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Every winter, Bashkortostan is visited by many guests, because there is everything for a great holiday: ski resorts and hot springs, ancient caves and architectural monuments. But the most important thing - there is amazingly beautiful winter nature and real Russian winter. But, in order to fully enjoy the beauties and outdoor activities during the holidays, it is worthwhile to ask in advance what the winter will be in Bashkiria and when in the 2019-2020 season the weather forecast promises frosts, snowfalls and other adverse events.
Geographical and climatic features of the region
Bashkiria is located in the continental climate zone, for which the norm is:
- pronounced seasonality;
- long frosty winters;
- steady snow cover;
- short cool summer;
- sudden changes in temperature.
Geographically, the region is located on the slopes of the Southern Urals and in the Urals. It is the proximity of the mountains that plays a crucial role in formatting the climatic features of different parts of Bashkortostan.
So, the lowest temperatures are recorded in the Trans-Urals, and the highest snow cover (up to 70-75 cm) is formed in the zone of the Ziliar plateau.
In order to understand what the upcoming winter 2019-2020 will be, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the official climatic indicators recorded earlier in Bashkiria:
- absolute minimum temperature -41 ºС;
- January average temperature -18 ºС;
- average date of the first freeze (September 10-19);
- the earliest frosts were recorded already in mid-August;
- the average snow cover date is November 3–13;
- maximum snow depth 126 cm.
Of course, snow in different parts of the region does not cover the land uniformly. So, the earliest date for the mountainous regions is from October 5 to 12, for the plains from October 16 to 24.
Weather forecast for winter 2019-2020
According to the official forecast that the Hydrometeorological Center annually makes for the upcoming heating season, the winter of 2019-2020 in Bashkiria will be moderately cold. The temperature regime will not deviate significantly from the norm, although severe frosts are not excluded in January.
In the fall of 2019, the first cold weather (with night frosts, wet snow and winds) will come to the region only at the end of the month of October, and it will snow seriously in the first half of November.
On average, the temperature background in Bashkiria will correspond to the standard climatic picture for the region. Only to the inhabitants of Yakutia will nature be more supportive. The hydrometeorological center promises a temperature in the region that is slightly higher than the average for the past years.
January is traditionally the coldest month for Bashkortostan.
Monthly Weather Forecast
If you are not interested in the general forecast of winter 2019-2020, but the weather in Bashkiria for the New Year, Christmas, or another specific period, you should familiarize yourself with the detailed monthly forecast.
Recall that ultra-long-term forecasts do not always come true. Their relevance ranges from 58 - 81%, and the information presented in the prognostic online calendars may change with the receipt of new data.
December 2019
Frosts and snowfall will fall on the region long before the start of the calendar winter and in December Bashkiria will enter already under a thick white blanket.The last month of 2019 will begin with a little warming, which will replace the 20-degree frosts that are expected in the last week of November.
The warming will not be very long and already in the middle of the month the temperature will make a sharp turn and drop to -23 ºС, and closer to New Year’s night and to -27 ºС.
No precipitation is promised for the New Year, although it will snow for several days before the holiday. December 31 will be a fairly cold day (-25 ºС), and with the onset of night the temperature will drop even more. It is possible that the thermometer column will overcome the mark of -30 ºС.
January 2020
The first days of the new year will be quite cold, but already from the 3rd day the temperature will gradually increase. But at the same time, a rather significant difference between day and night indicators will remain, which may affect the well-being of weather-dependent people.
The penultimate week from January 20 to 26 will be the coldest. It is during this period that a sharp decrease in temperature is expected (at night to extreme values). The thaw will replace severe frosts in the last days of January, delighting guests and residents of the city with excellent weather for walks and winter entertainments.
February 2020
According to the forecast, the weather for the winter of 2019-2020 will be variable and in February Bashkiria will continue to swing on a temperature swing, then freezing from severe night frosts, then warming up by the warm rays of the sun peeking out from behind the clouds.
The last month of the calendar winter will be less severe than January. Although there will be a frosty period at the very beginning, already after the 10th, a significant warming is expected, which will linger in the region until early March.
Of course, the arrival of calendar spring does not mean the end of frost and blizzard. In March, Bashkiria will welcome the guest with amazing snowy landscapes, excellent ski slopes and a mild temperature comfortable for entertainment.
What will be the winter in 2019-2020 can also be found by observing plants and animals in a particular region of Bashkiria. Since ancient times, people have noticed that abundant harvests of nuts, mushrooms and berries (in particular mountain ash) promise a protracted and frosty winter. Animals, unlike people, are able to accurately predict the severity of the coming cold weather and “wear a warmer coat”. Please note that this omen will not work if you observe a pet.
You can also find out what the winter will be like by observing the weather during the August holidays (7, 16, 19, 23). If these days were cold, cloudy, windy - be a fierce winter. If the weather was mild, sunny and warm - expect the same mild winter with frequent thaws.
And what signs have you already noticed? Do you think the observations of our ancestors are relevant today, in the era of global warming?
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