
Lunar calendar haircuts for February 2020

The lunar calendar will help you find out and choose for yourself the most favorable days for a haircut in February 2020, depending on the phase and position of the moon.

hair cutting

The fact that hair stores a unique human strength and resource has been known for a long time. Many people know the ancient Greek myth of Samson, who had lost power, after his hair was cut off. Not only the ancient Greeks, but also our ancestors in Russia were attentive to the hairstyle and especially to its change. They knew special days in the lunar cycle, when it is favorable to do so, so as not to harm yourself and not lose energy.

The lunar calendar indicates the presence of the moon and its influence in certain zodiac signs, and also indicates favorable and unfavorable days when it is best to change the hairstyle or haircut.

The lunar haircut calendar for February 2020 will tell you when to plan a trip to the hairdresser, and on what days of the month you should refrain from visiting the salon.

Calendar haircuts for February 2020 in the table

The moon affects any action with human hair. Having calculated and preplanned favorable days for a haircut, you will be able to maintain and increase your spiritual strength and calm, as well as get a chance to leave negative energy in the past and strengthen your harmonious state.

The most favorable days for a haircut in February 2020

Knowing when to cut hair in January 2020, you can permanently maintain the health and beauty of your hair.

Hair Styling

To strengthen and grow hair, it is recommended to plan visits to the hairdresser in the first or last decade of February, to the growing moon. Mid-month treatments for hair are not recommended. The most favorable days for cutting hair in February 2019 are 1, 3, 4, 20, 29. These days, cutting and coloring will benefit your beauty and healthy hair. Adverse days are only February 2 - 16 and February 23, as well as February 21. Try not to plan visits to the salon and procedures for these dates.

See video about the effect of the moon on hair growth:

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