full moon

Lunar calendar for March 2020

March 2020 promises to be successful in many areas of life. But this does not mean that you can do nothing all month, and all the earthly blessings will bring you on a silver platter. Luck, as you know, accompanies the bold and enterprising, so study the lunar calendar for March 2020 and act!

Moon phases

Moon phases in march 2020

Influence on our life is not only the position of stars in the sky, but also the size of the night luminary. The moon is full, new, growing and waning. During the growth period, it has a positive impact on all undertakings, planning, and mastering knowledge. During the waning of the moon, it’s good to complete old projects, unfinished business, but everything new - on the contrary, takes root with difficulty.

From March 1 to March 8, the Moon grows, vital energy arrives, and by the full moon (March 9) it gains its maximum strength. This period is suitable for complex tasks, they are solved without much difficulty.

From March 10 to March 23, the Moon decreases, and energy flows with it. We must have time to complete the work begun, leaving all new plans for the end of the month. Indeed, from March 25, the Moon begins its growth again and will favor all fresh ideas.

Favorable days on the lunar calendar for March 2020

March 3 is a day of lightning fast decisions. Under the influence of Gemini, there will appear a certain impulsiveness in actions, mental activity will increase, and most of the decisions made will be correct and timely. Success in conducting money transactions, a successful game on the exchange, profitable investments - this day will be rich in such events. Fortune will be on the side of bold decisions. Good deeds also accompany heart affairs on this day.

March 10 is suitable for painstaking work, with increased attention to detail. The Moon, under the influence of the Virgo, is disposed to make thoughtful and balanced decisions. It is they who are able to increase capital, promising success in financial transactions. In addition, the day is suitable for starting creative projects. Fans of outdoor activities will be able to throw out the accumulated energy in their favorite sports and hiking.

full moon over the sea

March 11 is favorable for the conclusion of unions, agreements with friendly partners. In difficult matters, it is better not to make a decision, as fluctuations between the pros and cons can lead to an unfavorable outcome. Also, the day is great for marriage, engagement, marriage proposal.

March 15 and 16 are more conducive to philosophy and reflection on the perishability of being. Also, this is a great time to resolve legal issues. In general, all matters relating to the art of rhetoric will be crowned with success these days. It will be pleasant and time spent alone with your thoughts, as well as meeting with friends.

March 21 promises success in literally everything that can be skillfully used to solve old and complex cases. Some situations will appear in a different light. Communication with more experienced, wise people is especially valuable.

March 29, 30, 31 marked an increase in vital energy - these days you can roll mountains. An amazing symbiosis of intuition and intelligence is favored in all matters: financial transactions, operations with securities and real estate, legal disputes. During this period, nothing is impossible: you easily get to know the right people, find yourself in the right places.

See video about the influence of the moon on the planet:

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