Lunar calendar for September 2020

The location of the moon in September 2020 promises a complex and controversial period. This month is best to be on guard and not sit back in order to achieve success and results in at least something. The lunar calendar for September 2020 will help determine favorable and unfavorable days for health, relaxation and work. In such a difficult time, he will be a conductor who will help to find a balance in many issues of interest.

Moon phases

Moon phases

By monitoring the position of the heavenly body, you can protect yourself from many rash actions. All phases of the moon in September 2020 are described in detail below.

Favorable days for September 2020

Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar for September 2020 fell on the 9th, 10th and 16th.

September 9 - Time for energetic affairs and quick decisions. But you should not deal with issues requiring special attention. Increased mental activity successfully affects the adoption of instant decisions that do not require delay, so classes associated with short-term transactions or financial transactions will bring good results. And all long-term business requiring more attention and painstaking work, the solution of which needs to be spent several days is better to postpone. The evening of this day can be finished by devoting time to one's health. Air baths, water treatments or yoga will be helpful.

September 10 - An ideal period for making plans and projects for the future. This is the time when by embarking on something new you can achieve stunning heights. Negotiations and communication with colleagues or partners will be held on a positive note. Also on this day, you can easily complete and resolve issues that previously did not work out. People from whom you do not expect to be listened to and asked for help, be supportive in the future, this will suit you. In personal relationships, everything goes well, take time for each other and do not skimp on compliments.On this day you will be convinced that this is your soulmate without which you will not be able to move on through life.

half moon

September 16 - Time for work requiring a serious approach. First of all, success awaits people with an analytical mindset, because everything related to financial activities, banking operations and real estate issues will bring good income. Any business related to study, advanced training or the acquisition of new skills will be equally fruitful. This is also an ideal time to take stock and complete the work that has begun, and it is better to postpone new projects, ideas or business plans for the next month. In general, a positive and harmonious day, if conflicts arise, they will not be long.

But do not think that absolutely everything depends on the lunar calendar. He is not able to solve all your life's troubles and problems. Yes, this is a certain cheat sheet that warns and prompts, but everything else remains with the person, his behavior and perception. Understand yourself and follow these tips, only then you can avoid rash acts.

See video about the effect of the moon on man:

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