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New Year 2020 in Yaroslavl is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the main holiday of winter in a city with a thousand-year history. Developed tourist infrastructure, comfortable hotels, dozens of restaurants and nightclubs allow you to organize fun activities for every traveler. Yaroslavl is part of the Golden Ring of Russia, is the cultural center of the region, and during the New Year holidays it is transformed beyond recognition and shines with bright lights.
Climate features
Weather in Yaroslavl for the New Year 2020 will please with moderate frost. In early January, the following climatic conditions are observed here:
- temperature during the day - -2 - -6 ºС;
- temperature at night - -5 - -10 ºС;
- snow depth - 10-15 cm;
- humidity level - within 70-90%.
Separately, it is worth mentioning the gusts of wind, which in the open area reach 15-20 m / s, therefore, going to Yaroslavl for the Christmas holidays, do not forget about winter clothes. Warm boots, mittens, gloves will help to survive the cold of the Russian winter, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors.
Entertainment Options
Many tourists are interested in where to celebrate New Year 2020 in Yaroslavl. The most popular attractions here are:
- hiking on skating rinks, fairs;
- mass festivities;
- sightseeing;
- visit to entertainment venues.
Preparations for the holiday begin in Yaroslavl in mid-December, when the main Christmas tree of the region with a height of 20 meters is installed on Sovetskaya Square. The streets of the city are decorated with colorful garlands, the length of which, according to experts, in 2019 amounted to 22 km. All illumination is made in a certain theme, but invariably in pleasant tones that symbolize warmth and comfort.
New Year's festivities will be held in all microdistricts of Yaroslavl. The main places of mass crowding on the night of January 1 will be the platform at the Youth Theater, Drama Theater. Fedor Volkov, on the embankment of the Volga, from where the best view of the festive salute opens. On all the main squares of the city (Sovetskaya, Yubileynaya, Yunosti), scenes will be erected from which an entertainment program with a disco, performances by artists, and contests will begin on the evening of December 31.
In Yaroslavl, for the New Year 2020, several ice rinks will be flooded (on Sovetskaya Square, next to the 1000th Anniversary of Yaroslavl park, in the Molniya, Medved, and Molodist sports complexes). Entrance to all open areas is planned to be made free, and you will have to pay only for the rental of sports equipment (with its let free). In the sports complexes of Yaroslavl, an hour of skiing in a specially equipped ice arena will cost 150 rubles, while for the rental of skates you need to pay from 100 rubles.
Recreation facilities
Prices for the New Year 2020 in restaurants and nightclubs of Yaroslavl are much lower than in Moscow or Saint Petersburg. There are several dozens of entertainment venues in the city, each of which offers its own entertainment program to visitors.
Usually a festive evening involves incendiary contests, live music, an exquisite New Year's menu. The following is a list of the most popular restaurants in Yaroslavl:
- “Batumi” (Kirova, 5a);
- “Anchor” (Undergrowth, 3);
- The Ark (Republican, 39/2);
- “Merchant” (Leningradsky Prospekt, 47);
- Erebuni (Leningradsky Prospekt, 62);
- “At Shtirlitsa” (Deputatsky Lane, 6);
- “Zhadina-Beef” (Sergo Ordzhonikidze, 30);
- “Yours and Ours” (Mashinostroiteley Avenue, 9).
Reservation of tables in the institutions you like should be done in advance, otherwise on a festive evening they will not be available. Most restaurants work by reservation, the cost of which ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. The average bill per visitor also varies within the indicated amount, although the total spending depends on the amount eaten and drunk.
The city's attractions
According to statistics, there are 30 churches in Yaroslavl built in different historical eras, several dozen museums and exhibitions. Most of them will openly open their doors to visitors during the New Year holidays. Among the most famous attractions of the city, we note:
- Assumption Cathedral;
- Church of Elijah the Prophet;
- Metropolitan Chambers;
- Governor's house and garden;
- Transfiguration Cathedral;
- Kazan Convent;
- Chapel of Our Lady of Kazan.
We recommend families with children to go to the city zoo, planetarium, dolphinarium. A non-alcoholic fair will open on Cathedral Square from December 28 to January 7, where you can buy sweets, crafts, crafts, and fur products. At the beginning of the year, the Drama Theater will present the best productions for the smallest spectators and adults. A magical trolley bus with Santa Claus will be launched along the streets of Yaroslavl. A ticket for it costs from 200 rubles, and all passengers expect fabulous stories, contests, souvenirs. Moreover, trams, taxis, and buses, originally decorated in the New Year's style, will work on city routes.
Offers of tour operators
Rest for the New Year 2020 in Yaroslavl is not an expensive pleasure. Since the city is part of the Golden Ring of Russia, there are a huge number of offers to visit it in the winter on the market. On average, a three-day trip during the Christmas holidays will cost from 25,000 rubles per person, while the tour program includes medical insurance, meals, accommodation, a sightseeing tour. For the festive banquet you need to pay separately. Traveling for 5 or more days costs from 50,000 rubles, but despite the high cost, the flow of guests to the city of Yaroslav the Wise does not dry out even in the most severe frosts. According to tour operators, trips to Suzdal, Vladimir, Sergiev Posad, Kostroma are sold at lower prices.
Thus, in Yaroslavl for the New Year 2020, you can get unforgettable impressions, positive emotions, a charge of vivacity and cheerful mood. Every corner here is saturated with centuries-old history, and the rich cultural heritage of the region will make you rethink the spiritual essence of the Russian people. Arriving in this distinctive place, travelers are satisfied with a variety of entertainment, an abundance of attractions, and a high level of service in local establishments.
About the features of the New Year's Eve in Yaroslavl, see the following video:
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