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You can’t figure out what to give your wife for New Year 2020 - we will show you interesting gift ideas in different price categories that will give a good mood to your soulmate and fill the New Year celebration with bright emotions.
Basic rules for choosing a gift
When choosing a present for a spouse, it is important first of all to take into account her preferences and interests. Therefore, for the New Year 2020, it’s worth starting to prepare in advance, gathering discreetly for the second half of the information that your beloved dreams about, what he is fond of at the moment and what can make her truly happy.
A New Year's gift can be a source of both positive and negative emotions, so it is very important to first of all find out what exactly your beloved would definitely not want to find under the Christmas tree. Most often fall into disgrace:
- cheap cosmetics (especially if a woman already has a favorite brand);
- anti-aging complexes;
- perfumes purchased without regard to the taste of women;
- everything related to medicine and health;
- clock;
- money and certificates.
It is worth noting that the tastes and wishes of the representatives of the beautiful half are very diverse and there is simply no single universal solution to the question of what should be the perfect gift for his wife under the Christmas tree for the New Year 2020. Nevertheless, with a little effort and analysis of the interests of the woman you love, you can please her with a really interesting present.
In search of an inexpensive gift, men often opt for various souvenirs:
- figures of New Year's characters;
- miniature mouse (because 2020 will be held under the sign of the White Rat);
- stylish decor elements for an apartment, home or garden;
- photo frames or a ready-made collage of collaborative shots;
- Creative piggy banks.
Sweet presents
How can you imagine the New Year without sweets. Even women who strictly follow a diet throughout the year during this period allow themselves some gastronomic liberties. Please your beloved with your favorite sweets or cakes. Take it not by volume, but by originality of presentation and extraordinary design of gift wrapping.
Among the sweet presentations popular today are the following:
- sweets "Sweet help";
- crafts made of chocolates (you can do it yourself);
- delicious bouquets.
We suggest you watch a master class on creating such an effective gift composition by 2020.
Over the years of living together, you certainly know what aromas like the soulmate. The wife will definitely be pleased with the perfume present in two cases:
- if you correctly guess with aroma;
- if it will be expensive elite perfume, which will be nice to demonstrate to girlfriends.
The most interesting fragrances of 2019 and 2020 included: CHANEL No. 5, “JOY” from “DIOR”, Sì Passione from Armani, “CARAT” from “CARTIER”, MICHAEL KORS “WONDERLUST”, Kenzo World Eau, LACOSTE POUR FEMME.
The list of gizmos in this category is quite large:
- rings
- earrings;
- Chains
- pendants;
- brooches;
- bracelets;
- pendants;
- beads ...
The main condition is to know exactly what a woman prefers: yellow or white gold, silver or jewelry.
Important! If the wife prefers precious metal products, and you are not ready to give gold or silver for the New Year, it is better to immediately look for another idea.
Thinking over the question of what to give your beloved wife on New Year's Eve, it is worth considering that many women really would like to receive a modern gadget for the New Year 2020:
- smartphone;
- the tablet;
- netbook;
- smart watch;
- fitness bracelet;
- video camera;
- game console;
- virtual reality glasses.
If you already have a modern gadget, you can always bring one of the accessories: headphones, power-bank, a stylish case or a selfie stick.
New Year is a celebration in which it is not customary to give very expensive gifts. Most often, "under the tree" give small equipment, for example:
- for laying oxen: hair dryer, curling iron, irons;
- for the kitchen: coffee machine, slow cooker, bread machine, microwave, kitchen, food processor, air grill;
- for home: iron, steam generator, vacuum cleaner.
Of course, if you want and the availability of finance, you can think of a more expensive gift in the form of a washing machine or dishwasher, a new smart TV or music center. But, such gifts should not be presented as a surprise, because the wife may want to take part in choosing the model that is optimal from her point of view.
Knowing the preferences of your beloved and her size well, you can choose beautiful linen, a new dress, a stylish blouse or a cozy sweater for your wife.
As universal presentations from this segment, one can consider a spectacular shawl, when selected, it will be enough to guess with the color scheme and the sprint of the product.
If you want to impress and give emotions - buy a set of pajamas or sweaters "for two" with a New Year's pattern. It will be very nice and create a special atmosphere of warmth and comfort.
From year to year, it’s getting harder and harder to pick up an extraordinary present. Once again, thinking about what to give your wife for the New Year, stop your choice on unforgettable impressions, and the gift will make 2020 truly special.
In winter, you can find a lot of opportunities for a bright holiday. We offer to consider such ideas of presentations with a twist:
- movie or theater tickets;
- visit to the rink;
- horseback ride in a snowy park;
- skiing or snowboarding;
- snowmobile tour;
- rest in the water park.
Having assessed the financial possibilities and comparing the schedules of your weekend for the holidays of 2020, you can also offer your soulmate a more unusual vacation by taking permits to a ski resort or inviting your beloved to the warm ocean to one of the exotic countries, where even in the middle of winter you can enjoy an unforgettable summer vacation.
As you can see, for the New Year 2020, you can choose interesting gift options for your wife in different price categories. The main thing is to remember that it is not the price of the presentation that matters, but the atmosphere that you will create and how your New Year's gift will be presented.
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