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Many men already plan to spend several days or weeks in 2019-2020 on winter fishing, to poison themselves on a frozen lake or river in order to get a plentiful catch and a charge of positive emotions. Experienced anglers know that fishing in the cold season is a rather dangerous activity, which has its own characteristics and legislative restrictions.
Opening of the winter fishing season
Unambiguously answer the question - when will the opening of winter fishing in the season 2019-2020 be unambiguously impossible. It all depends on the weather conditions in the region. Muscovites, for example, go on ice not earlier than December-January, and residents of the northern regions bring home fresh fish in November. Fishing enthusiasts in central Russia usually tell each other that “ice has risen” or ice has set in early December. The main thing is to stop the thaw, and within 3-5 days there would be minus temperature.
Experts recommend not going out on thin ice at the beginning or end of winter. Its thickness should be kept at the level of 6-10 cm. In the daytime, the ice cover on top of the reservoir usually becomes thinner by 1-2 cm, and the risk of falling into the water increases, especially if you drag heavy equipment with you. While the pond is not frozen enough, you can not start fishing in large groups and drive into the ice by car. This is often reported by EMERCOM employees in local newspapers or other media.
Features of fishing on the first ice
Winter puts ice on lakes and rivers gradually, therefore it is impossible to open the fishing season in a hurry, it is better to carefully prepare, collect equipment and gear, make inquiries at thematic forums. It is usually very successful, because during this period the slave, both peaceful and predatory, continues to lead an active lifestyle, gaining strength before spring spawning. It is very important to observe the following rules:
- It is advisable to ski on a snowy pond. They are not tied to their legs, so that in a critical situation they can quickly be dropped.
- You should probe the places near the grass, snags, bushes sticking out of the water. Usually around such growths the ice is very weak and thin.
- It is better to go winter fishing on the first ice in 2019-2020 in a small group, and not alone, so that in case of which you get or help on time.
- If, nevertheless, the ice has gone from under your feet, you should not panic, you should immediately throw off all the heavy things (box, ice ax). Having got out of the water, you need to go in the direction from which the movement along the reservoir began, and not in the opposite uncharted direction. Experienced winter fishing anglers always carry hand grips and a long rope (10-15 cm). This self-rescue kit allows you to cling to dense layers of ice and get out of the wormwood yourself, if there are no helpers around.
- If the ice began to settle or crack under your feet, you should stop and slowly step back with sliding movements to the side from where the path began. Returning to the shore, you need to change the direction of movement.
- You can not punch holes closer than 4-5 meters from each other. If there is no bite in the hollowed hole, it is covered with a portion of crackers or bloodworms and left for a new place (30-40 m). After a couple of hours, you can return to the first hole, since powerful lure was left there.
Active biting on the first ice begins early in the morning or after 3 p.m.Perch is especially active at this time. Ruffs are well caught throughout the day, and burbot begin to actively peck at dusk. For flashy pike or perch, experienced anglers choose places in front of pits near cliffs. At the beginning of winter, large schools of fish concentrate in shallow water, near flooded snags, stumps, and thickets of reeds.
In the middle of the season, the inhabitants of water bodies go to the depths - to the places where the river or stream exits, to the center of the backwater. Among the impressive depths are shallow “spots”, which are adored by large roach, perches and undergrowth. Fishing can be carried out not only in such a shallow place, but also on the approaches to it, the main thing is to make a disguise, that is, spread a raincoat or tarpaulin around the fishing place so as not to frighten off the underwater inhabitants.
What you need to take with you
Each fisherman practices his fishing technique. This may be bottom fishing and balancer, zerzela or mormyshka. It is very important to choose the right equipment and gear:
- Fishing rod. Winterfishermen prefer short-length baikal fishing rods with a round grip and reel. A compact foam plastic fishing rod is suitable for undergrowth, perch and other small fish, and a strong fishing rod with a strong grip is required for luring large predators such as pike. For winter fishing you need a thin fishing line, preferably a single-core or braided cord (for large pike).
- Box for tackle. He also performs the function of a stool. It can store food and drink, equipment, as well as a small catch.
- Ice ax (fishing drill). In modern stores there are a huge variety of models of ice axes. Excellent strength possess "Leningrad" rotting, more expensive options are delivered from Sweden and Finland. The freezing ice crust and crumb of ice are removed with a large aluminum scoop.
- Container for nozzles. These are wooden small boxes in which animal nozzles are stored - larvae, mormysh, bloodworms, and worms. The drawers must have openings for air intake. Plastic models are less practical than wooden ones, since they do not sufficiently protect the nozzles from frost.
- Extractor. A device for removing hooks from the throat of a fish. It allows you not to damage the gear and the fish itself.
- Protective tent or visor. Since the angler has to spend several hours in an open frosty wind, he needs protection from the cold. It can be a small canvas tent with a cut bottom or a simple shelter from slats, on which a dense fabric is pulled.
Of course, this is not the whole list of devices and equipment that can be prepared for the upcoming 2019-2020 winter fishing season. An experienced angler always has at hand a casting spoon, a fish scaler, a yawner, binoculars, a lantern and a thermos with hot tea.
As for equipment, it should consist of waterproof shoes (felt boots with high galoshes and felt insoles), thermal underwear, sweaters, outerwear, and neoprene mittens. Many companies today develop and sell special clothes for winter fishing. You can even order a special jumpsuit that serves as a life jacket in case of contact with ice.
Legal restrictions
From January 1, 2020, the new norms of the law "On recreational fishing" will come into force. Sports and amateur fishing will still be possible to conduct in all Russian reservoirs free of charge, with the exception of nature reserves and industrial fish breeding zones.
The following fishing methods are strictly prohibited:
- explosives;
- chemicals
- poisonous reagents;
- electric rods and other electrical appliances;
- network branchial implements.
In 2018, catch limits were introduced. They will not change in 2019 and 2020. For each water body they are set individually.For example, in the Volga-Caspian basin of the Astrakhan region, one fisherman can catch up to 10 kg of fish per day, and a resident of the Tambov region is less - for him the daily norm does not exceed 5 kg.
Fans of underwater fishing will have to move away from the beaches. Restrictions on the catch of valuable and rare fish species will remain only for the Siberian, Northern and Far Eastern regions. For the catch of individual fish names, a special registered permit is required. For violations of fishing rules, the Penal and Administrative Code provide for penalties that have been significantly tightened since 2019.
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