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The new year 2020 in Crimea will be a wonderful option for those who want to celebrate a holiday in a warm climate away from noisy megacities. With the advent of winter, the number of tourists on the peninsula decreases, but it won't be sad for the Christmas holidays. After the territory became part of Russia, the budgets of local resorts received substantial investments from federal funds. This made it possible in a short time to create a developed tourism infrastructure in Crimea, increase the level of service, and make the price list for many services available.
Climate features
Weather for the New Year 2020 in the Crimea will please with warmth and sun. Since the southern part of the peninsula is in the subtropics, snow is rare here. The average temperature during the day varies between 5-10 ºС, and only at night the thermometer column falls closer to zero. It will be warmest at such resorts as Yalta, Sudak, Alushta, Sevastopol, and a little colder - in Simferopol and Dzhankoy.
There are no more than 15 rainy days in January, while rainfall is usually short-lived. Even in cloudy weather, the sun breaks through the clouds for several hours, allowing tourists to enjoy the light. When planning your holiday in Crimea for the New Year 2020, do not forget to take a few warm clothes, sunglasses, waterproof shoes, especially if you plan to celebrate the holiday on the street.
Leisure options
The main disappointment of the winter season in Crimea is the inability to swim in the Black Sea (water temperature does not exceed 10 ºС). Despite this, the peninsula offers tourists a lot of entertainment during the Christmas holidays. The list of the most popular of them includes:
- festivities;
- sightseeing;
- visit to entertainment venues;
- Wellness in well-known resorts and boarding houses.
Special attention deserves a ski vacation in Crimea for the New Year 2020. The slopes are equipped on the Ai-Petri mountain (Angarsk pass) and on the Chatyr-Dag plateau. Trails are ideal for beginners, but extreme sports enthusiasts will not be interested in them. The price for the rental of sports equipment and ammunition is in the range of 1,500 rubles per day, a trip on a lift - 70 rubles, instructor lessons - 450 rubles / hour.
Among the unusual options for celebrating the New Year of 2020, we note a visit to the Crimean observatory, located at an altitude of 600 m above sea level in the village of Nauchny. For only 400 rubles you can admire the stars, approximated thousands of times, taste the warm mulled wine and take a picture against the backdrop of majestic landscapes.
In Crimea, the number of people wishing to celebrate the New Year in ancient caves or under water is growing rapidly. Organizations and professional scuba divers will help realize the dream for 1,500-5,000 rubles. Depending on the wishes of the client, the cave will be decorated in a certain thematic style, the required dishes will be prepared, and an entertainment program will be organized. Diving enthusiasts put on a thermal protective suit, plunge into the waters of the Black Sea for several meters, swim a symbolic circle around the Christmas tree, drink a bottle of champagne at a depth. After surfacing, the banquet usually continues at a coastal restaurant or bar.
Where to go in the cities of Crimea?
The Crimean peninsula is not overpopulated, so the number of local residents in most cities is within 100,000.Nevertheless, in each large settlement, a Christmas tree is set up around which thousands of vacationers will gather around the evening of December 31. The following is a list of places of mass festivities in various cities of the peninsula:
- Feodosia - Station Square;
- Yalta - Sovetskaya Square, embankment;
- Sudak - Youth Square, embankment;
- Sevastopol - Nakhimov Square, the square in front of the cinema "Sailor", the embankment.
- Simferopol - Lenin Square, New Year’s playgrounds in each of the microdistricts.
When you do not want to celebrate a holiday on the street, it is better to go to one of the entertainment venues in Crimea. The menu of restaurants and bars presents delights of Caucasian, Russian, Ukrainian, European cuisine. Each institution offers visitors its own entertainment program, which will create an excellent mood. The average bill in restaurants, bars and pubs of the peninsula varies from 3000-4000 rubles per table, however, the total amount depends on the number of dishes ordered.
Prices in Crimea in winter
Winter is considered a dead tourist season in the Crimea, but not the New Year. During the Christmas holidays, prices are not high, but they rise, so if you want to save money, it is better to use early booking of apartments. Next, we give the price list for housing rental in resorts:
- Bed in a hostel - 200-400 rubles per night;
- double room in a hotel - 2 500-5000 rubles / day;
- one-room apartment in the city center - 1,500-2,000 rubles / day;
- a country cottage with all amenities (bath, barbecue, etc.) - from 15,000 rubles / day.
Food prices are comparable with the average in Russia, the only thing that is cheaper in Crimea is fruit. A taxi ride will cost 20 rubles / kilometer, plus landing, while we strongly recommend using the services of legal carriers. Excursions to the landmark sights of the region cost 300-700 rubles, lunch in the dining room - 300-500, a regular dinner in the restaurant - within 1500.
Offers of tour operators
Tours for the New Year 2020 in Crimea are sold at the same price as tours in Sochi, Anapa or Abkhazia. The final cost varies depending on the city of residence, the comfort of the apartments, the richness of the excursion and entertainment programs. For example, a trip to Yalta from Moscow for 7 nights will cost from 50,000 rubles for two, a similar trip to Feodosia - from 40,000, Simferopol - from 55,000.
Thus, it is not necessary to go abroad to organize a dream vacation for the New Year 2020. In Crimea, you will find everything you need for vivid emotions, positive mood and unforgettable experiences.
Read more about the New Year holidays in Crimea in the next video:
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