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Many Russians are planning a vacation not only for the coming summer, they are interested in whether the winter of 2019-2020 will be colder or milder and warmer than in previous seasons? After all, a great vacation is not only the warm sea and snow-white sand, but also snow-capped mountain peaks, and winter sports, and fishing on a frozen lake.
General forecast for the upcoming winter season
Recent studies by meteorologists confirm the fact that the winter of 2020 will be colder than the previous ones, but no serious natural disasters and abnormally low temperatures are expected. Truly frosty months are expected in the following regions:
- Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
- Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.
- Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.
- Saha Republic.
- Magadan Region.
- Krasnoyarsk region.
- Kamchatka Peninsula.
- Transbaikalia.
- Altai region.
The inhabitants of the northern and central regions will face the most severe frosts in January and February 2020. A moderately mild winter will be in the southern regions of the country, namely in the Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, and the Republic of Adygea. The temperature outside the window of the inhabitants of these Russian regions will not fall below -7-8 degrees.
When to wait for the first snow
Forecasters predict that the winter of 2020 will not be the coldest, but snowy enough with high rainfall. The beginning of the cool period and the first snowflakes outside the window will appear among the residents of the north-east of the country in November 2019. Due to excessive dampness and humidity in the west and south of Russia, the coming winter will be more like a prolonged dank autumn with torrential rains, gusty winds and sleet.
Snow cover may be absent in the Crimea at all, with the exception of mountainous areas, but even this does not frighten local residents. To go skiing, snowboarding and sledding, they go to Krasnaya Polyana, the Caucasus and Altai, where snowfalls will take place already in early winter. On New Year's holidays in central Russia, a stable average temperature is expected, as in previous winters, frosty and clear weather. In the regions of northern and central Russia, short-term snowstorms are possible. Winter will not leave the vastness of Russia until April, although already in February the thaw and melting snow cover are expected in the Southern Federal District.
Will there be an abnormal cold
More than once the media discussed the issue of global warming on the planet and the so-called "greenhouse effect", so some Russians expect that winter in 2020 will be abnormally cold, the temperature will drop below -60 degrees. Of course, you can be scared when you watch Asian cities drown from the heavy rains of the cities of America and Europe, literally floods every summer. Unusual steel and tornadoes, storms, hurricanes in the United States, heavy floods of large Russian rivers. But this is no reason to sound the alarm. Meteorologists assure that no significant temperature fluctuations are expected throughout the Russian Federation.
The climate in the coming years will not undergo significant changes and will remain moderately mild.This is due to the special geographical position of Russia, its considerable length from north to south, the nature of the relief, atmospheric fronts and proximity to the cold seas - Okhotsk, Barents, Kara, over which powerful cyclones form in the winter, smoothing out sharp temperature fluctuations.
December 2019
The beginning of winter in most regions of the country promises to be snowy and moderately frosty. In the first half of the month a large number of rainy days are not expected, but snow can fall in the cities of Siberia and the Urals. The average air temperature will not exceed -10 degrees during the daytime and -15 degrees at night. Closer to the New Year holidays, it will become somewhat warmer. Rainfall will increase, especially in the form of rain and wet snow.
January 2020
January is the long-awaited winter month, filled with a festive mood. It will present not only pleasant mini-holidays on weekends, but also comfortable weather conditions without heavy rainfall and blizzards. An increase in frost is expected for Baptism. In the north-east of the country, arrows on thermometers will drop to -20 degrees. At the end of the month, a slight weakening of the winter cold will come. In southern cities a pleasant thaw is expected in the 20s.
February 2020
In the winter of 2019-2020, warm February is expected in the west of the country, and cold in Siberia and the Far East. Unpredictable weather is expected in the Central Federal District. Heavy rainfall in the form of snow and hail will be replaced by strong gusty wind and rain. For several days, warming will come at the end of the month. This will allow the Russians to tune in for the coming spring and prepare lighter clothes.
Weather in winter in Moscow and Moscow region
According to observations of employees of the Hydrometeorological Center, Muscovites should not worry about the coming winter of 2019-2020. You should not expect anything supernatural. The onset of winter will be relatively warm with little rain and sleet. You should get ready for the cold front by mid-January and stock up on warm clothes. The air will cool down to January 20x to + 15-17 degrees. Along with a drop in temperature, strong winds with snowfall will come in the middle of the cold season. Winter fun is better to postpone to February 2020. This month will remain snowy, but without sharp temperature drops, although residents of the metropolis should be wary of ice. Winter will give the reins to spring only at the end of the last cold month. Daytime temperature will not fall below -4-5 degrees.
Weather in winter in St. Petersburg
Forecasters have prepared their forecasts for residents of the Northern capital. In early December, the Neva will already begin to be covered with dense ice. Heavy snowfalls are expected with a gusty wind that will replace the usual fog and autumn frost. By the end of December, clear weather will be set without precipitation and air temperature up to -10-12 degrees in the daytime. In the New Year holidays, St. Petersburg will have to warm up. Heavy snowfalls, frosts will come, and the thermometer at night will drop to -20 degrees. In the afternoon, it is quite possible to enjoy quiet walks in the city or winter activities.
Strong snowstorms and ice are forecasted for the last days of January 2020. They will be replaced by early February thaws, which will come according to weather forecasts in the first decade of the month. In the middle and end of February, the weather will be changeable. Cloudy days will alternate with sunny spring periods, albeit briefly, and after a light morning snowfall a strong evening blizzard may come.
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Nikolai Vladimirovich Titov
Winter 2019-2020 in the city of Rostov-on-Don will be cold. December 2019 in Rostov-on-Don will be -10 -15 degrees Celsius, January 2020 in Rostov-on-Don will be -20 -25 degrees Celsius, February 2020 in Rostov-on-Don will be -15 - 20 degrees of frost.