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Task No. 4 in KIMs of the Unified State Exam in Russian requires a graduate to have a good command of spoken language and the ability to correctly put emphasis in words, which can be fixed by the orthoepic minimum compiled by FIPI.
KIM structure
Examination ticket for the Russian language in 2020 contains 27 tasks:
- from 1 to 24 - tests of the basic level, for which you can get a maximum of 34 primary points;
- 25 and 26 - tests of increased complexity;
- 27 - an essay evaluated by experts at a maximum of 24 points.
Graduates are given 210 minutes to write the work (3.5 hours).
Getting a high score for an essay is quite difficult, so you need to try to maximize your points by completing the tasks of the first part.
Orthoepy (task №4)
One of the most important factors in assessing the literacy of spoken language is the observance of orthoepic norms (correct pronunciation and arrangement of stresses in words). Although in 2020 the oral part in the USE in the Russian language has not yet been introduced, in KIMs there will be a task designed to check how well the graduate has learned the rules of orthoepy.
The correct answer to the 4th task is estimated at 1 point.
At first glance, the task may seem quite simple. But, it is worth considering that in addition to many well-known to everyone in the Russian language, there is a small group of words in the pronunciation of which in everyday life most people make mistakes. You can find out what these words are and how they are pronounced correctly by studying the orthoepic minimum compiled by FIPI specifically for the USE 2020.
FIPI Orthoepic Dictionary
At the stage of preparation for the Unified State Examination 2020 in the Russian language, it is worthwhile to carefully study the orthoepic minimum. Perhaps many of the words on the FIPI list will seem elementary and not worthy of attention. But among them there will definitely be those who will need to be remembered, and we will talk about them.
For convenience, we propose to divide all words into parts of speech.
This is one of the largest blocks of the dictionary, which will require special attention. The table shows the words (a capital letter indicates the stressed vowel), as well as brief explanations.
It is in verbs that people often incorrectly place stresses in everyday life, therefore, we advise you to protect your tablet and carefully work out each word.
In fact, the adjectives with which there are problems are few. But, it is worthwhile to pay attention to them, while working out the orthoepic minimum, because no one knows which words will go to KIM in Russian in the Unified State Examination in 2020.
To understand how to stress the participle, it is necessary to consider the verb from which it is formed.
In the participles it is worth paying attention to exceptions, which just hit the FIPI plate.
In adverbs, stress can fall on the prefix, root, or suffix. The words that represent the problem are few. Highlighting the pattern, they can be easily remembered.
We also offer to download the full version - orthoepic minimum from FIPI.
Educator tips
Perhaps, it will seem difficult for someone to learn all the words included in the orthoepic minimum for the USE 2020. In this case, teachers who annually prepare graduates for exams have useful tips.
- Cross out words in which you are sure and definitely will not make a mistake.So the volume for repetition will be less.
- Memorize short verses, it is easier to fix the necessary stress in memory.
- Create visual associations for words.
We bring to your attention a selection of mini-poems that will help you easily and learn all the necessary orthoepic minimum for the exam and get the desired high score in Russian in 2020:
Video lesson
If without a detailed explanation of the teacher it is difficult for you to organize the information, take advantage of free online lessons that are available on the network.
We suggest right now to watch a video in which a detailed analysis of the issue of orthoepy is given:
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