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The astrological horoscope for 2020 for Rabbits (Cats) does not portend serious troubles, but promises a large number of positive emotions. Cheerful and positive-minded representatives of the sign are guaranteed favorable circumstances, romantic love, friendly support.
Peaceful, considerate Cats with everyone find a common language, become the soul of every company. They are drawn to them, they are forgiven and loved, imitated, admired by them. They prefer calmness, prosperity, confidence, they carefully consider actions, rarely give vent to anger, are not embarrassed to admit mistakes, the first to seek reconciliation. Able to "go headlong" into the world of imagination and art, they, at the same time, do not turn into impoverished artists or obscure poets, but always find a path to fame.
What 2020 brings with it
For rabbits who love prosperity and comfort, White Rat will provide an opportunity to improve living conditions, buy a car of the best class, and make a number of profitable investments. Soft, but strong-willed and persistent, they can overcome difficulties, they can conquer any peak. The ability to achieve results in business should be intensively used in the year of special favor of the stars.
Rabbits have a variety of people. Their outward good-naturedness, with a fair supply of innate cunning, helps find ways to hearts. Among close friends of these men and women, there are both champions of religious dogmas and people who do not comply with the laws of conscience. The ability to make useful contacts will have to be out of place. In the middle of summer there will be an opportunity to consolidate their position in society through beneficial ties.
A love of flirting will cause family frustration. Accustomed to the attention of the opposite sex, Cats often make mistakes, do not shun fleeting relationships. Having run up "on the side" and full of remorse, they usually try to return to the family. During the rule of the Metal Rat, you should moderate the ardor, because for the mistress of the year the family ties are holy, and she does not favor those who do not protect them.
About men
Emotionally balanced, these representatives of the Zodiac get along well with colleagues, neighbors, superiors, and distant relatives. If there are conflicts, Rabbit willingly acts as a conciliator of various parties, gaining universal respect and support. He has someone to rely on, whom to call at three in the morning, where to go on a visit for the whole summer. They are waiting for him, love, greeted with open arms.
In the year of the White Rat, travel is coming. Most trips will be more than financially profitable. If many people along the way have to part with their savings, then the costs of this sign are borne by others. For men, it's time for adventure, the implementation of bold projects. Those who decide to settle down and start a family within a year will not have to repent of the decision.
Cautious and far-sighted, they will be able to gather like-minded people around them, find funds for a grandiose project, along the way, help someone get out of a difficult life situation.Wonderful strategists, philosophers, poets at heart, these people are always in search of new experiences and impressions, so necessary for creativity. Sometimes, overstating their own bar, Cats are disappointed, but in the eyes of others they still remain the best.
About women
It is more difficult for women to build relationships within the family because of an excessive love of independence. Strong, attractive, charming, able to "look into the souls", the representatives of the Constellation easily get their way, they get everything they think about. Individuals extraordinary, receptive, often go to extremes in their youth: they either surrender to the power of insanity, or they live more strictly than the Puritans.
With age, these ladies turn into real "sharks" in any field, whether it be work, relationships, business. Money is given to them simply, like their position in society, which is why they easily lose both if they do not make efforts for dynamic development. The tendency to spend is a bad habit that you need to forget about for the entire period of Metal Rat’s rule, otherwise a huge gap will appear in the budget at the end of the year.
Long nervous breakdowns are possible, therefore it is necessary to develop resistance to stresses in yourself. Due to the increased emotionality, relations with the “second half” will be on the verge of breaking. There will be a desire to quit work, delete accounts on social networks, change phone numbers. These are extreme measures that seem inappropriate when calmly considering unpleasant situations.
In the year 2020, you need to be more restrained, but not to withdraw into yourself. This is the time to search for life priorities, restore spiritual harmony, new relationships and acquaintances.
About romance and love
Stars will surely help the signs of the zodiac wishing to find a life partner. The White Rat, like Rabbit, appreciates the warmth of the family hearth, friendly conversations, an atmosphere of satiety, cleanliness, comfort. Adventurers on the love front should beware, an open disregard for other people's feelings will come out sideways. In general, everyone will have the opportunity to make a choice, it remains to listen to the call of the heart.
The ability to easily make friends, the ability to listen and a delicate artistic perception helps the sign to surround itself and loved ones with the most unimaginable pleasant trifles. Rabbits turn into a wonderful experience every, even unremarkable situation. If friendship is only one day, this “animal” of the Zodiac already knows about his favorite color, writer, life slogan, dessert of a new friend.
Year 2020 is good for choosing a wedding date. Unions concluded from the end of spring until December promise to be successful, strong. Everyone who wants to settle down, it's time to think about serious changes in their personal lives.
Rabbits are not alone for long. They are easy to attach, but also easily switch to others. To maintain relationships with men or women born in this constellation, partners will need to learn patience and flexibility. Any manifestation of adoration, albeit a little overplayed, will give a positive result.
About finance
Rabbits love money. Representatives of the sign rarely live worse than we would like. Usually around them is exactly the environment that they like. These people do not resign themselves to failures, do not really believe in fatality and believe that fate is always on their side. Even if they experience a financial collapse, they rarely lose ground and will soon begin to climb the social ladder again.
This is a great time to grow. The tendency of the Rat to enrichment will find a response in the worldview of Cats. Under the supervision of the symbol of the year, you can create profitable work schemes. Cash surplus will need to be postponed, otherwise the squanders will have to admire the "back of luck."
A good idea would be to invest an excess of funds in real estate, land. Any accuracy in spending is welcome, but those who feel the need to improve their health should be provided with full conditions for recovery. In this regard, saving is inappropriate.
About career growth and business
The sign does not immediately find work to its liking. In early youth, due to the versatility of nature, it is difficult for Rabbits to decide on their ultimate life goal. Only having tested themselves in different fields, having matured and gaining life experience, men and women know exactly what they want. This is where their path to victory begins.
Rabbits' career in the year of the Rat will grow rapidly. Bright, courageous, grasping, purposeful individuals are able not to keep their eyes on ethical issues, if it's worth it. This is one of the reasons for their success. They manage to beat others, but they do it with such good nature that the loss of good relations does not occur. Such a skill requires a subtle game, the ability to gently manipulate situations.
Representatives of the Constellation have many talents, achieve success in various activities. Rabbits can safely try their hand at the following professions:
- theater and film actor;
- writer, publicist, critic;
- lawyer;
- jeweler;
- musician, composer, singer;
- producer;
- businessman;
- journalist, TV presenter;
- health worker;
- veterinarian.
The professions that Cats will like are obliged to be promising and to benefit people, should arouse the desire for the best, faith in good.
How to stay healthy
The rules of a healthy life begin with peace of mind. The more comfortable the sign, the better the circumstances around it. Due to their high sensitivity, these men and women cannot wait for a miraculous deliverance, but it is necessary to take matters into their own hands. Any need to endure, to humble oneself becomes the cause of negativity, loss of faith in oneself.
- Move more, dream more, strive for more, because the source of their energy is in motion.
- Eat separately, but do not bring yourself to exhaustion.
- Undergo a preventive medical examination, even if it doesn’t hurt anywhere.
- Carefully monitor vision and condition of the teeth.
In spring and autumn, the risk of infectious diseases increases. Strengthening the immune system will allow you to cope with the flu or viruses quickly and without antibiotics. In the summer, going on vacation, it is necessary to observe all safety conditions, not to risk in vain.
Celebrities born in the Year of the Rabbit (Cat): Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, Quentin Tarantino, Sergey Zhigunov, Angelina Jolie, Eva Longoria, Drew Barrymore, Mila Jovovich, Edith Piaff, Walter Scott, Eldar Ryazanov, Mstislav Rostropovich.