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The very heart of the Russian capital will soon change beyond recognition. Finally, the city will be cleaned of obsolete and unsuitable for living low five-story buildings with uncomfortable layouts of rooms, poor insulation. According to the approved renovation plan, more than 5,000 five-story buildings will be demolished, and elite modern residential complexes will be built in their place. The first stage will be completed in 2019-2020.
New plans
"Khrushchev" and "Stalin" look on the background of monolithic residential skyscrapers, to put it mildly, ugly. The dull gray five-story buildings of 1957-1969 simply spoiled the view of the most beautiful city in the country - Moscow. Then the authorities decided to develop a long-term plan to replace old houses with modern ones. Global housing renovation program in Moscow started in 2017 (No. 497-PP dated 08/01/2017 “On the Housing Fund Renovation Program in Moscow”). Then the plan of demolition of dilapidated houses, reconstruction of high-rise buildings and the construction of improved new ones was approved. The first phase of the five-story demolition plan covers the period until 2020. Then the second part of the plan will be implemented, which provides for the construction of new housing stock in the vacant places of the city.
In fact, the demolition of old houses began in the late 90s. Even then, a large part of old Moscow was cleared, and people were resettled to other areas. It was planned that construction would end by 2010, but the crisis and economic downturn made adjustments to the plans of urban planners. The redevelopment of Moscow was slow, several dozen houses were worn each year. The construction was frozen for a long ten years. But the problem remains. Maintaining a crumbling house in good condition is not cheap. Residents of Khrushchev, who paid for the repair of facades and porches from their own pockets, began to resent. And then the authorities of the capital, headed by Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, nevertheless decided to put an end to the long-term construction once and for all. In the 17th year, the mass demolition of old houses began, and already in 2018, elite complexes began to be built up on the vacant places. It is supposed to affect the huge living space and move more than 120 thousand people in new homes in 2018-2020. The construction of new housing unfolded immediately on 15 sites in the "old" and new Moscow. And 5171 houses fell under the demolition - this is no less than 350 thousand. Almost a million people will be resettled gradually until 2032. 7 out of 15 new buildings will appear in the places of the former five-story buildings.
Important! Housing renovation at the first stage of the housing renewal plan (2017-2020) will cost the country 300 billion rubles.
Five-story building will no longer be
Houses included in the program for the replacement of dilapidated housing:
- panel five-story buildings of a series 1-515;
- block "Khrushchev" series 1-510;
- five-story brick houses of a series 1-511;
- houses of 2-3 floors.
All these buildings will be destroyed.
The list of houses subject to demolition by 2020 also includes more than a hundred nine-story houses that are in disrepair. They were built back in the 80s of the last century mainly from panels.
In 2019-2020, it is planned to demolish housing in many areas of Moscow: Cheryomushki (South-Western District); Schukino and Khoroshevo-Mnevniki (North-West of the capital); Preobrazhenskoe, Sokolinaya Gora, Bogorodskoye, Metrogorodok (Eastern Administrative District). But big changes await the South-East Autonomous Region of Moscow - one of the oldest in Moscow.Here more than 630 houses will be wiped off the face of the earth. “Cleaning” will be carried out in all its regions: 286 houses will be demolished in Kuzminki by 2020, 153 houses in Lublin, 40 Khrushchevs in Lefortovo, 60 houses in Vykhino-Zhulebino, and 27 houses will be lost in Yuzhnoportovy.
A list of houses to be demolished was prepared during 2017. To determine which houses will fall under the distribution, a vote was taken - the residents of the dilapidated buildings voted. In 2018, the government revised the list of buildings planned for demolition and made adjustments, crossing out more than two hundred objects that were equated with cultural property. These buildings are supposed to be reconstructed in the future in such a way that they bear the stamp of the past, but could not pose a danger to the townspeople.
Addresses of demolished five-story buildings in Moscow until 2020:
Where to go to immigrants
Muscovites, whose houses were included in the renovation plan, were rightly worried about where they would be relocated. Most demolished houses are located in prestigious areas where land and real estate cost fabulous money. The authorities reassured the townspeople with a statement that a significant part of the inhabitants would be resettled in the same areas or in the ones closest to them. Resettlement will occur in waves. Until the end of 2018, residents of old houses, which are more than 10,000 people, will receive the keys to new apartments. And by 2020, 59 new houses will be commissioned, and another 26 thousand Muscovites will be resettled.
All houses meet modern quality standards. And they were erected in places where previously stood unpretentious five-story buildings. In terms of area, the new apartments are the same as they were before, but living in them will become comfortable. And such apartments will cost 30% more. It is not surprising, because the entrances will be equipped with intercoms, energy-efficient batteries and meters will be installed in the apartments. Plus, a convenient layout, separate bathroom, plastic windows, metal front door.
The renovation project covers not only residential premises, but also retail and warehouse space. Businessmen who kept premises in demolished houses will also be provided with the necessary space on the first floors of high-rise buildings.
Plans for 2019-2020
The plans of urban planners to build more than 25 million square meters of housing. It will be beautiful, large residential complexes with houses above 20 floors and developed infrastructure. Within walking distance will be shops, subways, schools, kindergartens and clinics. Residents will not deny themselves anything. Moreover, they will become the owners of the capital's apartments, which are located not just outside, but in the very center of the city. Andrei Bochkarev, who heads the construction department of the capital, spoke in an interview that in the next two years the construction will unfold on 242 launch sites. And in 2019 it is planned to populate 28 houses, and this is 14 thousand apartments!
For 2020, the authorities are making ambitious plans at all - developers will introduce 1.5 million square meters of housing each.
As for the demolition of the five-story buildings, officials plan to clean up 1/3 of the prepared territory by 2020, which, by 2032, during the second phase of the renovation program, about 16 million square meters of housing will be demolished. If these figures are measured across the country, then we are talking about the area of the average regional city. The scale is really impressive, but it is too early to judge the results of renovation.
Renovation strides around the country
The program to replace dilapidated housing with a new one was received with great enthusiasm. Following Moscow, the authorities in Krasnoyarsk began to redraw residential areas. There, the list of houses for demolition, which is planned to be implemented before 2020, consists of 427 objects that have been declared unsuitable for living. More than 12 thousand Krasnoyarsk residents by the end of 2020 should move into new apartments.
Construction in Krasnoyarsk unfolded serious. A considerable amount has been allocated from the federal budget with the wish that by the end of 2019 133 high-rise buildings be demolished, and the residents of these houses will receive the keys to new apartments.
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but there are vacancies for demolition work