hairdresser cuts hair

December 2020 lunar haircut calendar

Not all people believe in astrology, but to deny the influence of the moon on our planet is pointless. The moon affects all objects containing water, and man, as you know, is 80% water. So our entire body is subject to its changing mood, and we adjust many processes in our lives to certain dates when its influence is beneficial.

girl cuts her hair

There is a concentration of strength in human hair, so it’s worth looking into the lunar calendar of haircuts for December 2020. He will be able to tell you the numbers suitable for a trip to the hairdresser. Indeed, depending on the day that was chosen for the procedure, you can reduce or increase the flow of strength and energy.

Recommended Calendar

According to the proposed calendar, you will determine the numbers when you can dye or curl your hair, make a mask and so on. When choosing favorable days for a haircut in December 2020, you will save your energy and even increase it.

girl with scissors

Instead of a conclusion

In the calendar, moon cycles, unfavorable and favorable days when to cut hair in December 2020 are conveniently indicated:

  • Good days are December 15,16,19 and December 26.
  • Better to avoid haircuts on 4.11 and 13 December.

See video about whether to believe the lunar calendar:

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