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At a September meeting with the President of the Russian Federation, Minister of Labor and Social Protection Topilin announced an increase in disability pensions in 2020. According to him, the changes will affect social and state pensions, insurance and monthly cash payments, a set of social services.
The size of the allowance depends on the length of service, the group of disability, the circumstances of its receipt, the presence of children.
A social pension is granted to persons with disabilities in situations where they do not have insurance coverage. These payments are also assigned to children with disabilities and people with disabilities from birth. In 2020, its size will increase by 5% and will amount to:
- for the 1st group - 14916 x 5% = 15661.8;
- for the 2nd group - 12423 x 5% = 13044.15;
- for the 3rd group - 5283 x 5% = 5547.15 rubles.
Only a few categories of citizens are entitled to state pensions, unlike insurance pensions. These include:
- military personnel who have received disabilities due to radiation or other industrial accidents;
- participants of the Second World War;
- children and adults who survived the siege of Leningrad.
The pension increase for each recipient is calculated individually. Whether he is working or unemployed, this has no effect on subsidies.
In addition to recalculation, in March 2020, government payments will be indexed. They will increase by approximately 4%. The exact amount will be known at the beginning of the year. There are few recipients of two types of financial assistance at the same time - there are few of them, as a rule, these are veterans of the Great Patriotic War or residents of besieged Leningrad with disabilities. They receive government assistance and an old-age insurance pension.
Insurance pensions are accrued to all citizens with a disability of 1-3 groups. If there is a minimum length of service, the recipient has the right to choose an insurance pension, the amount of which is more than social. Insurance payments are indexed annually, in accordance with applicable law.
In January 2020, another indexation and an increase in benefits by 6.3% are expected. For persons with a third degree, the current amount will be indexed by 3.8%. The conditional indicator will be specified at the end of 2019. The increase will affect fixed payments to the insurance pension. For recipients of the 1st group, they will almost double - up to 10,534.6 rubles. Citizens with disabilities who are dependent on minor children will receive an increase of one third of payments.
Recalculation is done automatically; citizens do not need to write statements and apply to the Pension Fund department.
Disabled child
In 2020, the state provided for increasing pensions for disabled people from childhood. This status is assigned only when a person reaches the age of 18 if he has a dysfunction obtained from birth or childhood.
The monthly payment amount will be:
- having the 1st degree - 13175, 65 rubles .;
- 2nd degree - 11,372.5 rubles.
Minor children with official disabilities will receive from January 13175.65 rubles.
Monthly cash payment (EDV) can apply for people with any disability group. According to the forecasts of the Pension Fund, in 2020 their number will be 11.4 million, which is 200 thousand less than in 2019. The amount of monthly assistance is calculated, depending on the preferential category and the decision on the form of payment (it can be received in the form of services or monetary compensation).In 2019, the EDV for owners of the 2nd disability group was 2701.62 rubles. On February 1, this payment will once again be indexed and increase in proportion to the level of official inflation. Ministry of Economic Development predicts it at 3.8%. Consequently, EDV will increase by 102.66 rubles. from next February.
The cost of a set of social services (NSOs) is fixed, this year it is equal to 1121.42 rubles. February 1, and it is subject to recalculation - the projected increase is 3.8%. In absolute terms, this is 1164.03 rubles.
Regional co-payments
Supplements are paid to pensioners with disabilities who receive benefits below the subsistence level established in the region. It is impossible to indicate the exact amount of the supplement, since each region has its own subsistence level. In Moscow it amounts to 16,260 rubles, in St. Petersburg - 12115, and in Kazan - 8232. The amounts are recalculated annually: next year, recalculation is also planned, and surcharges will increase accordingly.
Care Benefits
For able-bodied citizens caring for disabled people of the 1st group and children with disabilities and not working, the state pays compensation. Its size, established for 2020, is equal to 1550 rubles.
The monthly surcharge for guardians or parents caring for a child with a disability and not working is 6,600 rubles. Workers receive 1440 rubles. This supplement is charged along with the pension.
The time of departure is counted by him in the length of service: 1.8 points are awarded for each calendar year. Upon reaching the age of going on a well-deserved rest, relatives caring for people with disabilities will receive the right to an insurance pension.
Indexing by working
Working people with disabilities are likely to be left without allowances. This is due to the fact that the procedure for indexing payments for working recipients of benefits was frozen. The reason for such harsh measures was a serious budget deficit. But as soon as a person leaves, he receives increased pension benefits. Russian President Vladimir Putin focused on the need to resume indexing for working people with 1st and 2nd degrees of disability. This possibility has been discussed repeatedly in the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the FIU, but so far there is no official information on this issue.
In the future, officials plan to significantly increase the amount of social assistance to people with disabilities. According to their forecasts, in the next 4 years, payments will increase by 40% of today's amounts. When implementing the planned social benefits will grow by an average of 6 thousand rubles. The increase is palpable.
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