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Every young man today is faced with the question - who to go to study in order to earn good money in the future and fully provide for his family. Specialists carefully studied the current needs of the labor market, grouped the most popular professions in 2020-2025 into a separate list. Having become acquainted with it, the current student or future applicant will be able to choose their life path, depending on their abilities and aspirations.
Best professions for girls
Modern representatives of the weak half of mankind very often non-standard approach to solving many business issues, they are distinguished by responsibility, punctuality, hard work. Many ladies achieve significant career successes, working for many years, both in complex technological industries and in the creative field. The list of the most popular professions in 2020-2025 for girls looks like this:
- Game educator.
- Speech therapist.
- Cosmotourism Manager.
- Nanomedic.
- Psychologist.
- Realtor.
- Technologist of the food industry.
- Designer.
- Fashion Designer.
- Beautician.
- Cook.
- Advertising Manager.
This also includes the work of a marketer, pharmacist, sports coach. It is in these professions that every woman can reveal her potential, while maintaining an active life position and combine her favorite work with caring for the family.
Highly paid professions for men
The Russian economy in 2020-2025 will continue to grow and will require more and more experienced specialists in the field of energy conservation, consulting, industry, so for men there is a separate list of highly paid and sought-after professions in the fields of:
- Military industrial complex.
- Space industry.
- City farming (manufacturing of agricultural products in an urban setting).
- Cyber prosthetics.
- Engineering.
- Construction.
- Mining and metallurgy;
- Catering.
- Programming
In the future, miners, scientists, installers, plumbers, electricians, pilots, sailors, welders will also be actively invited to work. These areas are suitable for representatives of the strong half of humanity. A strong-willed and intelligent male leader is always required to optimize and organize any production process, planning and design, as well as scientific research in the field of pharmaceuticals, nano- and biotechnologies.
The labor market in the field of industry
Students who have chosen the following professions in demand will not remain without work in the future 2020:
- Sawers, locksmiths, turners, lumberjacks.
- Cutters, seamstresses, textile workers.
- Industrial equipment operators (drivers, drillers).
- Petrochemists, chemists, biotechnologists.
- Design engineers and developers.
Experts note that today in the labor market there is a strong "personnel shortage" in the technologists of the energy, gas, gold mining, coal industry, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, and nuclear technology. Young workers with knowledge in these areas will always be offered good jobs.
Medical professions
Future applicants need to look closely at the list of popular medical professions for 2020-2025:
- Molecular nutritionist (develops individual weight loss schemes, focusing on the chemical composition of food).
- Geneticist and genetic consultant.
- Constructor (engineer) of medical equipment.
- Oncologist surgeon.
- Gynecologist-endocrinologist.
- The operator of medical robots.
- Functional Diagnostic Specialist.
In addition to these medical professions in the future, experienced pharmacologists and pharmacists, maxillofacial surgeons, endocrinologists, cybernetics, pulmonologists, biochemists, bioengineers, biotechnologists, dermatologists and cosmetologists will be required in the future. Such positions require continuous training and continuous practice.
Endangered professions
According to experienced HR specialists, in 10-15 years librarians, system administrators, notaries, statisticians, accountants, lifters, and shift workers will no longer be in demand. Their functions will be replaced by modern computer programs or robotic technology. Necessary will remain positions in which research and creative abilities are required, where machines and computers cannot displace human thinking. A fall in demand on the labor market is expected in the coming years for the position of seller, understudy, stuntman, office worker, lawyer, editor, proofreader, journalist, reporter, postman.
Demanded IT specialists
It's no secret that computer technology is developing in leaps and bounds, and now there is a shortage of narrow IT-specialists:
- Front-end developer, layout designer - a specialist who typeset mobile applications and sites according to the finished layout. Its task is to comply with cross-browser typesetting standards, layout accurately and competently, understand libraries and frameworks, have good knowledge of JavaScript, compose SQL queries, understand the principles of cross-platform, cross-browser, responsive and adaptive layout, UI / UX design.
- SMM specialist. Works with social networks (Instagram, Twitter, My World, Classmates, VK, Facebook). His main job is to attract the largest possible audience to a particular resource in order to promote a particular brand, service or product.
- Website Optimizer or SEO Specialist. Should be well-developed in search engines, website promotion, the basics of Internet marketing, copywriting. To work with projects, you need knowledge of services and software, the ability to select an extended semantic core and keywords.
- UX designer. Responsible for the usability of sites and applications. Creates optimal and intuitive interfaces.
A highly paid IT specialty can be learned on your own. For this, there are many video tutorials, online courses. Experienced professionals give advice on many thematic forums and maintain their blogs.
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