plan personal affairs, since in this lunar phase, as well as in the new moon, your own body and equipment can unpleasantly surprise.

new moon

What to expect from the full moon and the new moon?

The full moon in April 2020 falls on the 8th. During the full moon, the following negative phenomena are likely:

  1. Quarrels with loved ones from scratch.
  2. Exacerbation of neurosis, depression, nerve tics.
  3. Getting injured.
  4. Poor blood coagulation.
  5. The manifestation of diseases.
  6. Care for alcoholic binges.

The new moon in April 2020 falls on the 23rd. It is often accompanied by:

  1. Activation of creativity.
  2. Headache.
  3. Opportunities for implementing new ideas.
  4. Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  5. Good luck in financial affairs, but at the same time, the likelihood of fraud increases.

Moon phases

About when exactly the full moon will be in April, and about other features of this month can be found in the detailed lunar calendar, which separately describes the most favorable days of the month.


The April full moon can be associated with sudden surges of strength and their equally rapid disappearance, ailments, and the complexity of psychological perception, therefore, it follows:

  1. Finish big business and wait with the start of new projects.
  2. To conduct preliminary negotiations on financial matters of interest.
  3. A very balanced approach to any proposal, regardless of its scope of implementation. This is a period of temptation and testing.
  4. Avoid traumatic situations, for example, sports, extreme entertainment, long trips.
  5. Gather information for scientific work.
  6. Track your own emotional state, as well as the mood of mentally unstable relatives, if any.

full moon in the sky

The new moon in April 2020 is one of the most favorable days, and this is noted in the table. On these lunar days, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Communication with friends, colleagues and competitors. There is a likelihood of making new useful relationships.
  2. Carrying out financial operations - they should be profitable.
  3. Implementation of long-ripened plans. With a high degree of probability, everything will go perfectly.
  4. The influence of laziness on their own decisions. It is necessary to minimize it and choose an active position.
  5. Bad habits. On this day, it is easiest to get rid of them.

See video about the effect of the moon on man:

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