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Payments for the second child in 2020 are part of a government motivational program to support young families and improve the country's demographic performance. There are several categories of benefits for a second child. They can be presented in the form of a fixed amount (the same for all citizens of the Russian Federation) or accrued depending on the earnings of the parent. Payments are subject to annual indexation based on the distribution of budget funds for the accounting year. In 2020, the inflation rate should be 3.8%, which was indicated in Law No. 459 of November 2018 “On the Federal Budget for 2019 and for the Planning Period 2020 and 2021”. Based on the information from this document, it follows that the amount of material allowance in 2020 will increase by 3.8%.
Pregnancy Benefits
Before the baby is born, a woman can count on the payment that is due to her before delivery. It is charged in the event of an early appeal to the antenatal clinic for medical care.
Pregnancy requires a woman to take her health seriously. During this period, it is necessary to take care not only about your own health, but also to monitor the development of the fetus. Regular consultations of an obstetrician-gynecologist will help in time to prevent the occurrence of unwanted pathologies and control the course of pregnancy. Therefore, women who are registered at the antenatal clinic before the 12th week of pregnancy are given a small incentive, which in 2020 will amount to 680.4 rubles.
For its execution, it is necessary to take a supporting document at a medical institution where a woman is observed. The payment is usually made out together with the maternity allowance, and accrued in one common payment.
To obtain a certificate it is not necessary to use the services of exclusively state medical institutions. A woman can be observed in a private licensed clinic that interacts with the social protection authorities of the Russian Federation.
Maternity allowance
This payment is popularly called "maternity". It is calculated separately for the 1st, 2nd child and subsequent children. The main criterion for the calculations is the average woman's wage for the last two years, that is, during childbirth in 2020, income for 2018 and 2019 will be taken into account. A woman receives 100% of the wage for each day spent in the “decree":
- 140 - standard situation;
- 194 - multiple pregnancy;
- 156 - complicated births (unplanned cesarean section, ruptures, premature delivery, etc.).
Maternity allowance is issued at the place of official employment after presentation of a medical certificate. In unforeseen circumstances (with complicated births), the sick leave is extended, on the basis of which the accrued amount can be reviewed.
“Maternity” may also issue:
- women soldiers on the contract (the amount will depend on the monetary allowance established in the contract);
- full-time students (payment is equal to the size of the scholarship);
- unemployed women who were fired in connection with the liquidation of the enterprise (the period over the past 12 months is taken into account);
- when adopting a child up to 3 months of age (the amount is charged as for a standard situation).
"Maternity" can not be issued to a person who in fact provides child care (as is possible in other cases).
Lump sum payment
The lump-sum allowance that parents receive at the birth of their first, second, and subsequent children in 2020 will be 18,143.96 rubles. This amount is paid to all citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of the following factors:
- the number of children in the family;
- employment of parents;
- their income level;
- financial and social status.
It is accrued during adoption or guardianship.
A monetary allowance can be drawn up by father or mother, providing a document stating that this amount was not charged to the second parent. This can be a certificate from the place of work or the representative office of social protection. To receive the payment, you must contact the place of work or the social protection authorities no later than six months from the day the baby is born.
Payments for a 2nd child under 1.5 years old
Satisfaction is calculated based on the salary of the parent who will directly care for the child. That is, it does not have to be a mother. Paperwork can be undertaken by a father or other close relative.
The level of monthly material support will be:
- with official employment - 40% of average earnings over the past two years;
- for the unemployed (if they have an experience of 6 months) - in the amount established by the state (in 2020, taking into account indexation, the amount will be 6803.97 rubles).
In the presence of children-weather, material support will be summarized.
Maternal capital
Maternity capital is given for the second (and subsequent) child. The certificate can be issued after the birth of the third, fourth, etc. child, if the previous time the amount was not received. This allowance is granted only once.
The list of applications of these funds is limited. They can be used to fulfill the following needs:
- improvement of housing conditions: the acquisition of new housing (including mortgage) construction or repair;
- provision of education for a child: in a preschool, educational or higher educational institution;
- the creation of a pension fund for the mother;
- compensation for funds that were spent on creating an inclusive space for a disabled child.
In addition, an amount may be allocated from these funds to care for a second child before reaching the age of 1.5. The so-called “Putin’s allowance” was created in 2017 to support low-income families. It assumes that in a family the average income per person is below 1.5 minimum subsistence levels that are set for the region. The amount of monthly charges will be equal to the local cost of living per child.
The amount of maternity capital was not subject to indexation until January 1, 2020, which was fixed at the state level in December 2016. Since 2020, maternity capital is planned to be indexed taking into account the expected inflation of 3.8%. Thus, it will amount to 470,240 rubles, which is almost 17,000 rubles more than the previous amount.
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