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2020 will launch a new twelve-year cycle. It will be held under the auspices of the White Metal Rat and will provide an opportunity to start new victories and lay the foundation for strong relations. Its patrons will be Jupiter and Saturn. Love and relationships excite people in the first place, which is why the horoscope will be dedicated to these bright feelings. Will love meet, will relations go to another level, and how to decipher the signs of fate. Love horoscope for 2020 for all zodiac signs will give answers to all exciting questions!
Representatives of the zodiac sign are distinguished by vivid manifestations of their emotions, especially when it comes to love. In a relationship, Aries are always maximalists, demanding that they and their soulmate fully give back. They divide everything only into “black” and “white”, therefore they always faced difficulties in choosing a life partner. If Aries encounters a strong personality on the path of life, they will even more strongly manifest their own whims.
In 2020, the horoscope advises this hot-tempered zodiac sign to die its ambitions, to be more calm and measured. Venus will not greatly affect Aries, because stability in everything will have a positive effect on personal life. The stars promise a fairly calm time, there will not be any sudden changes. Thus, lonely Aries are unlikely to have to hope for an engagement or marriage. On the other hand, partings and divorces are also not expected. Everything will be in the same places.
The horoscope recommends paying attention not to your own feelings, but to the positive qualities of your lover. The ideal party of Aries should be able to forgive, be a purposeful person and perceive a person as you are. If the partner possesses these qualities, then the future marriage will definitely be happy.
Taurus for the most part is a very reasonable person, but in relationships and love they manifest themselves from a romantic and sentimental side. They are very stubborn, therefore it is impossible for them to impose any partner. Taurus choose the same as they are themselves - calm, decent and reliable.
In 2020, the stars promise Taurus positive dynamics in the relationship. They finally openly express their feelings to someone about their feelings and stop tormenting themselves with inner feelings. Taurus, who have been in a serious relationship for a long time, may be invited to legalize them. Or at all, they may change their minds about divorcing a partner, although this idea has been visited repeatedly over the past few months. In any case, the year will be decisive for love relationships in a positive sense.
Stars promise a favorable outcome in any endeavor and endeavor. Often shy Taurus will be awarded for the frank manifestation of emotions and feelings. Free representatives of this sign will be carried away by a new partner in the first months of the year. They can expect just an incredible romance, the outcome of which will depend on sincerity.
In the second half of this year Taurus portend a fateful meeting. They will be able to expand their social circle and overcome their modesty. In many ways, this will be the merit of the partner.
Representatives of this sign feel insecure in love affairs. Throughout life, they often met with disappointment and betrayal, because it is difficult for them to meet with a new partner. However, for a harmonious life, it is important for Gemini to have a number of those who will support you in difficult times, to understand at a glance and not to be afraid of flaws. All problems and failures with personal life can be avoided if the Twins learn to properly convey their feelings and feelings to their life partner, rather than keep silent.
The love horoscope for 2020 does not portend problems and failures for Gemini. Quite the contrary - a lot of interesting events should happen to them. Lonely Twins should turn their attention to Capricorn or Taurus. It is these zodiac signs that can become a support and life partner. According to astrological forecasts, Gemini will have little disagreement with them. It is better not to associate yourself with Aquarius or Pisces, as these are very changeable signs.
This year Gemini will meet a lot of people, and many of these acquaintances will develop into friendships or relationships. The Year of the White Metal Rat can make Gemini happy for a long desired wedding. Do not be afraid of change, you need to boldly follow your fate!
Often Cancers pretend that the relationship for them is in the background. They claim that career and self-development are more important than some kind of stamp in the passport. However, in reality, everything is different. Venus, which is known as the planet of love, has a great influence on fate. Subconsciously, any events or people of Cancer are perceived through the banal "I love - I do not like."
2020 will be full of love adventures and passion. Old feelings flare up with vivid emotions and emotions. Cancers need to use this time to take their relationship to the next level and finally find happiness. The beginning and end of the year will be the most successful in terms of love.
Already in January-February, Rakov will be enveloped in romantic experiences. They can meet a person with whom they want to connect the rest of their lives. But the stars advise postponing the wedding to 2021 - it will be more successful for starting a family life.
Family Cancers will have to face misunderstandings in relationships. The second half will remember the old grievances and will constantly complain. As much time as possible should be given to the family in order to maintain a good relationship. If the Cancers resolve these minor troubles, the relationship will become more passionate. They will have the feeling that another honeymoon has begun.
a lion
2020 will begin for Lviv hard. They will be overcome by indecision and uncertainty. They will constantly ask themselves whether they are doing the right thing. Fear of making the wrong choice can affect the emotional state in the first months of the year.
Astrological forecasts report that the first half of the year is not optimal for the beginning and development of love relationships. In the middle of summer, it will not be easy for Lions to cope with their feelings and passionate impulses. Autumn will be marked by certainty and stability in relations.
Free Lions will face intrigues. At the beginning of summer, they will begin an affair that is not destined to grow into something more. No need to be upset in vain, this person would do very painful. In the year of the White Metal Rat, Crayfish will not tie the knot, however, 2021 should change everything for the better.
Family representatives of this sign will strive to “go left” due to constant conflicts. Perhaps in life there will even appear a person with whom they will want to change their permanent partner. You cannot believe false impressions! By the end of the year, relations will improve, mutual understanding and the former level of trust will return. Some couples after a successful crisis moment will want to have a baby.
Virgo can be calm, as the Metal Rat will bring them a stable and happy relationship. Finally, the cherished dream will come true, and every day will be saturated with reciprocity and mutual feelings.
Stars are advised to pay attention to their behavior - you do not need to behave recklessly and frivolously. Virgins can plunge headlong into love experiences, and simply do not devote time to work or study. If you postpone important matters, then it will be very difficult to return to the rhythm and catch up.
Free Virgo will be very successful in a romantic sense. 2020 will bring many new acquaintances and pleasant meetings. Sympathy that will arise for representatives of the opposite sex, reciprocate. Those who are already in a relationship will have the opportunity to transfer them to a new level. The virgins will be convinced of the reliability and sincerity of their beloved, as a result of which there will be a mutual desire to marry.
Family Virgos will have to face conflicts over finances. They may receive a rebuke from their partner for spending too much or rashly. Horoscope advises planning a budget together, and then no problems will arise.
The beginning of 2020 will be marked with many happy events. Libra will experience an unprecedented sense of love and passion. Relations of family Libra will flare up with new colors, and lonely representatives of this sign will fall in love. However, this development of events will be quite short-term.
In general, the year of the Metal Rat will be volatile for Libra. Periods of happiness and harmony will quickly be replaced by sadness and disappointment. In any case, they will not be bored.
For lonely Libra, 2020 will turn into a time of vivid emotions and experiences. They have not had such a rich personal life for a long time. The astrological forecast assures that the best time to start a relationship is mid-summer. At this time, Libra should meet a man with whom mutual feelings will arise.
A pair of weights will want to show their feelings and passion for a spouse with might and main. They will want to bring fantasies to life and experiment sexually. A horoscope recommends restraining passion so as not to frighten a partner with unexpected desires.
Libra will become more emotional, because sometimes they will have to tightly control their own feelings in order to avoid family conflicts.
The first half of the year for the Scorpions will be quite difficult personally. They will have to overcome many obstacles before relaxing and starting to enjoy life. After this difficult period, they will be rewarded with harmony and happiness.
Horoscope advises to refrain from spontaneity and rash acts. Scorpions are owners of a bright temperament, because sometimes they have to regret their words or actions. Short-term intrigues will not make them happy, but will bring only problems.
Fate will bring Scorpions with new people, will present many acquaintances. They will often have a feeling of sympathy, but you can not give him freedom. The best time to start a new relationship is autumn 2020. It is then that there will be an opportunity to meet the future faithful life partner.
In the first months of the year, family Scorpions will have to devote all their efforts to overcoming the crisis. By the end of summer, mutual understanding and harmony will return to the house.
Change is the main word that can describe for Scorpions 2020 in love. The time of the White Metallic Rat will be successful for formalizing relations in the registry office, pregnancy or the beginning of a new relationship.
Scorpions will have to face conflicts and misunderstandings. However, such situations will be resolved very quickly, and will not leave a trace in the memory. Horoscope advises to be more restrained, it is not always worth saying everything that is on the mind.
Lonely Sagittarius will be able to meet the man (woman) of the dream.All months will be saturated with romance and love. The union, created in the second half of 2020, can grow into a strong marriage.
Family Sagittarius will be haunted by instability in personal relationships. You need to be more restrained, do not focus on every shortcoming of your partner.
The Year of the Metal Rat will be filled with many bright events - both positive and negative. You have to face many conflicts with your lover or partner. Strength of Sagittarius will harm them. Quarrels caused by a feeling of resentment will not bring anything good. Astrologers advise not to succumb to the temptation and not to return to the old relationship. Happiness and harmony will not be, because passion has long faded.
Capricorns without a pair should focus on the future and forget about the recently ended relationship. It is necessary to direct strength and energy to new acquaintances or self-care. This will increase the chances of success. Jealousy will be a major problem for family Capricorns. Their excessive suspicion can cause serious problems and quarrels. In the autumn, the Capricorn will return full confidence in the second half. Relations will again become calm and happy.
Representatives of the sign of Aquarius may not worry about the romantic component of 2020. It will be filled with passion, emotions and newly flashed feelings. They expect new interesting acquaintances and mutual sympathies.
Astrological forecast advises to do it yourself. Aquarians need to identify character traits that prevent them from meeting people and staying in a relationship for a long time. The horoscope recommends making efforts and getting rid of them. Especially jealousy can interfere - do not make scandals due to trifles.
Lonely Aquarius will be successful in finding a new partner. 2020 will bring a lot of positive experiences and romance. Falling in love this year may well develop into a long lasting serious relationship.
Aquarians in a relationship or in a pair will enjoy harmony and measured family life. But this does not mean that you will not have to make an effort. It is recommended to strengthen mutual trust with new joint hobbies and interesting pastime.
2020 is a double year for Pisces in love. To find happiness and love, you will have to overcome many adversities. However, in most of the unpleasant situations it will be Pisces who are guilty of harmonious relations by virtue of their nature.
At the beginning of the year it will be difficult for Pisces to resist the temptation and not enter into rash relationships. They will be short-term and will not bring any satisfaction.
The beginning and middle of the year are not optimal for finding love and starting a relationship. Already in August there will be an opportunity to meet a person who will be satisfied in all respects.
It will be difficult for Family Pisces to remain faithful to their partner. However, you can not give in to affair and make contact on the side, if you want to keep your family.
Understanding problems will soon pass, and harmony will return to the relationship.
Astrological forecast is an opportunity to look into the future and prevent some events. The Year of the White Metal Rat is favorable for the beginning of relations, their development and transition to a new level. Having shown the best qualities, 2020 will be very happy and successful!
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