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Since 2014, the youth project “Territory 2020” has been implemented in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The initial infrastructural orientation overgrown with many additional social projects. The priority of the work is the identification of initiative groups of young people who are not indifferent to their native land.
The main goals and objectives
A project was created to implement a very ambitious and promising goal: to turn the Krasnoyarsk Territory by 2020 into the best among other regions of Russia. An additional motive was the planned Universiade in 2019. The project staff provides comprehensive support to the sponsors of the initiatives, helping with training, ongoing counseling and financial incentives.
The main objectives of the "Territory 2020" are:
- the search for socio-economic development initiatives among the youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- assistance in the design of their own projects;
- making presentations to municipal economic agents that can help with the implementation of each specific project and by heads of administrations or representatives of municipalities;
- expert assistance provided by experts;
- funding for winning initiatives;
- exchange of experience between young participants in presentations and all residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Projects are of a regular annual nature and last from February to December. During these months, “project literacy” training takes place at the “Territory 2020” school. In parallel, Youth Forums are held where the winners of municipal competitions are selected.
Presentations created by program participants are placed in a single database on the site. territory2020.rfwhere all projects implemented in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are entered.
Founders and partners
The main founders of the "Territory 2020" were:
- regional youth center "Leader";
- state administrations of cities, districts, towns and regional centers where the movement operates.
- Civil Assembly of the city of Krasnoyarsk and Krasnoyarsk Territory.
- Regional Palace of Youth.
- "Forum" is the center of youth initiatives.
- House of Friendship of Peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
- Regional center for support of public initiatives.
- University Sports Association.
How Territory 2020 Works
A large number of registered ideas are implemented annually. Rejected and rejected much less. Currently, the “Territory 2020” is simultaneously implementing 8720 projects in which 29048 participants are involved. On the organization’s official website, a simple plan for the action of any representative of young people aged 14 to 30 years living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is presented. In order for his initiative to be included in the register under consideration, it is necessary to go through only 6 stages:
- Register a project.
- Specify the date and time of the project competition in your municipality.
- Attend design school classes.
- Present and defend your own initiative.
- Realize your plan.
- To inform the Internet space and society about the results achieved.
Registration of the project takes place on the site at least one month before the intended visit to the city or the regional center by the representatives of the “Territory 2020”.The organizer assumes the responsibility of informing as many residents of the age involved as possible and others who can subsequently provide sponsorship support about the arrival. Representatives of local media are always invited to events to cover the whole process.
At the second stage, additional meetings are held with representatives of a large number of young people: in schools, polytechnics, universities and other places where local adolescents appear, for example, sports clubs. During personal communication, the coaches of “Territory 2020” form a steady interest in the project and describe the directions of the future ideas of local youth being considered.
When studying at a design school (stage 3), young children who have formulated the idea in advance, within three days, learn to competently design them into full-fledged projects. Fill out passports for each team member and prepare for a public presentation.
On the fourth day of the contest, the Youth Forum is held, where public protection of all submitted and executed projects is held. According to the estimates of the present Expert jury, a decision is made on the allocation of funding for the implementation of the idea. Representatives of local business and government are invited to the forum. On their initiative, financing of a larger number of initiatives is allowed than provided by the organizers of the competition.
The fifth stage is the implementation of the project, the maximum period is 3 months. During this period, all the moments prescribed in the presentation must be fulfilled, plus they must be included in one or two mass events at the city or regional level. To be included in the program of public procedures, “Territory 2020” assists in involving its curators and trainers in coordinating the issue with local authorities and the city administration.
The last stage is the summing up of the competition in this administrative entity. Where summarizes the achievements of all participants, what they have done and how. How much it was appreciated by representatives of local government and residents. What was the response among young people. The main goal of this stage is to infect other young people with the idea of improving the infrastructure of their native land and to involve the maximum number of teenagers in the movement.
Directions and topics
Young citizens of the Russian Federation, born and living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, aged 14 to 30, can participate in the preparation and presentation of projects based on the youth infrastructure association. During the competitions, the founders allocated such nominations.
"Living in Siberia"
Under this topic, initiatives aimed at:
- improvement in the field of environmental improvement, ecology, civil campaigns;
- preservation of historical memory, installation and reconstruction, civil-patriotic education;
- help for the needy: the elderly, street children, people with disabilities who have suffered from the disaster.
"Siberian Health"
Main directions:
- the promotion of healthy lifestyle, physical education and healthy eating;
- development and support of extreme sports (X-sport);
- maximum youth involvement in the Universiade 2019.
In the nomination can be developed such topics and directions as:
- Art parades and support for youth non-aggressive subcultures;
- KVN movement;
- scientific and technical creativity and robotics.
“Career in Siberia”
This section defines the following areas:
- promotion of individual entrepreneurship and the embodiment of personal ideas for organizing a business;
- movement of regional student groups.
“Free nomination”
Designed for other ideas not taken into account in other areas.
Implemented youth projects are often at the junction of several related topics.So in August 2017, in one of the cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, an art object of local significance, "I love Achinsk," was destroyed. The initiative group came up with a project to restore the symbol, which has already become a place of attraction for newlyweds, visiting tourists and local residents. After the approval of the initiative in May 2018, the art object was restored, thereby increasing the attractiveness of the city, and reminding vandalized youth about the preservation of creative objects and civic education.
Territory 2020 is actively conducting informational support for its project in a group on VKontakte, where all current news is posted. The events and their implementation of the youth organization on Instagram were widely announced.
More about the Territory 2020 program: video