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New Year is the most long-awaited holiday, as well as a good reason to congratulate your beloved girlfriend wholeheartedly. Gifts for a girlfriend for the New Year 2020 should always be chosen in advance, and not run to the shops a few hours before the chimes. The list of women's preferences is huge and consists of a thousand names of welcome presentations. The main thing is to proceed from your own financial capabilities and represent the emotions of the recipient.
beauty and health
Most girls go to the beauty salon at least once a month, while the rest prefer to monitor the beauty and health of the house. Knowing the minimum set of procedures that a friend prefers, it becomes possible to make her an excellent present from the following categories:
- Beauty boxing (fashion box with top products for face, hair and skin care).
- Stylist consultation.
- Certificate for tattoo or piercing.
- Certificate for ultrasonic cleaning or teeth whitening.
- Gym membership.
- A complex of salon procedures (hair removal, cryotherapy, darsonval, facial cleansing).
- Set for home massage.
New Year holidays are very long - and this is a great reason to do self-development. Before choosing a gift for a friend, you should analyze her preferences and understand what she would be most interested in. The girlfriend will be immensely grateful if she receives any of the certificates as a gift:
- Certificate for attending painting courses.
- Certificate for cooking classes.
- Certificate for courses in a geisha school.
- Certificate of massage training.
- Certificate for foreign language courses.
- Certificate for training in a driving school.
Travel and entertainment
People after the New Year are divided into two categories: those who sit at home and eats Olivier, and those who prefer outdoor activities. If a friend belongs to the second category, then she will gladly have fun if she is handed:
- Quest coupon for the game.
- A ride on a funicular or paraglider.
- Husky ride coupon.
- Ice rink certificate.
- Ticket for the concert of your favorite artist.
- A ticket to the theater for a New Year's fairy tale (The Nutcracker, Frost).
- Ticket for a concert of violin / organ / piano music.
- Lesson with a swimming instructor.
- One day tourist trip.
- Hike to the karaoke bar.
- A limousine ride.
Gifts for the soul
If a friend is well off and needs nothing, this is no reason not to congratulate her on New Year's. A gift should first of all surprise, and not necessarily carry practical application. Great options may be:
- Table game.
- Projector starry sky.
- A running line on television with a personal congratulation for a girlfriend.
- Custom poem / song with a personal congratulation.
- Audio greetings from a media person.
- All parts of Harry Potter are hardcover.
- Box with sparklers, fireworks.
- The cartoon is friendly.
- The game "Twist".
- Thematic photo session in the studio.
- Collage of joint photos.
When loved ones belong to the category of shopaholics and do not miss a single boutique with clothes, the question of what to give is decided immediately. A friend for the New Year 2020 will be glad to get something warm in which she can spend long winter evenings with a cup of coffee or go on a trip:
- Thermal underwear.
- Terry towel with embroidery name and surname.
- Set for a trip to the bathhouse or sauna.
- Warm sweater, scarf, hat or socks with the image of deer.
- Home slippers with fur pompons.
- Elements of the costume of the Snow Maiden (hat with braids, mittens).
- Discount coupon for the purchase of natural fur products.
- Blanket with sleeves.
- Kigurumi pajamas.
- Ski suit.
- Gloves for the touch screen of a smartphone.
Kitchen and comfort
Household items are loved by all girls, without exception. They find a place for wall paintings, even she has a whole dozen. Women with kitchen utensils have the same attitude: the more, the better. New Year is a home holiday, therefore, such gifts from the “home” category will be accepted with great pleasure:
- Table Christmas tree.
- Glamorous Christmas toys and tinsel.
- Bonsai (decorative indoor tree in a pot in reduced sizes).
- Heated duvet cover.
- Pattern for embroidery with rhinestones.
- A set of dishes with themed Christmas patterns.
- Set of kitchen pans.
- Compact pouf.
- Coffee maker.
- Compact bread machine.
- Compact stationary shaker.
- Crepe maker.
The closest friend deserves to receive an expensive thing for the New Year. Before choosing items of technology, you should think about what it does not yet have. Third-ear headphones will be unnecessary, and a unique projector for watching movies on the wall in complete darkness will be the most unusual gift. The most top gifts will be the following:
- Fitness bracelet.
- Selfie stick.
- Quadcopter.
- Wireless microphone.
- Projector.
- Selfie stick.
- Tripod.
- Car vacuum cleaner.
- Action camera.
- Wireless headphones.
- Fitness bracelet.
- UV lamp for home manicure.
Edible gifts
The most win-win gift option is the one you can eat. But an ordinary chocolate bar or a box of chocolates will be the most banal present, so you should stop your choice on something unusual and choose:
- Set for making sushi and rolls at home.
- Minibar of elite spirits.
- Assorted tropical fruit basket from Thailand.
- Jar of black / red caviar.
- A basket of sausages from wild meat.
- Set of elite coffee of different varieties.
- A set of ready-made mixes for making muffins, pancakes, pancakes, pudding.
- Sweet box with foreign sweets, marmalade, cookies.
- A kilogram of Belgian chocolate of different tastes.
Practical gifts should be given only to that friend whose confidence in the preferences is 100%. Such a gift will be a guarantee that it will be used, and will not lie in the far drawer of the closet for the next few years. The needlewoman will be happy to receive a set for needlework, and a stylish container for food will be useful to a student or office worker. Practical gifts can be picked up at any price category:
- Launch Box.
- Yarn and wool for knitting socks or a scarf.
- Skates.
- Reusable subway ticket.
- Stylish diary.
- Money voucher for your favorite store.
- The annual subscription to the women's magazine.
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