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In 2020, benefits for the first child will be indexed, and from January many parents will be able to count on a significant increase in payments - the corresponding law was signed by the head of state on August 3, 2019. Who is affected by the innovation?
What kind of material assistance is given to parents?
The birth of the first-born gives the right to receive material assistance. The first of the sums due is paid upon the birth of the baby, regardless of which account it is. On February 1, 2020, indexation will occur (the 2019 figure will be multiplied by a factor of 1.038). Families will receive 18,143.95 rubles.
Workers before the decree, employees of the contract or trained mothers are entitled to maternity allowance - its size is calculated taking into account the average daily wage / cash allowance / scholarship (minimum in 2020 will be 398.80, maximum - 2 301.37 rubles .).
At the birth of the first-born, monthly benefits are provided. Up to one and a half years, the mother receives the amount tied to the minimum wage - it is paid by the employer. From 01.01.20, its minimum size will be 4,852.00 rubles, the maximum - 27,984.66 rubles. Non-working money accrues the social protection authority.
Since 2018, the poor have been paid material support (it is valid from the birth of the baby until one and a half years). How much will they give for their first child in 2020? The answer depends on what size of the child’s subsistence minimum is set in the region — this is the amount that should be given to mothers or other persons in need of state support who the child is dependent on.
After the baby is one and a half years old and until he reaches three years of age, payments continue, but the amount decreases by several times (only 50 rubles are required).
From 01.01.20, a new allowance for children will appear - it will become a logical continuation of payments received by poor parents from the state from January 1, 2018.
From 01.01.18, parents who confirmed the status of the poor began to receive monthly financial assistance for their first-born children until they reach the age of one and a half years (the amount is set at the regional child's living wage). Only families are entitled to it, whose average income per person is lower than one and a half living wages. A useful initiative has become a good help in the face of high prices for children's goods and food. But the problem was not completely resolved, because the size of payments after this period remained the same (50 rubles).
This amount has long failed to meet the realities of the time - it was enshrined in law in 1994 and, despite significant changes in the ruble exchange rate and prices, has never been revised. Because of this, the allowance paid by employers to parents has lost all meaning. The issue of its increase was brewing for a very long time - in June 2019, the State Duma adopted a new bill that would solve an urgent problem.
After the adoption of N 305-ФЗ dated 02.08.19, the law was amended. In 2020, payments for the first child in the amount of the child's subsistence minimum established in the regions will be made up to three years.
In 2019, the average child wage in the country is 9,950 rubles. - the maximum figures are set in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (21,427 rubles), the lowest - in the Tambov Region (8,807 rubles).
Who needs financial assistance?
Previously, families had the right to financial assistance from social security, the average monthly income of which per member was lower than one and a half living wages (figures in the regions differ). From 2020, the criteria will change - the average income will be compared with two cost of living. This will increase the number of families receiving money to support their firstborn until they reach three years of age. Parents will be able to receive the same allowance at the birth of their second child, but the sources of payments differ.
Sources of receipt of money
The benefit for the poor for the first child, up to one and a half, and up to three years, is provided by the state. For the second child, payments will be made from the funds of maternal capital - if this is contrary to the interests of the family, then they can be abandoned.
Why is the payment not imposed on the employer? Such a step would lead to a serious increase in the burden on the business. The “shadow” salaries could become a response, which is extremely unprofitable both for the state and for the recipients of money.
How to get?
Money is accrued to the person caring for the child - it can be a mother, father, close relative, guardian with Russian citizenship. You need to contact the territorial body of social protection, and it is not necessary to do this immediately after the birth of the baby - it is only important to be in time before they reach the age of one and a half years. If the family really has a low monthly income, then the application will be approved. Despite the fact that the allowance up to three years essentially became a continuation of the “old” (up to one and a half years), it will have to be issued separately.
When calculating the average income, all financial receipts are taken into account, with the exception of children's payments (since 2019 they are not taken into account). The total annual amount should be divided into 12 months and the number of family members.
From 2020, the resulting figure will be compared with two cost of living. Before signing the statement, representatives of social services will need to make sure that the family really needs state support and does not hide their income.
The amount of child allowances is gradually increasing - in February of each year, the amounts are indexed, which makes it possible to compensate for the size of inflation.
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