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April 2020 lunar haircut calendar

Our hair is given by nature not only for warmth and beauty. The power of human energy is hidden in them. All manipulations with hair, one way or another, are reflected in different areas of our lives. The lunar calendar of haircuts compiled by astrologers for April 2020 will tell you on which days you can and should carry out procedures with hair, and on which it is strictly contraindicated.

hair cutting

For women, haircut is doubly important. After all, in addition to saving energy, I also want beauty. Painting, cosmetic procedures, even cutting the ends of the hair - there is a time for everything. When to cut hair in April 2020, it is conveniently indicated in the table below. Guided by it, you will definitely know when and what operations with hair should be performed, and what results can be expected.

Recommended Calendar

Our recommendations

Even our ancestors knew that it was better to get a haircut during the period of the waxing moon. So the hair heals and grow back faster. If you want to keep a haircut for a long time, then it is better to do it during the waning moon. A fashionable model haircut will retain its shape for a long time, but the volume will be lost over time. The most favorable days for a haircut in April 2020 on April 4 and 4. These days, any manipulations with the hair will benefit both him and your overall well-being.

hair cutting

It is undesirable to carry out haircut procedures on April 10,12 and 19. Hair will grow slowly enough. Therefore, for girls who carefully take care of the length of their hair and decide to simply trim the ends, the fact of long growth will not be particularly pleasant. And some of the fans often want to update the haircut of this effect.

See video about when it is better to cut hair according to the lunar calendar:

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