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- World Premiere: 2020
- Premiere in Russia: 2020
- Country of Origin: USA
- Genre: Fiction, Action, Adventure
- Directors: Kate Shortland
- Cast: Scarlett Johansson, Florence Pugh, Rachel Weisz, David Harbor, O. T. Fagbenley
Should rumors and legends be believed? Why is the life of some women striking in its even flow, while others have to endure the blows of fate? The heroine of the movie "Black Widow", which is scheduled for release in 2020, is a bright red-haired beauty with marble skin and amazing eyes. We'll have to figure out why it is called the gloomy nickname "black widow." This is the name of women who, by a strange coincidence, husbands die. The cause is the destructive energy of the beloved ...
One of the Avengers
The Marvel Universe is inhabited by the most colorful characters, on which the comfortable existence of mankind depends. They are the first to take the blows of fate and repel the attacks of powerful enemies. Comics gave rise to a large-scale project, without which at the moment it is impossible to imagine the cinematic world.
In this universe, the Black Widow is one of the most mysterious characters, so the authors finally decided to make a separate film about her, which will reveal unknown facts and make me wonder. The trailer for the film "Black Widow" 2020 has not yet been born, so we can only speculate what will happen.
The black widow as a comic book character first appeared 55 years ago, back in 1964. The authorship is owned by Stan Lee, Don Rico and Don Heck. It is worth noting that today's favorite of the audience was not always a positive heroine. Natasha Romanoff traveled the Marvel universe as a villain, a Russian spy and early Iron Man antagonist. Fortunately, the United States and S.H.I. managed to recruit her, in the end the girl became the Avenger. In the life of the heroine is a lot of problems, because she is an ideal living weapon. The leadership, which previously gave orders, seeks to kill the beauty, but she is not going to give up.
There is hope that in 2020 the film "Black Widow" will appear on the screens and its frames will meet the expectations of fans who want to see the solo history of super-spy.
Difficult childhood and the beginning of a spy career
Natasha Romanova was born shortly before the start of World War II. Her childhood was cloudless for some time, but then troubled times came. The girl’s mother died in a fire after the imperialists set fire to her dilapidated house. With the last effort, the woman threw her daughter out of the window. The child was caught by a soldier who was looking for his sister.
In the future, it was he who brought up the girl. She went in for sports and ballet, but then attracted the attention of Stalin. On this childhood ended. The young beauty was in a special school, where she began to learn the basics of martial arts, espionage and defense.
First love came to Natasha in the person of test pilot Shestakov, nicknamed the Red Guard. The dancer got married, but soon her husband died. The girl decided to become the best operative and brilliantly completed the task. After joining the Black Widow government program, her life has changed a lot. After she had to complete assignments in the USA, she decided to stay here as a secret agent. The beauty deftly controlled the hearts of the oligarchs and passed the learned secrets to the leadership.It is possible that the film "Black Widow" 2020 will open new pages of biography and unknown facts.
Natasha Romanova is not the only heroine nicknamed Black Widow. A similar nickname is called Elena Belova, who later became a Super Adaptoid. Natasha had to change names more than once, she survived a split personality and fought against herself.
Actors and plot
Since the project is in preparation for filming, there is little accurate information about the plot. The director will be Kate Shortland, the director - Lucresia Martel. The action of the picture will take place in 2006, the heroine is waiting for obstacles, betrayal and stubborn struggle. The trailer for the painting “Black Widow” tells in more detail about the adventures of the main character, but for this it is necessary that the authors think through all the details and keep the intrigue. The trailer has not yet been released.
Scarlett Johansson, who managed to draw special attention to her character, will star in the lead role. Other actors who will star in Black Widow 2020 include David Harbor, Rachel Weiss, Florence Pugh, and O.T. Fagbenli.
Interesting Facts:
- Under consideration is the question of what age restrictions the film will have. Since the spy has to use a variety of seduction methods, it is possible that this will be 18+. This will attract increased attention to the project;
- The picture will be the fourth phase of the Marvel universe and will discover new qualities of many heroes;
- Emma Watson, Alice Englert and other actresses were considered for the role of the character Florence Pugh, but the choice was made in favor of this girl;
- Andre Holland could be the villain.
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