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Hot dishes will be required at every festive table for the New Year 2020. Women want to surprise guests, so they are looking for new and original recipes. Since the mistress of the year, the Rat is considered to be picky and omnivorous animal, hot can be prepared from pork, poultry, beef, fish, etc.
Baked salmon with vegetable side dish
Ingredients for 4 servings:
- 2 large salmon steaks (they are divided into two parts, removing the vertebral bone);
- carrots - 200 g;
- broccoli - 200 g;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
- salt and pepper to taste;
- brown sugar - 3 tbsp. l .;
- soy sauce - 3 tbsp. l .;
- honey - 1 tbsp. l .;
- sesame seeds - 2 tsp.
Peel and cut the carrots in circles, about 0.5 cm thick. Broccoli divided into small inflorescences. You can also use frozen already sliced vegetables. Put them in a bowl, salt and pepper, add oil, mix well. Tightly lay in one layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Put salmon on top, skinning down. In a bowl, mix sugar, soy sauce, honey and sesame. Grease the salmon with the resulting sauce. Bake for 15 minutes in the oven at 200C.
Note. The vegetables will turn out crispy. If it is necessary that they are softer, you can remove the fish and continue to bake vegetables for another 7-10 minutes.
Chicken with Cherry Tomatoes
Ingredients for 4 servings:
- chicken fillet - 2 halves;
- cherry tomatoes - 500 g;
- feta cheese - 200 g;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
- salt and pepper to taste;
- herbs: oregano, basil;
- lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
Place tomatoes, fillets, salt, pepper, spices, vegetable oil in a cooking bag. Mix well, but very carefully so as not to damage the tomatoes. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Pour everything onto a baking sheet covered with parchment. Spread so that the fillet on the cover of tomatoes or vice versa.
Pour the chicken with lemon juice and put the feta cheese on top, cut into rectangles about 0.5 cm thick. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes at a temperature of 200C. A delicious crust should form on the cheese. To do this, you can use the "Grill" function in the oven or increase the temperature 5 minutes before the end of cooking.
Canadian pork ribs
Preparing ribs is very simple, but apple sauce makes their taste simply incomparable. Delicate meat with a sweet and caramel flavor will amaze even the gourmet gourmet. You can surprise your guests with this easy-to-cook dish.
The following ingredients should be prepared:
- 0.8-1 kg of ribs;
- 80-100 g of applesauce (1-2 apples);
- 80-100 g of tomato sauce or ketchup;
- 3 table. tablespoons of soy sauce;
- 0.5 teaspoon cinnamon;
- 1 table. tablespoons of brown sugar;
- 1-2 table. tablespoons of lemon juice;
- 1 tsp Paprika
- 0.5 tsp dry garlic;
- black and hot pepper;
- salt.
To cook tender meat, follow these simple steps:
- Divide the ribs into portioned portions. Rinse and dry with a cloth. Then set them aside and start preparing the marinade.
- Ready apple puree (suitable for baby food) mix with spices and ketchup or tomato sauce. If there is no dry garlic, you can take a couple of cloves of ordinary and pass through a meat grinder. Advice! Mashed potatoes can be made from fresh apples.Peel the fruit from the peel and seeds, cut into pieces. Microwave for 5-7 minutes to make apples soft. Mash with a fork until smooth.
- Place the ribs in the cooked marinade. Make sure that the marinade completely covers the meat. Leave for a couple of hours.
- Put the ribs on a baking sheet and cover with foil. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees 40-50 minutes.
- Remove the foil and continue to bake until a golden crust appears, periodically lubricating with the remains of the marinade.
- Serve immediately with any side dish.
If the marinade is left, boil it over low heat and serve as a sauce.
Spicy Beef with Orange Sauce
The recipe for a spicy hot dish for the New Year of 2020 is useful to housewives who love spicy. Although the severity of the dishes can be changed depending on personal preferences. It is enough to reduce the amount of hot sauce or not to use it at all in cooking.
The following foods are required for beef in orange sauce:
- 600-700 g of meat (without bone);
- a glass of orange juice;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 2 sweet peppers;
- 5 table. tablespoons of soy sauce;
- 2-3 table. tablespoons of hot sauce;
- 2 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- 1 tsp sesame oil;
- 1 table. a spoonful of corn starch.
Cut the beef into small pieces, the bell pepper into strips, and chop the garlic finely.
Heat the pan well over a fire. Pour in the vegetable oil, and then send the beef. Fry over high heat for 5-7 minutes. Add previously prepared vegetables and fry everything together for another 2-3 minutes.
Now start making orange sauce. To do this, mix orange juice, hot and soy sauce, sesame oil in a bowl. Whisk lightly with a whisk, and then pour into a pan with meat. After boiling, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.
Dilute starch in 2 tablespoons of cold water. Pour the mixture into the pan and continue to simmer another 2-3 minutes until the mixture thickens. Then serve immediately. You can decorate with greens.
Chicken "pockets" with mushrooms
Among 2020 New Year's hot dishes there are many recipes with photos from which you can choose delicious options for a festive feast. Noteworthy are chicken "pockets", the preparation of which even a young and inexperienced housewife can handle. In addition, you need a simple set of products:
- 2 chicken fillets;
- 100 g of cheese;
- a bunch of green onions;
- 100-150 g of mushrooms;
- 3 table. tablespoons of olive oil;
- 1 tsp Paprika
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- salt and pepper.
First you need to marinate the meat. In the chicken fillet you need to make incisions so that you get a "pocket".
Mix the garlic through the press with paprika, olive oil and pepper. If desired, you can use your favorite herbs. With the prepared mixture, grate the prepared fillets well. Fold them in a bowl and set aside, for now, do the filling.
Cut the mushrooms into small pieces and fry in a pan.
Add the grated cheese and chopped green onions to the mushrooms. Shuffle. The filling is ready.
Put mushrooms with cheese in chicken "pockets". Secure them with a toothpick so that they do not open during baking. Place on a baking sheet and cover with foil. Bake for 30-40 minutes, covering the fillet with foil. Then remove the foil and cook another 5-10 minutes until a delicious crust appears.
Pink salmon in creamy mint sauce
If you want to surprise guests, then prepare for the New Year 2020 hot from pink salmon. In preparation, the dish is simple, but the taste of tender fish will immediately amaze anyone. To prepare, you will need:
- 1-1.2 kg of pink salmon;
- a few mint leaves;
- 250 ml cream;
- 2 tsp brown sugar;
- some thyme;
- vegetable oil for frying;
- salt.
Cooking process:
Mash sugar, thyme and salt in a mortar first. If the pink salmon is whole, divide it into steaks.
Heat the pan over high heat. Sprinkle salmon steaks on one side with a mixture of sugar and spices. Then, with the side sprinkled, send the pink salmon to the pan. Reduce the heat so that the fish does not burn.
While one side is fried, sprinkle the other with a mixture of spices and sugar. Fry fish for 2-3 minutes, then turn over and fry the same amount.Pink salmon should acquire a beautiful and mouth-watering crust.
Transfer the steaks to a baking sheet and prepare the sauce. Grind a few leaves of mint with a blender and mix with cream.
Fill the fish with creamy mixture and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees.
Bake for 20-25 minutes under the foil. Then remove the foil so that the fish is beautifully browned.
Serve immediately.
Turkey in honey mustard sauce
A collection of recipes for hot dishes for the New Year 2020 can be complemented by baked turkey breast in a spicy sauce. It takes a little time to cook and a simple set of products:
- 500-600 g turkey fillet;
- 2-3 tsp honey;
- 1 tsp Provence herbs;
- 1-2 tsp mustard;
- 1-2 tbsp. l orange juice;
- 1 tbsp. l olive oil;
- salt and pepper.
To make the meat tasty and aromatic, you must marinate it in advance.
To do this, rinse and dry the brisket with a napkin.
Rub it on all sides with salt, pepper and Provence herbs. Place in a bowl, pour orange juice on top. It will not only give a special taste to meat, but also make it tender and soft. Cover the bowl with cling film and place the turkey in the refrigerator for at least an hour. You can pickle all day.
Mix honey with olive oil and mustard. If honey is candied, first melt it.
The resulting mixture grate the turkey fillet. You can add some favorite herbs. Bake the brisket at 180 degrees until a crust appears on top. Periodically pour meat from baking sheet juice.
Before serving, cut portionwise.
Rabbit in beer
Tender rabbit meat goes well with any side dish and will appeal to all guests. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:
- 1.5-1.7 kg rabbit carcass;
- 2-3 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil;
- 300 ml of beer;
- 2 onions;
- some basil leaves;
- 1 table. a spoon of flour;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- salt and spices.
Rinse the rabbit carcass and divide into portions.
Sauté the meat over high heat in vegetable oil. It is advisable to fry the rabbit in several wards so that it is well-fried and not stewed.
Cut the peeled onions in half rings. Chop the garlic finely. Put the meat in a baking dish. Lay vegetables, chopped basil on top. Sprinkle everything with salt and spices, fill it with beer, and then add water so that the rabbit is completely covered with liquid.
Cover the form with foil on top and send for 1.5-2 hours. Rabbit meat should be soft. Serve the table immediately.
Pork roll with prunes and apples
If it is difficult to decide what to cook hot for the New Year 2020, viewing recipes with photos will help you make a decision. You can delight guests with a delicious pork roll. To prepare it, you need such products:
- 1 kg of pork without bone;
- 100 g of prunes (seedless);
- 2 tbsp. spoons of pine nuts;
- 2 apples
- 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice;
- salt and spices.
Prepare the filling for the roll. Pour prune with boiling water and leave for a while, for now peel apples and cut into small pieces. Drain the water from the prunes and cut it into small pieces. Mix dried fruits with apples and pine nuts, pour lemon juice. Lemon juice will prevent apples from getting dark.
Cut a piece of pork so that a layer of small thickness is obtained. You can beat off the meat slightly so that it is more tender and juicier. Salt and season with spices if desired, although this is not necessary.
Put the filling on top and roll up the roll. Tie so that the roll does not fall apart during baking.
Put the roll in the oven, heated to 180 degrees. After 20 minutes, cover with foil so that it does not burn, and continue to bake for another 40-50 minutes. When the dish is ready, remove the threads, and cut the roll into pieces.
Also see some more interesting recipes that will help diversify the New Year menu:
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