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Even diligently preparing for the USE, one cannot be absolutely sure of a successful completion - some graduates are prevented from focusing on exam assignments by excitement, while others are unsettled by life circumstances (illness, accident, death of relatives). How to retake the exam in 2020, what are the deadlines for this?
One of the innovations in 2020 may be the expansion of the list of items required for delivery. Clarifications should be expected closer to the beginning of the new school year, but most likely, graduate students will still have to pay special attention to history - this discipline is planned to be added to compulsory Russian and mathematics. Also, in some regions a foreign language may be included in the list - in 2022 this subject will become mandatory, but the “pilot” tests will begin to be selectively conducted as early as next year. Since many schoolchildren cannot boast of extensive knowledge in history, and only a few speak a good foreign language, the question of passing the USE in 2020 will be very acute.
Among the good news is the opportunity to take the state exam at your home school. This will significantly reduce the level of stress associated with an unfamiliar environment. In 2019, graduates of some schools have already got such a chance; in 2020, the innovation will cover the regions. The only condition is compliance with the examination requirements (in particular, it is necessary to equip the room with video cameras). If the school does not have everything necessary, then, as before, the exam will have to be taken in special points.
Retake dates
Dates depend on the reason why the student wants to retake the exam: is it necessary to obtain a certificate or the number of points scored does not allow him to enter the selected university.
The minimum score allows the graduate to receive a certificate. For admission to higher education institutions such a result is not enough. Each of them sets its own threshold - you can find out the exact numbers on the website of the selection committee of the selected university.
Not enough points to get a certificate
If according to the results of the Unified State Examination in 2020, the student did not score the required number of points for obtaining a certificate in one of the main subjects, then the transfer is carried out on reserve days:
- 06.20 g. - Russian language;
- 06.20 g. - mathematics;
- 06.20 g. - history (if this subject nevertheless becomes mandatory);
- 07.20 g. - all academic disciplines, if you could not come earlier for a good reason.
These dates are given by the head of Rosobrnadzor at the presentation - later they can be specified. As before, retaking the exam in mathematics in 2020 is possible if the graduate passed the exam at a profile or basic level. If he chose both levels and one of them “failed”, then there will be no second chance (it is believed that the necessary minimum has already been gained).
Additional opportunities are provided to graduates by the autumn company - the exact dates for each of the subjects will be known at the beginning of the school year. One day is allocated for each of the required disciplines (in 2020, there may be 3 or 4, rather than 2, as before). Closer to the end of September (on the 20th day) an extra day is provided for those who could not come for a good reason (a document confirming this is required).In the fall, those who have not scored a minimum in all compulsory disciplines or could not pass the test in the summer are tested. You need to submit an application 2 weeks before the start.
Does not satisfy the grade for core disciplines
If the graduate was not able to score the minimum number of points in a subject that is passed at his own choice, then they will be allowed to retake the exam only after a year (in 2021). In order not to lose time in vain, you can go to college with the desired orientation and after passing the final exams - submit documents to the selected university.
Missing key date for good reason
Graduates who could not attend the main exam for a good reason have the right to take it on reserve days:
- informatics, literature, geography - 06/19/20;
- Russian language - 06/22/20;
- basic and specialized mathematics - 06/25/20;
- biology and history - 06/29/20;
- chemistry, social science - 06/30/20;
- physics, written foreign - 07/01/20;
- oral testing in a foreign language - 02.07.20;
- all items - 07/03/20
If the retake failed in the summer on a reserve day, then a second attempt can be made in the fall. No student will be admitted to the exam on July 3.
Testing procedure violated
In case of any violations, the graduate has the right to write an appeal - this must be done on the day of the test. Most often, complaints are received about the lack of necessary equipment or forms. There were situations when noise in the corridor prevented students from concentrating on work. Upon confirmation of the facts indicated in the complaint, the points are canceled and the student retakes the exam on reserve days. You can also appeal if you disagree with the accrued points - there will be no retake, but the participant will receive a reasoned answer.
If the test procedure was violated by the participant himself (he used cheat sheets, came with a smartphone), then the assessment is canceled, retake is possible only after a year.
When will the exam take place in 2020? Indicative dates have already been announced at the presentation (it is published on, the schedule will not undergo significant changes. Each student will get a chance to rectify the situation in case of failure.
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