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In 2020, low-income citizens who have a low income or a certain social status can count on the payment of material assistance from social protection in 2020. Despite the reduction of the budget expenditures, the government does not intend to refuse material support to the Russians, who need additional financing and financial assistance from the state.
Who can get paid
Not all citizens who can apply for social support receive such payments. This can be explained by the fact that many Russians do not have relevant information on who is supposed to receive material assistance in 2020 and what needs to be done to receive it. Along with federal payments, socially unprotected segments of the population can rely on regional benefits, which are accrued only after the submission of the corresponding application and a certain package of documents. To find out if a citizen can apply for any type of material assistance from the state, he should contact the hotline of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, where upon request they will provide information on the procedure for calculating such payments and the requirements for its recipients.
In 2020, the following categories of citizens can count on social payments:
- the poor, whose income is below the subsistence minimum established by law;
- large families (with three or more children);
- young and single parents who independently raise young children;
- low-income students whose monthly income is below the subsistence level;
- low-income pensioners;
- Russians who find themselves in a difficult life situation, which will be confirmed by relevant documents.
Due to the fact that the living wage is a variable value that can be reviewed by the government depending on the economic situation in the country, the number of citizens receiving support under this section of the law may vary.
A special advantage in the Russian Federation is enjoyed by poor citizens. They are entitled not only to monthly help, but also one-time regional subsidies in the following situations:
- to cover the cost of treatment;
- at the birth of a child;
- in the event of the death of a close relative.
The size of a one-time subsidy depends on the subsistence level established in the region. Given this fact, the largest payments are traditionally received by residents of Moscow and the northern regions.
In addition, the poor are supposed to provide state subsidies to partially cover such costs:
- to pay for kindergarten;
- compensation for utilities;
- housing improvement;
- acquisition of residential real estate.
Poor students can receive social scholarships if they study at a full-time hospital. Its size is on average 1.5 times higher than a regular scholarship.
Types of material support
When assigning and calculating the amount of material assistance in 2020, the government relies on the relevant law N 178-ФЗ “On state social assistance”, adopted in 1999. In accordance with its provisions, Russians can receive different types of material social assistance:
- cash when benefits are accrued;
- targeted support, within the framework of which money is transferred to a citizen to cover certain items of expenditure (treatment, repair work, etc.);
- clothing when essentials and clothes are given out in special centers.
Depending on the status and level of income, assistance can be provided regularly (every month) or one-time (no more than once a year). Regular payments are mainly pension benefits, child benefits and social scholarships.
The assistance provided may have a different source of funding. If the procedure for calculating federal payments is regulated by the basic law, then regional ones are provided within the framework of local programs, which are approved by each subject of the Russian Federation.
How to get material assistance from social protection in 2020
Cash support from the state is not assigned by default, even if a citizen receives an income below the subsistence level or has a certain social status. To receive a subsidy, payment or subsidy, you should contact the social protection department (it is better to do this at the place of registration), submit an application of the established form and a package of documents. In addition to an identity passport, you will need:
- income statement, which reflects income for the last 6 months;
- bank details for which money transfers will be made;
- passports of other family members or a birth certificate, if we are talking about social assistance to a poor family (in addition, you will also have to provide an act indicating cohabitation).
Depending on the situation and the type of assistance, the social service may require other certificates and documents in order to decide on the appropriateness of assigning payments. The term for consideration of the submitted application cannot be more than 30 days, after which the applicant must receive a response on the appointment of social assistance. If it is refused, the social protection authority is obliged to provide a reasoned response indicating the reason for such a decision. In particular, if this was due to incorrectly prepared documents, the citizen can correct the errors and re-submit the application. In more serious cases, he can defend his right to material support from the state in a judicial proceeding.
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