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The new year 2020 in Altai is affordable, diverse and unique. The region is not in vain called the “Siberian Switzerland”, because it reigns calm, has developed tourist infrastructure, several wonderful ski resorts have been erected. New Year holidays spent in Altai help to improve your own health, stock up on energy, relax your soul and think about the eternal.
Climate features
The climate of Altai in January is rich in surprises. In various areas, air temperature can vary from 0 to -30 ºС, while it is coldest in the Chuy valley, where lately abnormally low levels of the thermometer have been recorded at night (up to -60 ºС). In the area of Teletskoye Lake, where thousands of tourists come for Christmas, the weather will please with moderate frost - ranging from -5 to -10 ºС. Humidity here is at low levels of 60-70%, which makes it easier to tolerate negative temperatures.
At the beginning of 2020, heavy precipitation is expected in Altai, as a result of which the height of the snow cover will reach 20-30 cm. The mountainous regions are famous for their piercing wind, so do not neglect protective equipment for the face or a scarf during the trip. If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors, in addition to warm clothes, be sure to bring sunglasses with you. In the region, the sun often shines during the day, reflecting off the snowy surface and dazzling tourists.
How to celebrate a holiday?
The new year 2020 in the Altai Mountains offers tourists a huge amount of entertainment. Among them:
- horse rides;
- ice fishing;
- dog sledding;
- sightseeing;
- ski and toboggan runs from equipped slopes.
If you plan to spend the New Year 2020 in Altai with children, be sure to visit the bison nursery located near the village of Cherga. Majestic animals willingly approach tourists, take brought food, demonstrate their peaceful disposition. You can admire the birds that did not fly away to winter in the warm lands on Swan Lake. Largely thanks to refreshments from tourists, beautiful birds survive in harsh Siberian conditions.
Among the other iconic places of the region that you should take a look at during the New Year holidays, we note the winter-free blue lakes of Katun, Mount Belukha (Altai's highest point - 4509 m), famous passes, frozen waterfalls. Separately, it is worth mentioning about Teletskoye Lake - the largest body of water in the region, which freezes in winter and forms fancy ice patterns of various shades. Travelers always have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the region from an observation deck near the village of Manzherok. According to Altai, every tourist will find something to his taste for himself.
Ski resorts
Perhaps in no corner of Russia, with the exception of Adygea and Karelia, not to find as many ski centers as in Altai. The season in this Siberian region begins already in November, and ends only in April. In Sheregesh, snow cover generally disappears only at the end of May. Today in the region there are over 40 tracks of various categories of complexity, and their total length exceeds 2,500 km. The list of the most popular ski resorts includes:
- "Davegor" (here you can ride even at night);
- "Nikolskoye" (sports and fitness complex);
- "Belokurikha" (suitable for professional athletes);
- “Turquoise Katun” (small tracks with a minimum height difference);
- Avalman (complex in Barnaul, has 4 tracks of varying difficulty).
We recommend beginners to go to the Seminsky training center, where group and individual training in winter sports is held. Experienced instructors will teach you to confidently stand skiing (snowboarding), avoid injuries and behave correctly in the event of a fall. The cost of classes varies from 500 to 2 thousand rubles / hour.
As for the prices in the ski resorts of Altai, they are quite acceptable. Rental of sports equipment will cost from 1 to 2 thousand rubles per day, a trip on a lift - 100-150 rubles, instructor lessons on the track - from 500 rubles. Most of the tracks are equipped with protective safety nets, and next to the complexes there is always a first-aid post, cafes, and hotels.
Rental Property
The main expense item when traveling to Altai will be the removal of housing. In the region, there are all kinds of apartments from luxury to economy options. The following is a price list for rental property:
- apartments at a camp site (in a boarding house) - from 2 to 6 thousand rubles / day;
- rooms in hotels - from 3.5 to 8 thousand rubles / day;
- a room in an eco-estate - 2.5-5 thousand rubles / day;
- individual cottages - from 17 thousand rubles / day.
Most hotels and camp sites offer to celebrate the New Year 2020 in Altai in their own restaurants. Entrance to such an event will have to be paid separately, but at the festival guests will find entertainment, fine cuisine, music and dancing. You need to book rooms in the favorite places in advance, otherwise all affordable options will be occupied long before the ski season.
Offers of tour operators
New Year's tours to Altai in 2020 fly like hot cakes on a market day. Companies offer trips of various durations with a specific leisure program. For example, a 5-day ticket from Moscow to one of the region's sanatoriums costs from 35 thousand rubles per person. This price already includes flights, meals, accommodation, a festive banquet and a number of excursions. Therapeutic procedures, visiting the bath (pool), using sports equipment, additional service is not included.
There are no less people wishing to feel the winter magic of Gorny Altai. At the end of December, a huge number of travelers will come here in order to see the greatness of the mountains, with a breeze to ride along the snowy slopes, incendiary to meet the New Year 2020 in a cozy restaurant. Those who have at least once been able to enjoy the stunning atmosphere of “Siberian Switzerland” will never exchange it for foreign resorts.
About the features of the New Year's holiday in Altai, see the following video:
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