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Civil Aviation Day in Russia in 2020 will be celebrated, as always, twice. On Monday, December 7th, a date is recognized by the ICAO. The Assembly of the International Civil Aviation Organization, established by the UN, has been celebrating this day since 1994.
Russia, as a member of ICAO since 1970, also celebrates this holiday. But in the minds of pilots, mechanics, stewardesses, designers more rooted February 9th. More precisely, on February 9, the distant 1923.
On February 9, 2020 will be on Sunday. Despite the status of a public holiday (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 09.02.2013 No. 98), civil aviation is not a day off.
From Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod
It was on February 9, 1923, that the “Council for Civil Aviation” was created, the first state body dealing with civil air transportation. The day of the “wing and screw” workers could be the date of the flight from Moscow to Koenigsberg in 1922. Or the date of the first flight within the borders of the USSR. In the summer of 1923, the first civilian flight Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod took place.
But since all these flights were in one way or another connected with members of the “Council”, who literally worked “for wear and tear,” they began to celebrate on February 9. In addition, the holiday was universal: on the same day, the USSR Council of Labor and Defense adopted another decree: “On the imposition of technical supervision”. The Technical Supervision of Air Lines has become engaged in the Main Directorate of the Air Fleet.
Thus, this date has become a landmark for all the pioneers of Dobrolet JSC, the predecessor of Aeroflot. The emblem of Dobrolet was coined by Kazimir Malevich, Alexander Rodchenko drew advertising posters, and many legendary Soviet pilots and designers started the Dobrolet.
It would be difficult to say what Russian civil aviation would be without a decree of February 9, but this date is disproportionately more important to it than December 7. That is why a professional holiday is celebrated:
- Russian pilots and flight mechanics
- airport workers, dispatchers
- flight attendants and other staff
Like any professional holiday, it is also celebrated by people working in civil aviation, pensioners, cadets, family members of civilian pilots and employees of the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation (Rosaviation). Such an event will not be possible without officials.
Traditions yesterday, today, tomorrow
For civil aviation workers, the holiday date does not change anything in the normal work schedule. Airplanes continue to fly, ticket offices work, mechanics are required to check the "board" before departure. So only people who are not on shift or on duty can afford to celebrate at a table with family and colleagues.
Nevertheless, among the flight attendants of some airlines February 9th is considered a good form to congratulate the pilots into the microphone “for the whole cabin”. As a rule, after landing. This tradition is considered unofficial and is not universally approved, but passengers treat it with understanding.
Officially on this day, awards and certificates of honor are presented, and orders for promotion are published. This is more important, of course, for pilots, the hierarchy of civil aviation pilots is close to the military. However, an extraordinary promotion is an event for the official.
Aviation workers are congratulated at the highest level, including the congratulations of the President of the Russian Federation. Speaker is the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency.A gala concert is organized to which honored workers, flight veterans and officials are invited.
Exhibitions, corporate events and family hearth
Themed exhibitions dedicated to civil aviation day open long before February 9th. They begin to work in December and close in the spring. In addition, museums have permanent specialized exhibitions.
Now in Russia there is more than one airline, so the leadership of some of them holds corporate parties. But workers who are free from duty and flight prefer to rest in a narrow circle.
In 2020, the date of Civil Aviation Day will remain unchanged - February 9. Some civil aviation workers will spend most of the day in the sky, but nevertheless they will receive congratulations from the president and the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency.
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