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Due to the high level of volatility in the virtual currency market, most investors are interested in the prospects of this investment tool: more and more investors are attracted by altcoins such as Etherium, Litecoin and Ripple. Below is the forecast of the Ripple cryptocurrency for 2019-2020.
Current situation
As of January 6, 2019, the weighted average Ripple exchange rate is 0.363 USD or 24.7 rubles. XRP's market capitalization is estimated at 3,793,956 BTC or 10.97%, according to CoinGeko analysts. The maximum price of the Ripple token was fixed at the beginning of January 2018 at $ 3 per coin.
Despite temporary stagnation and even a significant decrease in the value of cryptocurrency during the first three quarters of 2018, the Riple token showed growth dynamics compared to the same period in 2017. From October 12 to November 20, 2018, a maximum price for a long time was fixed in the amount of $ 0.49 per token. Obviously, cryptocurrency has high volatility, like its competitors, while it is clearly not going to give up its positions.
Factors Affecting the Ripple Course
How much will Ripple cost in 2020 is an almost rhetorical question. In order to reach the indicative figures, it will be necessary to take into account many factors that directly affect the value of a given financial instrument. The main aspects of the further development of Ripple, on the basis of which the forecast for 2020 is made, can be called:
- Scaling - today about 1.5 thousand transactions per second are carried out, but this indicator is not enough, you need to increase the transfer rate so that the cryptocurrency can compete with the main competitor (SWIFT system).
- Multifunctionality - Ripple is a data register used as a payment system based on Smart contracts. The XRP database provides the possibility of using analog virtual coins, as well as leading world currencies (EUR and USD), which makes the project very promising.
- High level of security - when using XRP, investors can not doubt the safety of their investments due to Ripl's good reputation. This aspect will lead to a quick rise in the price of a virtual coin in the current 2019 year.
- Commission - when conducting transactions in XRP, users are charged a minimum commission of 0.00001 digital units. This size of the commission allows honest crypto-wallet users to efficiently use transfers in Ripple, and spammers simply go broke on futile attempts to attack the system through DDoS. This tool has this property: the commission does not accumulate in the company, but is burned, which in the future will naturally lead to a rise in the cost of cryptocurrency.
- A high level of trust - the developers of the virtual coin announced in 2017 about “freezing” about 55 billion XRP units. Subsequently, the “issue” will amount to about 55 billion XRP monthly - until 2022 all coins will go into circulation, which attracts the attention of investors and banks to this token.
- Other factors include the process of legalization of virtual coins and a positive news fund.
Forecast data
According to the results of the analysis of the market situation relevant at the end of December 2018, it is possible to determine the estimated average cost of cryptocurrency in 2019-2020. The forecast is based on an analysis of 25 parameters and is consolidated in 2 tables.
Table 1 - Ripple Forecast for 2019
No. p / p | Month | Direction of travel | Price at the end of the month, USD | The rate of absolute growth over the previous month,% | Growth rates, relative to the previous month,% |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | 01.01.2019 | - | 0.63 | - | - |
2 | 01.02.2019 | increase | 0.632 | 0.002 | 0.003 |
3 | 01.03.2019 | increase | 0.684 | 0.052 | 0.08 |
4 | 01.04.2019 | height | 0.693 | 0.009 | 0.01 |
5 | 01.05.2019 | decline | 0.58 | -0.113 | -0.16 |
6 | 01.06.2019 | height | 0.658 | 0.078 | 0.13 |
7 | 01.07.2019 | decline | 0.599 | -0.059 | -0.09 |
8 | 01.08.2019 | height | 0.731 | 0.132 | 0.22 |
9 | 01.09.2019 | decline | 0.693 | -0.038 | -0.05 |
10 | 01.10.2019 | decline | 0.584 | -0.109 | -0.16 |
11 | 01.11.2019 | height | 0.69 | 0.106 | 0.18 |
12 | 01.12.2019 | recession | 0.737 | 0.047 | 0.07 |
Table 2 - Ripple Forecast for 2020
No. p / p | Month | Direction of travel | Price at the end of the month, USD | The rate of absolute growth over the previous month,% | Growth rates, relative to the previous month,% |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | 01.01.2020 | - | 0.915 | - | - |
2 | 01.02.2020 | decline | 0.74 | -0.175 | -0.19 |
3 | 01.03.2020 | increase | 0.744 | 0.004 | 0.01 |
4 | 01.04.2020 | decline | 0.665 | -0.079 | -0.11 |
5 | 01.05.2020 | increase | 0.878 | 0.213 | 0.32 |
6 | 01.06.2020 | decline | 0.828 | -0.05 | -0.06 |
7 | 01.07.2020 | decline | 0.731 | -0.097 | -0.12 |
8 | 01.08.2020 | decline | 0.691 | -0.04 | -0.05 |
9 | 01.09.2020 | height | 0.728 | 0.037 | 0.05 |
10 | 01.10.2020 | height | 0.867 | 0.139 | 0.19 |
11 | 01.11.2020 | decline | 0.807 | -0.06 | -0.07 |
12 | 01.12.2020 | decline | 0.649 | -0.158 | -0.2 |
Note! Ripple Forecast 2019-2020 is exemplary: experts do not guarantee compliance of the presented figures with the real situation in the Ripple market in the future.
Expert Opinions
Experts agree that the forecast for cryptocurrency Ripple in 2020 will be positive. This means that Riple will catch up to USD by 2021. The value of this coin under any scenario will be higher than in 2018. The main direction of XRP development over 2 years will be the gradual crowding out of SWIFT and the development of the banking sector.
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