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Holidays - a time of relaxation and fun, which every family decided to spend their own way. Someone likes trips and active pastime, while someone, on the contrary, is trying at this time to enjoy the lack of fuss and just stay at home calmly. To plan your vacation, you need to know when the holidays fall, so those who plan their leisure time in advance are already interested in how Russians relax in 2020.
On which dates official weekends and holidays fall, it is indicated in the production calendar for 2020 for Russia, officially approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
This information is needed in order to determine the long weekend and choose the ideal time for yourself for possible events and trips to relatives or abroad.
Official dates
In 2020, the number of official holidays in Russia will not differ from previous years, since no changes are expected in this area. If this date falls on a weekday, then in accordance with the law it becomes a universal day off for people who work on a five-day schedule. For workers working in shifts, during this period, payroll is carried out in a special way, therefore, for work on a holiday date, the payroll will be higher.
There are currently eight state-level holidays in Russia, which are celebrated in all regions and administrative centers:
- in January - New Year and Christmas:
- in February - Defender of the Fatherland Day;
- in March - International Women's Day;
- in May - Spring and Labor Day and Victory Day;
- in June - Day of Russia;
- in November - Day of National Unity.
In the event that the official state holiday falls on Saturday or Sunday, the next Monday becomes the day off.
2020 will be very successful in hosting holiday periods, since they are all located in such a way that they join on Saturday and Sunday, or fall directly on them, thereby extending the time of rest.
In January
Traditionally, the longest period of rest for Russians is the first decade of January. It will be almost a week and a half. New Year holidays in 2020 will begin on Wednesday January 1 and will continue until January 7 inclusive. It will only be necessary to begin work on January 9 on Wednesday.
January 7 - Christmas of Christ, which is one of the most important dates for Christians around the world, will also enter this period. In all churches and churches, the Great Divine Liturgy begins from the very night. All Orthodox people at this holiday time should rest and praise Christ.
It was decided to postpone two additional days off, which are formed when January 4 and 5 are superimposed on the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) in May. Thanks to this transfer and an additional weekend on May 4 and 5, spring breaks are formed with a duration of 5 days from 05/01/20 to 05/05/20 inclusive.
In February
February will be marked by the only holiday falling at the end of the month - Defender of the Fatherland Day. It falls on Sunday February 23rd, so the next Monday after it automatically becomes a day off. Therefore, in the period from February 22-24, Russia will have a long weekend, when there is a great opportunity to fully relax.
In 2019, the day off, released when February 23 coincided with the weekend, was postponed to May holidays.It is possible that in 2020 a similar option will be offered, which will give Russians additional holidays at the end of spring.
In March
The first spring month brings with it not only the early thaws, but also the favorite holiday of many Russians - International Women's Day. By tradition, before this, in the work collectives congratulate female colleagues, give them congratulations and lovely modest gifts.
Like February 23, March 8 also falls on Sunday, thereby prolonging the day off for one more day - on Monday, March 9. Thus, in March, working people will also have the opportunity to rest longer than during a standard weekend.
In May
The next holidays are coming in May, and they are preparing a whole string of periods when it will be possible to fully relax in nature, with friends, family, or go on a trip. Since May 1 falls on Friday, Thursday April 30 will be shortened by one hour, so people will be able to go home early on the eve of the holiday, and the entire work week will be shortened.
On the Day of Spring and Labor, Russians will receive the second longest vacation - 5 days (from May 1 to May 5 inclusive). Weekends from January 4 and 5 will be postponed to May 4 and 5.
After 5 days off, working days will follow, but next Friday will again be reduced by one hour, since after it all of Russia will celebrate the great Victory Day. This time the Russians will rest for 3 days, since May 9 is Saturday, which causes the weekend to be postponed to Monday May 11.
In June
The first month of summer is marked by another state celebration - Day of Russia. Working Thursday the day before will last seven hours instead of the standard eight for people who work according to the standard 40-hour schedule. There will be an official holiday on Friday June 12th, so the second week of June will be short. Many people prefer to rest at this time at sea, and those who cannot afford a long trip often go to the banks of a river or lake, where you can sunbathe and swim.
In November
The last state holiday that the whole country celebrates is National Unity Day. It is the only one for the whole year that falls in the middle between weekdays - on Wednesday. On Tuesday, the number of working hours will be reduced by one hour, and on Wednesday the entire population will be able to relax.
Then, until the New Year 2021, everything goes strictly according to the production calendar, and only on December 31, as a holiday, will allow people to work an hour less and relax an hour more.
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