- Premiere: 2020
- Country of Origin: Russia
- Director: Igor Zaitsev
- Genre: Military, Drama, Political Thriller
- Cast: V. Vdovichenkov, N. Mikhalkov, I. Churikova, S. Ivanova
The film "Nuremberg", scheduled for release in 2020, is an artistic story on the last battle with Nazism, which the International Military Tribunal launched in the Palace of Justice of the German city of the same name. Experienced cinema professionals are involved in the work on the domestic film, so the fair expectations of the audience to see an interesting movie should be justified.
Idea of creation
The main motive of the art picture of the Nuremberg trials was voiced in 2018 by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Medinsky suggested that this event be timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, celebrated in 2020. During a meeting of the Victory organizing committee, chaired by Vladimir Putin, the Minister asked for state funding for the new picture. As arguments, he noted the need to illuminate the process through the eyes of the Russian side, since earlier this topic was presented by the Americans as the main achievement of the United States with the minimum role of the Soviet Union. As a result, the Russian President approved such a proposal. But in this way, the feature film itself was practically put into a certain framework: it should “wipe the nose” of the Americans and consolidate the important role of the Soviet Union during the “trial of history”, as the Nuremberg trials are called.
On a note! The Nuremberg trial lasted in courtroom No. 600 from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946. It was here that the statute of limitations for crimes against humanity was canceled for the first time, and the decisions made became the basis of the rules of the international world order that are valid to this day.
Story line
The very name of the film makes it clear that the action takes place in the post-war Nuremberg, where one of the most high-profile lawsuits in human history is planned - the trial of the main executives of the defeated Germany, who were directly involved in the destruction of humanity, killing people without trial. It was in such circumstances that the NKVD spies were tasked with verifying information about possible connections between German criminals and American intelligence, which could interfere with a fair sentence. Throughout the hearings and investigations, there were many obstacles in the form of numerous provocations, revelations, and confrontation between special services. Viewers will have the opportunity to see the work done by the Soviet counterintelligence, thanks to which they managed to tip the scales on their side and achieve exactly the sentence that the whole world was waiting for.
Movie team
According to available information, the creation of the film Nuremberg was entrusted to the team that worked on Sobibor (premiered on May 3, 2018), another film project supported by V. Medinsky and the Russian Military Historical Society. The only question that remains is the participation in the work of the director Sobibor Konstantin Khabensky, for whom the film became the premiere directorial work.
So, on the picture of 2020 will work:
- Producers: Elmira Ainulova (Sobibor, Hero), Maria Zhuromskaya, Maria Mikhailova.
- Screenwriter: Alexander Zvyagintsev - former Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, vice president of the International Association of Prosecutors, creative and associative producer of Sobibor, also known as the author of numerous best-selling novels (Sarmat, Skif, Prosecutor goes all-in, Deserter ») And scriptwriter for the film adaptations of his books.
- Director: presumably Igor Zaitsev, who previously worked in the director’s chair on the series “Saboteur: The End of the War”, “Yesenin”, the comedy film “High Security Vacations”, etc.
On a note! Elmira Aynulova previously worked with Alexander Zvyagintsev. In 2014, they presented to the public a documentary film “Nuremberg. 70 years later ”about the unknown facts of the trial of war criminals of fascist Germany. Zvyagintsev then worked on the quality of the director.
According to Elmira Aynulova, unique testimonies of specialists who for many years studied the details of the Nuremberg trial and were able to obtain valuable information directly from the participants and witnesses of the international trial of fascist criminals will be used to work on the project.

Elmira Aynulova
Preliminarily, the following actors will be involved in the film “Nuremberg”:
- Vladimir Vdovichenkov (TV series Scouts, Brigade, films Salute-7, Racketer, Time to Collect Stones, etc.).
- Svetlana Ivanova (TV series “Scouts”, “How I Became Russian”, films “Legend No. 17”, “Kitty”).
- Nikita Mikhalkov is a legend of Russian cinema, an Oscar-winning director (thanks to the film “Burnt by the Sun”), winner of many other awards in the world of cinema, starring in the mini-series “12”, films “State Counselor”, “Cruel Romance”, “His Among strangers, a stranger among his own, etc.).
- Inna Churikova (“Beginning”, “Courier”, “That Münghausen”).
- Eugene Miller (TV series “Ahead of the shot”, “Yalta-45”, “Leningrad-46”).
- Alexander Feling - German actor (“In the Labyrinth of Silence”, “Inglourious Basterds”, “At Sea!”, “Buddy”, the series “Beat”).
At the same time, the distribution of roles between the actors, as well as the names of any movie characters, is still unknown. Among the few well-known details - a photo of the poster of the film "Nuremberg" with the alleged slogan "Forever and Ever." Most of the other details, including the official premiere date, remain a mystery, although some sources mention the date of May 1, 2020.
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