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Socially vulnerable sections of the population need special support from the state. How effective will be the indexation of pensions for non-working and working pensioners in 2020? Federal Law No. 49-ФЗ dated 04/01/2019 introduced some adjustments to the formation of payments.
Odds for 2020
The new settlement system will affect approximately 12% of non-working pensioners. It entered into force in 2019 and will continue until 2024. During this period, the volume of additional payments will reach 120 billion rubles.
From 01.01.2020, pensions will be indexed by 6.6% (in 2019, the figure was 7.05%).
The indexation of pensions in 2020 for non-working pensioners will exceed the inflation rate - in 2019 it reached 4.3%, and in 2020 it is expected to be slightly higher (the expected figure is 4.8%).
From 01.04.2020, recalculation will affect those segments of the population who receive monthly payments regardless of their working experience (participants in the Great Patriotic War, their widows, disabled people) - in accordance with the statement of Senator Bibikova, the ratio will be 7% (previously, the figure was 3%, and in 2019, pensions were indexed by only 2%).
The indexation of pensions for working retirees in 2020 is still at the level of plans and discussions. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that since 2020 the state will finally have the opportunity to increase costs - there are all the prerequisites for the law of 2016, according to which indexing was not carried out, to be canceled. Its introduction was due to the need for anti-crisis measures. Since working citizens are able to provide for themselves, the government decided to redirect the savings to support vulnerable groups.
At this stage, officially employed pensioners receive an increase based on the results of their work over the past year. The size of the supplement depends on the amount of wages. At least 3 points are awarded, the cost of each of which in 2020 will be approximately 93 rubles. (which is almost 5 rubles higher than in 2019). Recalculation allows you to get an increase not in January, but in August.
New billing system
Who is the first to be affected by the indexation of pensions in 2020? According to the new rules, an additional payment will be calculated for those people whose income does not reach the level of regional PM. If it is higher than the PM, then the person gets the right only to index.
What are the changes? Earlier, the correction of the monthly cash income received by the most vulnerable segments of the population was almost imperceptible. The calculations were carried out as follows:
- the amount of payments due is indexed (multiplied by a factor);
- the received number was subtracted from the subsistence minimum - the difference was the amount of the surcharge.
Thus, a person who completed his career simply received the subsistence minimum established in the region. Such indexation was completely ineffective and did not actually increase the payment to non-working pensioners (by law, its size should not be lower than the PM). Since 2019, surcharges are calculated according to another scheme:
- First, the first premium is determined - the coefficient is multiplied by the amount of monthly payments;
- then the non-indexed figure is deducted from the subsistence minimum;
- both figures received are added to the original amount - this will be the monthly income.
For clarity, you can make a calculation. Assume
- a person receives 8,000 rubles .;
- PM in the region - 8,700 rubles.
Payouts will be calculated as follows:
- 8 000x6.6% = 528 - the first additional amount;
- 8 700-8 000 = 700 - the second premium;
- 8 000 + 528 + 700 = 9228 - the total amount.
When performing the calculations according to the old scheme, the surcharge would be 172 rubles:
- 8 000x6.6% = 528;
- 8 000+528= 8 528;
- 8 700-8 528=172.
Total difference is:
- 1 228-172=1 056.
Thanks to this approach, the indexation of pensions in 2020 will not go unnoticed - payments will indeed increase and will exceed the cost of living. Its value for 2020 will be set in the regions in September 2019. You do not need to submit documents for recalculation - it will be done automatically.
Changes regarding the cost of living
Currently, facts of understating the subsistence level of pensioners in the regions are increasingly being revealed. Such a situation is observed in almost 30 constituent entities of the Russian Federation - an artificial decrease in PM allows receiving increased surcharges from the budget. Since 2020, it is planned to introduce uniform rules by which the PM will be formed in the regions, which will help to avoid abuse. Pension indexation in 2020 promises to be transparent, without violating rights.
Will the situation improve
Despite the fact that the indexation percentage exceeds the inflation index, no serious welfare improvement is expected. According to estimates, the average pension will increase by about 1 thousand rubles. At the same time, the real inflation rate is always higher than the calculated figures - the received surcharge will last for a short time. According to the government’s plans, the indexation of pensions in 2020, 2021 and subsequent years should gradually raise the size of payments to 20 thousand rubles. If the inflation rate by that time does not significantly increase, then the quality of life of pensioners will indeed increase.
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