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November is a month rich in memorable dates and all kinds of holidays. It’s the turn of a rather popular celebration - Mother’s Day in 2020. But what kind of holiday is it, what are its traditions and customs, what date is Mother's Day in Russia in 2020, and when is it celebrated in other countries?
Doubts about what date to celebrate Mother's Day arise annually. The reason is that it is celebrated in many countries of the world. But with such a wide geography, there is no single date for the celebration.
So, a number of states decided to celebrate this day in May - on the second May Sunday in Estonia and Ukraine, in Cyprus and Malta; on the third May Sunday - in Kyrgyzstan; the last Sunday of May - in Sweden and France. Some countries noted in the calendar March - Georgia March 3, Egypt - 21. Someone considers autumn to be the most suitable time: for example, Belarus - October 14th.
The Russian holiday Mother's Day is celebrated on the last November Sunday. In 2020, this holiday falls on the 29th.
It is included in the number of official memorable and professional holidays, but the day off (Sunday) cannot be postponed because of it.
As this day is celebrated in the countries of the world
Mother's Day is an event with a rich past. England is considered the historical homeland of the celebration, with its centuries-old family foundations and the veneration of motherhood. Over the centuries of its existence, the holiday has spread throughout the world, and today it is celebrated literally on all continents - however, at different times.
In our country, it is customary to celebrate two holidays dedicated to women at once: March Eighth and Mother's Day. March 8 is a common women's day when it is customary to congratulate all women. Mother's Day is a warmer, sincere holiday designed to exalt the value of family and motherhood.
This holiday appeared in 1998 by special Presidential Decree. However, it began to be celebrated on the territory of the USSR back in 1988, when a teacher from Baku suggested introducing a new event dedicated to mothers in the annual calendar of secondary school. Yes, yes, it was the students who became the first to congratulate their mothers on this warm holiday. Due to the initial “binding” to the school schedule, such a date was chosen - the last Sunday of November.
Our closest neighbors also celebrate this day in the fall. True, the Government of Belarus decided to give the event a fixed date - November 14th. Established in Belarus Mother's Day even earlier than in Russia - back in 1996. And just like ours, it is noted primarily among schoolchildren.
Another neighbor of ours, this time south, celebrates Mother's Day in September, the third Sunday. Officially, the celebration in Kazakhstan appeared recently - in 2012, and therefore it is celebrated far less widely than in other countries.
Great Britain
Residents of Britain call this day a little differently - Maternal Sunday, and celebrate it on the fourth Sunday from the beginning of Lent. It was here, on the shores of Misty Albion, that the holiday was born. The symbol of Mother Sunday is flowers with many petals: roses, chrysanthemums, carnations. A compulsory dish on the table is sweets, most often almond cake, marzipan cakes or muffins.
Americans are big fans of all kinds of traditions. They introduced the event into the annual holiday calendar back in 1910.Activist Anna Jervis turned to the Virginia government with a proposal to establish a special day when everyone could say thanks to their mother. The offer was immediately accepted, and over the course of a few years, the new holiday spread almost throughout the United States. Today in the United States, Mother's Day (the second May Sunday) is in fifth place in popularity among public holidays.
In Catholic Spain, the traditions of secular Mother's Day and religious Virgin Mary's Day are intertwined, sometimes so closely that it is difficult to understand what the whole country celebrates on such a scale. The first Sunday of May is dedicated to the memory of the Holy Virgin, on the same day Mother's Day is celebrated. And today Día de la Madre is one of the most popular holidays in Spain.
Here Mother's Day is celebrated quite restrained - not in the example of the bustling Spain or Portugal. The official founder of the event is the German Florist Association, hence the main symbol of the celebration is a flower, most often in a pot. Despite the modesty of the celebrations, Germany presented the world with the hashtag #muttertag, which is now widely used on Telegram and Instagram.
The story is very similar to Germany - and in Switzerland, flower initiators became the initiators of the official appearance of the celebration. True, here Mother's Day is celebrated quite widely, and chocolate and all kinds of pastries are added to traditional gifts in the form of flowers. By the way, the celebration takes place on the Swiss online space with the same hashtag - #muttertag.
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