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2018-2027 by Decree of the President declared the "Decade of childhood." Each region develops its plan for implementing the program, paying particular attention to the issue of adoption of orphans. In 2019-2020, the state will continue to support families raising foster children.
Changes at the state level
Only a year has passed since the start of the Decade of Childhood project's entry into force, and the program has already yielded results. On January 6, 2018, by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the rules of procedure for submitting documents for adoption were changed. Now the list of papers that future guardians are preparing independently for submission to state bodies has become noticeably shorter. Removed from it:
- a document on the ownership of the housing or its legal use;
- personal account from the place of residence;
- confirmation of the criminal record of future adoptive parents;
- a certificate from the pension fund or a copy of the pension certificate in case of custody of people over 55 years old.
This does not mean at all that such documents are completely canceled, just from 2018 they are provided to the guardianship authorities with the appropriate authorities. In 2019-2020, the Decree will continue to be valid, therefore, no new surprises in the workflow for adoptive parents during the adoption process are not expected.
Such a policy bore fruit in the first year. Speaking at the All-Russian meeting of the Coordinating Council of Commissioners for the Rights of the Child in the Subjects of the Russian Federation, the Minister of Education of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva noted that as of December 1, 2018, the number of children brought up in orphanages was about 47 thousand people, while a year ago it was as much as 50.5 thousand
Material support
The state has defined a policy of financial support for families raising adopted children. In 2019, during adoption, the family receives a monthly allowance of about 10,830 rubles, in 2020 this amount will be recounted taking into account inflation. Cash assistance is paid until the adopted child is 1.5 years old. One-time assistance is also provided, which is equivalent to similar payments for the first-born: 16.35 thousand for workers and 15.512 thousand for unemployed adoptive parents.
If a family takes two children at the same time, a child older than 7 years old or a disabled person, then you can get about 130 thousand at a time. Also, families whose income is less than 1.5 living wages of the able-bodied population in the region of residence can expect a monthly allowance. There is a maternity capital program for adoptive parents. In 2019-2020, the amount will remain the same - 453.26 thousand rubles.
In addition to financial assistance to adoptive parents, benefits have been laid, but this is the prerogative of the regions. Most often, families who have brought up an orphan (refuser) receive free food for infants, have privileges when eating a preschooler and schoolchild, and get tickets to sanatoriums for free or with partial payment.
Limit the number of foster children
The Ministry of Education made such an initiative. The bill is planned to enter into force on January 1, 2020. Its essence is to reduce the number of children in a foster family to three people, including relatives. As always, there will be exceptions to the rule: if two children are already raised in a family, and potential adoptive parents want to take both a brother and a sister (family relationship), then this will not be prohibited by law.
Why, with such a huge number of refuseniks and orphans across the country, are such restrictions imposed? In fact, this is not an innovation. Previously, there was also a limit, but only in 8 people. This was a recommendation, and in most regions of the Russian Federation they tried to adhere to it. The goal of the initiative of the Ministry of Education is not to reduce the rate of adoption, but to ensure that families who have adopted an adopted child can provide him with a decent life and education. In addition, the smaller the number of adopted children in the family, the lower the risk of them being returned to orphanages, and this is the practice that has been observed recently.
The second proposal of officials is to introduce the concept of “one-time adoption”, which will eradicate the transfer of children from orphanages to entire groups. An exception is the adoption of related persons. The document proposed the possibility of re-contacting the guardianship authorities no earlier than a year later.
Tighter requirements for expectant parents
Before the child is transferred to a new family, the guardianship authorities will be required to issue an opinion with the results of a psychological examination of the future parents and all who live with them. According to old laws, such a survey was carried out only with the written permission of citizens who wished to adopt an adopted child.
The initiative is fully justified, because the statistics of criminal cases related to violence in foster families is frightening over the past three years: 2015 - 146 crimes related to violation of sexual integrity, as well as against the life and health of children, in 2016 - already 189! And the reason for everything is a careless attitude to establishing the adequacy of future parents by the guardianship authorities.
The government hopes that all the proposed measures will reduce the number of children in institutions for orphans and give children hope to find a new, loving family.
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