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The capital of the Krasnodar Territory, not so long ago received the title of a million-plus city, is waiting for global changes. Currently, the master plan of the city "Open Krasnodar" is being actively developed. It is planned that in the period until 2020, the capital of the Kuban will be greatly transformed. Several new microdistricts, a complex of educational institutions, a new road transport system - all this is provided for by the general plan of the city.
The project taking into account the opinions of residents
“Your opinion will be taken into account” - under this motto, the Krasnodar administration posted on its official section devoted to the development of the master plan of the city. City officials are offering residents to take an active part in creating the draft main urban planning document of the capital of the Kuban. Everyone can get acquainted with the main provisions of the plan, the schematic arrangement of planned objects. After going through a simple registration, users have the opportunity to leave their comments, suggestions and comments.
The tendency to take into account the opinions of residents regarding the proposed urban development strategies in Russia is not new. Public discussions of urban plans replaced the public hearings, which were often held at a time inconvenient for working citizens. The discussion using the information and telecommunication network Internet is enshrined in the legislation of the Russian Federation and has been successfully practiced for several years. Residents of Russia, including Krasnodar, are actively involved in the planning of their hometowns.
Time for a change
The version of the master plan of Krasnodar, in the form in which it now exists, is long outdated. This conclusion was made by leading architects and designers of the city. According to experts, some of the projects from the previous plan of 2012 have already been implemented, and the other part has lost its relevance. Therefore, the program of global restructuring of Krasnodar requires a so-called “reboot”, taking into account modern realities.
The general plan was presented for public discussion in 2016. Despite this, its final version has not yet been adopted. The head of Kuban Kondratyev expressed his dissatisfaction with the delay in developing the document. At a meeting of the public urban planning council, the mayor of the city, Yevgeny Pervyshov, promised the head of the region that the main document will be received by the end of 2019.
For information. The number of residents of Krasnodar is constantly increasing. The city's population in January 2018 exceeded one million people. That is why in 2018 the capital of the Kuban received the official status of the 16th city with a million-plus population.
New housing estates
Migration continues at an active pace. Therefore, the map of Krasnodar constantly changes borders, expanding due to the construction of new houses and social facilities. In the period until 2020, according to the preliminary master plan, several more new microdistricts will be built in the city:
- In the area of the village of Elizavetinsky, an area with low-rise buildings will appear. It is also planned to place several kindergartens, schools and a clinic here.
- A large modern area will "grow" on the banks of the Kuban River (near the district of Hydrostroiteley).The plan provides for the construction of multi-storey buildings along the perimeter of the new building, and the social infrastructure will be located inside, including: 9 schools, 22 kindergartens, a clinic, sports grounds and facilities).
- Between the two villages Zelenopolsky and Znamensky there will be a small residential ash from apartment buildings, one school, one kindergarten and a clinic.
- Two empty schools will soon be built on an empty place in the Karasun district of Krasnodar, a couple of kindergartens, a clinic, a church, squares and parks. The developed infrastructure will be used by residents of new homes.
Great changes await the largest urban education. According to the general plan, new residential areas and public-business zones will be built in the Prikuban city district. Some of them are planned to be built before 2020. At the same time, the city authorities promise that all specially protected natural areas will remain in the district.
For information. In 2019, three large schools, six kindergartens and several new buildings of gymnasium No. 87 will be built in Krasnodar. For the construction allocated more than 3 billion rubles.
New road transport system
The authorities of Krasnodar pay special attention to the planning of new transport routes and street-road networks. Currently, the city is overloaded with a stream of cars. At the entrance to Krasnodar, traffic jams occur due to cars moving towards the Black Sea. The construction of the Far Western bypass of the city should solve this problem.
It is also planned to build several four-lane highways and road junctions. Among them are the “Southern High-Speed Perimeter” highway, the interchange on the M-4 “Don” highway, and others. In 2019, repair work will take place over almost 100 km of the roadbed. This is more than fifty road-street networks and settlements. In total, Krasnodar will spend more than 3 billion rubles on reforming the road transport system.
In addition, from 2019 in Krasnodar, a program will begin to update the city electric transport. In 2019, the depot will be replenished with 33 low-floor trams; in 2020, it is planned to purchase another 37 cars, and in 2021, 28 cars. It is reported that a single-section car is designed for 170 passengers, three-section for 255.
The city administration promises that tram routes will be laid in most new neighborhoods.
New embankment
Another large-scale project worth 2.5 billion rubles has already been approved by the state examination. An open promenade in the form of a promenade will be presented to the city authorities by residents. The framework of the pedestrian zone will be fortifications over 400 meters. Protection from shore erosion and spring flooding in the form of a vertical reinforced concrete wall will appear in Krasnodar until 2021. The embankment itself will become a natural continuation of the Christmas Park and will last until the park named after the 30th anniversary of the Victory.
“The most important attraction of the city” - the head of the regional center Yevgeny Pervyshov calls the future embankment. In order to start construction as soon as possible, the head of the city counts on the help of the regional governor and a federal co-financing program. In addition, the city authorities consider this project a starting point for further landscaping along the banks of the river.
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