
Lunar calendar for May 2020

If you want to be sure of the correctness of your actions and prevent mistakes in important decisions, then study the lunar calendar for May 2020. This month, it is recommended to be extremely careful, as this period is unfavorable for sudden changes. You have to deal with unfinished business and analyze the fruits of your labors.

Lunar calendar table for May 2020

Moon phases

Pay attention to the phases of the moon in April 2020. To the growing moon, we react to events more emotionally. During this period, most ideas and solutions will benefit. In the period of the waning moon, it is recommended to come to the logical conclusion of any affairs, to allocate time for introspection. As a rule, the new moon negatively affects a person, there are sharp mood swings.

Most favorable days on May 2020

Lunar forecast for zodiac signs

Knowing the favorable days according to the lunar calendar for May 2020, do not forget that the natural cycle affects each zodiac element in different ways.

During this period, each element will face problems in the family and at work. But be restrained! These events in the future will be the beginning of success. Do not be afraid in May to change something. Do not miss the opportunity to do something new that will bring income.

Moon phases

Representatives of the fire element are recommended to pay special attention to work. But do not forget about health! Try to actively participate in all collective events.

Signs of the elements of the Earth are recommended to change jobs or move to a new stage. If you are offered a new place, drop all doubts and agree. Any financial investment will turn out to be a success.

Signs of the elements Air awaiting dramatic changes. If you carefully and responsibly approach important matters, you can make a big profit out of it for yourself. Do not miss the opportunity to consult with like-minded people, in poppy this will be especially useful for you. Do not forget about relatives, try to devote as much time as possible to the family.

Having studied the lunar calendar, you will be able to noticeably establish business and make good plans for the future. Please note that May in 2020 is a period for solving accumulated problems.

See video about how the phases of the moon affect the human body:

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