USE in Biology in 2020
The new academic year has come and it's time to discuss what changes will affect the exam in biology in 2020, what will be the structure of the new CMMs, when the exact date of the early and main will become known ...
The new academic year has come and it's time to discuss what changes will affect the exam in biology in 2020, what will be the structure of the new CMMs, when the exact date of the early and main will become known ...
Although the full official version of the GIA calendar is being approved closer to the month of November, today we can already say what the exam schedule for the main exam in the 2019-2020 academic year will be, since the dates ...
Ahead of the new academic year 2019-2020, and we offer to understand when rest periods are planned in Ukrainian schools and why the calendar of some educational institutions in Russia does not coincide with the dates of the start of Ukrainian vacations ...
The exam in social studies has been the leader among the disciplines of the choice of GIA-11 for many years, and 2020 will not be an exception. To everyone who plans to take over the society, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with…
Around the USE in history, the largest number of questions arises in the 2019-2020 academic year and we suggest figuring out whether the subject will be compulsory for 11th grade graduates, what changes are possible, whether the structure will be preserved ...
The order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation enshrines general provisions regarding the allocation of time for study and leisure, but the final decision is made by each educational institution - minor deviations in terms of time from key norms are allowed. Tentative ...
New requirements for work programs in the 2019-2020 academic year suggest that teachers will be able to make their own adjustments when drawing up a curriculum for subjects. If previously it was necessary to clearly follow the established requirements, ...
The school year begins, and for 11th graders there is also intensive preparation for EGЄ 2020 - we suggest discussing when the oral and written exam (dates of the main period) will take place, whether the FIPI plans significant changes, and ...
The first thing that is needed to prepare for the exam in literature for everyone who plans to take the exam in 2020 is the official list of literature compiled by the FIPI. The list shows all the works, with ...
Graduates of 2020 who want to connect their lives with journalism or philology as an exam for their choice at the exam will pass the literature, which means that today it’s worth thoroughly studying ...