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How much Passover will be in 2020, you need to count and look at the calendars, because this Jewish holiday, like Christian Easter, always falls on different dates. And it depends on the spring full moon. In general, Passover is somewhat reminiscent of Easter, even by the consonance of the names. And these holidays have a few more parallels, although these are 2 completely different religions.
The exact date of Passover in 2020
To determine the day when Passover will be celebrated, you need to refer to the lunar calendar. Astronomically, in 2020, the vernal equinox will fall on March 20, and the first spring full moon on April 8. And preparation for Passover will begin on April 9 (this is Thursday). And the great festival will begin next Sunday - April 12th. Christian Easter is not far "gone": it will be celebrated on the second Sunday - April 19.
Jewish culture has its own calendar. And according to it, Passover begins on the 14th day of the spring month of Nisani, which according to the Gregorian calendar captures the second half of March and the first half of April. For residents of Israel, the festival lasts 7 days. Jews living in other countries celebrate Passover a day longer.
Pesach story
According to the Bible, Jacob and his family moved to Egypt. Many years later, local residents began to oppress the Jews and made them their slaves. The Lord decided to save the Jewish people from oppression and sent 10 executions to the Egyptians, the most terrible of which was the last, tenth - the Most High passed through Egypt and killed all the first-born in every family. Previously, the Jews were warned: they had to kill the lamb and grease the doorposts with its blood. By these marks, the Lord understood that this was the house of the Jews, and passed by.
“Passed by” - this is how the word “Passover” is translated. Therefore, one of the main messages of this holiday is the salvation of Jewish children. The Jews of the whole world pray and praise the Lord precisely for this. But there are 3 more interpretations of the holiday with different names.
- Hag Hazatzot. Named according to the name of the traditional Jewish flat cake - matzo. It was this fresh dish that the Jews ate during Egyptian slavery.
- Hag Haviv. Nisan is the first spring month among the Jews. Therefore, during Passover, they meet spring in parallel.
- Hag a Herut. Another reason to celebrate Passover is to pray for liberation from Egyptian oppression. Jews celebrate freedom on this day.
Traditional Celebration Features
The Jews celebrate the holiday very orthodox, trying to follow all the traditions and commandments.
Ban on chametz
Preparation for Passover is very important, during which families start a spring cleaning to destroy all the yeast products in the house (bread, pasta, alcohol). They are called by one term - chametz ("leavened"). This is exactly the food that the Jews did not have time to stock up when they fled from Egypt. Chametz in Passover is not just impossible to eat: it is forbidden to even keep such products at home. Therefore, adults and children search all hidden corners in cupboards and cabinets so that there is not a crumb of bread.
The table is covered with special food during Passover. This is definitely matzo - a fresh cake made from yeast-free dough. It symbolizes that when the Jews left Egypt, they did not have time to bake normal bread, waiting for the dough to rise. Also on the table there is bitter greens, reminiscent of the bitterness of the people in times of slavery.The greens are dipped in salted water, symbolizing the tears that the Jews shed while under the yoke of Egypt. The dessert on Passover is a haroset - a mixture of fruits, almonds, spices and wine. The dish has a shade of clay, from which the Jewish slaves made bricks for the houses of wealthy Egyptian pharaohs.
From meat dishes on Passover, chicken soup, fish and lamb are eaten. The meal is accompanied by prayers. Only kosher wine is drunk for a holiday - i.e. permitted by Jewish religious laws. It does not wander, but is made using a special technology. Children drink grape juice.
Additionally, 3 more dishes that do not eat are placed on the table:
- a piece of mutton on the bone (a symbol of sacrifice);
- hard-boiled egg (a symbol of worship);
- any vegetable ripened in spring (a symbol of freedom).
The Jews during Passover have no purpose to eat tasty and satisfying. This is a religious holiday, and celebrate it, first of all, spiritually.
How is the whole holiday
The days of the beginning and end of Passover are non-working. The rest are considered holiday weekdays, during which Jews work, but spend evenings in joy and worship. People try to relax with their family and close friends. Single relatives and neighbors are always invited to their homes or come to them. Many people prefer to travel with the whole family.
In Passover week it is forbidden:
- wash clothes;
- haircut and shave;
- write something;
- work with the land;
- use electrical appliances;
- spread the fire.
But these rules are observed only by orthodox Jews and older people. Youth adheres only to the basic canons.
The Passover holiday is dedicated to all Jews, therefore, during its celebration, it is unacceptable to desire something for a specific person or to make for yourself. All eulogies are made in honor of the glory of the Jewish people and gratitude to the Lord, who delivered people from Egyptian oppression.
History and traditions of Passover: video
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