hair cutting

Haircuts lunar calendar for May 2020

The whole person is a bunch of energy, but hair has long been revered as a concentration of strength. Such a reverent attitude towards them was still in biblical times. Our Slavic ancestors used the lunar calendar.

hair cutting

In the modern world, by and large, everything remains the same. The lunar haircut calendar for May 2020 will tell you when you can cut your hair not only without harm, but also with benefit. Improve, make them stronger, stop falling out - all this can be found in the table below.

The calendar

According to our table, you can understand when to cut hair in May 2020, and when it is strictly prohibited.


If you cut your hair on the wrong day, a person loses vitality - they believed. Thus, human life is also shortened. It was very important the day when it was allowed for the first time to trim the child. It is still believed that the problem of an early balding man is to choose an unfavorable day for the first haircut in childhood.

hair cutting

The most favorable days for a haircut in May 2020 are 23.27 and 28. On these days, most often the hair can be not only successfully trimmed, but also dyed and moisturized, nourishing. These dates are described in more detail in the table. Not good days for a haircut in May are: 8, 15, and 17 numbers.

See video with tips on when to cut your hair:

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