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Next year, the Russian government will increase the amount of maternal capital. This will happen due to the indexation of its amount. Will the introduction of restrictions or, conversely, the list of what you can spend maternity capital in 2020 will expand?
Indexing - to be
Matkapital (MSC) is a social program with which the state supports families with two or more children. In 2017, deputies of the State Duma extended its validity until 2021. Earlier, indexation of payments was temporarily suspended - it will resume from next year. The information was officially confirmed by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin. Social benefits will be indexed annually starting February 1, 2020. Almost 300 billion rubles have already been included in the budget for these purposes. The projected inflation rate for the next year is 3.8%. Accordingly, the amount will increase to 470.2 thousand rubles. For comparison: in 2019, it is 453 thousand.
The state will index all certificates, including those that are recently issued and those that are already in the hands of the parents.
What can I use
In 2020, maternity capital can be used to:
- improve living conditions (implies the purchase of housing, shared construction, mortgage);
- pay for education without waiting for a child to grow up (pre-school institutions, accommodation in dormitories, paid educational programs in organizations located in the Russian Federation and licensed);
- increase the size of the maternal funded pension (this article is not popular with holders of MSC certificates);
- send monthly payments to the second child until he is 1.5 years old;
- compensate for the costs associated with the purchase of machinery and equipment for the adaptation of children with disabilities in society. The list of such equipment is approved by government decree No. 831-r dated 04/30/2016. Spending must be evidenced by cash register receipt or other documentation confirming the fact and cost of the purchase.
Housing issue
Improvement of living conditions is allowed due to the purchase of an apartment or house under a contract of sale, reconstruction of a private house with the involvement of contractors or on its own. Certificate holders are entitled to use borrowed bank funds to cover the missing amount. The state allows them to repay their mortgage and interest from maternity capital.
An additional incentive is a program of subsidizing mortgage loans for families with two or more children, which has been operating in Russia for the second year. Under its terms, parents can get a mortgage or a bank loan at a preferential interest rate. It is 6%, although in practice banks sometimes lower the percentage for this category even more.
Garden plots
Innovations affected garden plots and the construction of houses for permanent residence on them. On January 1 of the current year, the law 217-ФЗ dated July 29, 2017 began to operate in the territory of the Russian Federation - it allows such construction and payment at the expense of the MSC. But there are prerequisites:
- Construction is possible only on garden plots of land - it is unacceptable to do this on gardening lands.
- The constructed object must have the status of residential and be officially put into operation.
Funding from maternity capital for the construction of garden houses, farm buildings and other temporary huts is not permitted.
Monthly payments for the second child
Those recipients are entitled to apply for them, in the families of which the average income by 12 members does not exceed one and a half living wages. In different regions, the size varies. The authorized bodies pay a monthly amount equal to the size of the child's living wage - no more. The splitting up of social benefits is possible provided that the status of a poor family is documented. The mechanism of evidence has not been abolished.
No more waiting for three years
Previously, certificate holders had to wait 3 years before taking state aid. Now you do not need to do this if it comes to:
- registration of a housing loan and payment of the first installment;
- participation in cooperative or shared construction;
- covering the main mortgage debt and interest accrued by the bank;
- payment of nurseries and kindergartens, other services related to childcare;
- payment of a monthly allowance for a second child if he was born or adopted from 01.01.2018;
- compensation of expenses for the purchase of goods for children with disabilities.
You can use MSCs in all of the above areas immediately after the right to it arises.
New directions
The government and specialized ministries are also considering fundamentally new opportunities for the use of maternal capital. In particular, the following areas are discussed:
- buying a car for a family;
- land plot;
- registration of a repeated mortgage;
- one-time fixed payment without a specific purpose.
Until these items of expenditure are agreed upon and adopted, each of them requires careful study and analysis. But the time for consideration of applications for QMS has been reduced by half: the authorized bodies are obliged to consider them within no more than 15 days and notify the applicant of their decision.
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