Moon phases

Lunar calendar for July 2020

It has been known and proved by science since ancient times that the celestial body - the Moon - plays an important role in our life. It is able to control not only the physical and psychological health of people, the behavior of animals, but also has an effect on plant growth. The lunar calendar for July 2020 will help determine favorable and unfavorable days for work and health. Each person can track at what moment he needs to know in what position the moon is, as well as how it can affect his life.

earth and moon

Moon phases

Lunar phases - this is when the form of the moon, illuminated by the Sun in the sky, periodically changes. It is proved that in such a period as the full moon, a person most often makes rash acts, becomes aggressive and uncontrollable. And chronic diseases make themselves felt.

Scientists also noted that it was at this time that most accidents and accidents occurred. Based on this, we can conclude that it is better to use this calendar to avoid troubles. All phases of the moon in July 2020 are described in detail below.

Favorable days for July 2020

This month, as never before, will be easy and positive in every way.

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar for July 2020 fell on the following numbers: first, second, eighth and twenty-first.

July 1 - The ideal time to make responsible and important decisions. Do not be afraid, but boldly take on new ideas and projects. They are doomed to success. Absolutely any business, even those that require a lot of activity, are moving forward with benefit. Changes in all areas of activity will also bring only benefits.

Suitable day for traveling, long trips or moving. Life energy is at its peak.

July 2 - This time is great for resolving issues related to legal norms and jurisprudence.All bureaucratic issues are resolved quite easily and in the shortest possible time. Without negative emotions, business trips or trips related to work will take place. Even at this time, physical activity and sports will be useful.

Moon phases

July 8 - Day associated with any mental and calculation work. Contact with superiors and colleagues will be positive. As never before, it is useful to take up self-education and acquire new skills and knowledge. It is also an ideal time for marriage. The union created on this day will be happy, lasting and long.

July 21 - A good time to socialize and have fun. An excellent solution to devote to the organization of cultural events aimed at uniting the team. But in order to avoid serious losses, financial matters related to stocks and large funds should be postponed until another day. Overall a calm and peaceful day

Knowledge of auspicious days in July will help in planning your business and leisure in the middle of summer, while spending a minimum of time.

See video about the effect of the moon on man:

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